"We have been in the room of your son to see what he left behind. We find that he lived as 'a pilgrim and stranger on the earth.' There are, however, objects enough that will interest his parents and other friends, and they shall be sent to you faithfully-viz. his remaining clothes, and the articles he made daily or frequent use of, and some curiosities he had gathered. I found three books written full with pencil, like notes by the way, or diaries. I have not examined them, nor shall I do so, as they may contain subjects of a private character. You will receive them unread by any one, if Providence brings the box to you in safety. "And now, my dear sir, feeling somewhat acquainted with you and Mrs. R., from having seen several times your daguerreotypes (now with several others in my keeping), I cannot but express to you that this affliction may be so blest and sanctified to you and your dear family, as that you shall, one and all, devote yourselves to the same Saviour whom your departed son loved and served, and whom he now beholds and will behold forever. I am sure, no member of your dear family will take it ill, if an old missionary friend of their sainted son and brother beseeches them to prepare by faith in Christ, for a happy meeting with the dear one they will never again see on earth, in a better world, where, 'those that meet shall part no more, and those long parted meet again.' Be ye likewise ready, for in an hour when ye think not, the Son of Man will come. How happy, if on that day, when the Lord Jesus shall make up his jewels, you will be found then, none wanting, an unbroken, undiminished family, never to weep again. The Lord that gave him grace, grant it to you all, and thus magnify in you all the riches of his grace. "With kind, sympathizing remembrance to Mrs. R. and every member of your family, "I remain, yours truly, "W. G. SCHAUFFLER." CHAPTER XXII. TRIBUTES TO HIS MEMORY. SOME of the tributes which have been paid to the memory of Mr. Righter will form an appropriate close to this volume. Those who have read the record of his life, as it has been sketched, will need no farther testimony to the strength of affection with which he was regarded by those who were intimately acquainted and associated with him, and to the loss which was sustained by the cause to which he had devoted himself. But it is proper that some of this testimony should be preserved. The following letter was addressed to the Secretary of the American Bible Society, by Rev. Dr. Dwight, one of the Missionaries of the American Board in Turkey : "CONSTANTINOPLE, January 10, 1857. "MY DEAR SIR :-By the last post letters were forwarded from this place to New York, and I think one at least to yourself, communicating the deeply afflictive intelligence of the early and sud den departure of our dearly beloved brother and fellow-laborer, and your Agent in Turkey, the Rev. Chester N. Righter. I find it impossible to make it appear a reality to my mind, he was so recently among us; was so young, so ardent, and energetic in his work, and apparently so necessary to all the good enterprises going forward in this land. But it is, alas! too true. We shall see his face and hear his voice no more, nor will he any longer aid us in bearing the burdens of the 'day (not 'night') of toil' in this land. He has been called to a higher service, and we would not that he should return to us, if that were possible. But we are permitted to mourn over our own bereavement, and over the loss that has been sustained by the good cause here, in consequence of his removal. And we are called upon to humble ourselves before the mighty hand of God, and confess our sins, that call for such rebukes and chastisements. We will also pray that He will soon send out other laborers to take the place of our dear brother and of others who have fallen in these whitened fields. 1 "I hope that your Committee will be early directed by Providence to another man, to appoint to fill the place thus vacated. Of its importance I need not speak, except to bear testimony, as one upon the ground, that there is plenty of work for such an agent to do. "But to return to Mr. Righter: I think you will fell that your loss is a great one. This is the universal feeling here in regard to ourselves and this land. We had all become exceedingly attached to him. He was so kind in all his ways; so gentle in his spirit; so gentlemanly in his manners; so active, energetic, and persevering in every good word and work, and especially in his great work on which his whole heart was set, of disseminating as widely as possible, among all classes, the pure Word of God; that everybody admired and loved him. " I am personally unacquainted with his parents and friends, but I beg through you to offer them my sincere condolence; and if it will be any comfort to them to read these few lines which I have penned in the sincerity of my heart, I beg that you will give them the opportunity. "I take the liberty of enclosing for you and also for them, if you think it best, or for any other use you may think it proper to make of them, two letters received by me in reference to our dear young friend's death. "It became my duty to announce the event to the Hon. Carroll Spence, our Minister at the Porte, and also to Rev. Horace M. Blakiston, the very worthy chaplain of the British Embassy here, and these are their replies. They will tell |