صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

felicity, still to be increased, with of their capacities, through the eternity. But I must leave it to brethren, to form some conception sensations which will delight, or ag when the wicked "shall go away "punishment, and the righteous "And then shall every man have Then every humble believer, a measure of faith and grace, will b the commendation of his condesce those services which the world c which perhaps his brethren unde sured. To be accosted by the Jud in these most gracious terms, and faithful servant, enter thou thy Lord," will form an adequat the noblest ambition, of which th is capable. Seeking for this glo

et us not faint then, on account of our difficulties; "For our light afflictions -e but for a moment are working for us, eexceeding and eternal weight of glory." lso remember the caution, "judge noefore the time." Our duty often reo form some judgment of men's characctions: but in all other respects, our s with ourselves and the Lord, and ur fellow servants. And the more dilie, "to be found of him in peace, withand blameless;" the less time and e shall have to spare, for censuring and g the conduct, or suspecting the mother men.

you, my friends, really believe these d are you preparing to meet your Judge? e actions, conversation, and spirit of wfully prove the contrary. Still, howLord waits to be gracious: flee then to Saviour, without longer delay, who will

" and ye yourselves like unto m "their Lord:" for blessed are tho "the Lord when he cometh shal " verily I say unto you, that he s "and make them to sit down tom "forth and serve them."


"loved brethren, be ye stedfast a "always abounding in the work

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as much as ye know that your

"vain in the Lord."

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ROMANS, ii. 6-9.

Who will render to every man according to his deeds: to them who, by patient continuance in well-doing, seek for glory, and honour, and immortality; eternal life: but unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness; indignation and wrath; tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that docth evil.

IN meditating on the solemnities, discoveries, and consequences of that great decisive day, when the Lord shall come to be our Judge; we were obliged to pass over in a general manner, several important particulars relative to the subject: and especially we reserved for a separate discourse, the consideration of the manner, in which all men will be judged according to their works, and receive according to what they have done, whether it be good or evil. The present will therefore be an appendix to the preceding discourse, as intended to illustrate its interesting truths, and to render

sons more favoured by providenc the Jews had every way the adva tiles: but he intimates that they those advantages to their deepe

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Despisest thou the riches of h "forbearance, and long sufferin "that the goodness of God lea "pentance?" The more kind, pa ful the Lord is, the baser our rel titude must appear, the greater repent, and the more abundant couragements. But if men presu supposing that he will not or ca so encourage themselves in sin, t "riches of his goodness and " after their hardness and impen sure up to themselves wrath, a

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" wrath and revelation of the rig

" of God, who will render to eve

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