صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



his regiment: '32d Regiment of Infantry. It is permitted to a colporteur, by the present permission, to circulate freely in the camp of the regi ment, to bring there works for the use of the soldiers.'

"Works were of course interpreted to mean Scriptures, and we immediately sent a large supply of Testaments to his soldiers, who received them most gladly. While we were gone, two soldiers came from the hospital to the house of Mr. Schauffler, and begged for medicine and Testaments. One had previously received a Testament from there, and now he had brought his sick friend for one also; and as Mr. S. gave it to him, he said, with tears in his eyes, 'This is beyond all price to me. It will go with me till I die."' As there was yet one day before the troops were to embark, and the permission to visit one regiment susceptible of rather a general interpretation, we sent two colporteurs to enter the camp wherever this would admit them; and they thus distributed 300 Testaments to the soldiers, who manifested the greatest thankfulness at receiving them. Also, at the point of embarkation, on the following day, another was stationed to place in the hands of all whom he could reach at this last moment, the Word of Life, the way of everlasting salvation. Likewise, as they came from camp to Pera, a gratuitous supply was furnished them



from our depository; and those who received Testaments sent their friends for the same bon livre, and when others went to Bebek, there they received them by the roadside from the hands of Mr. Hamlin's little daughters, replying, with much gratitude, 'Merci, Mademoiselle, merci beaucoup, c'est bon"-Thank you, Miss, thank you much, it is good.

"More than a thousand Testaments have by these means, within a few days, been distributed. to the troops. Thus, during their short encampment here, much good seed has been sown amongst them which we trust will not fail to spring up and bring forth fruit an hundredfold in the hearts of these poor soldiers, hurried away to die in a foreign land upon the field of battle. And we hope to gain still greater facilities for supplying with the same divine treasure the twenty-five thousand other troops now on their way from France to occupy this camp."

The seed thus sown will produce its fruit. Many of these soldiers died before leaving the Crimea, but many returned to France, bringing the Bible with them.



CRIMEA, Dec. 25th, 1854.

"MY DEAR FATHER: I wish you 'merry, merry Christmas,' from the shores of the Black Sea. Here I am at the seat and centre of war, within the roar of the enemy's cannon, and in the midst of all the martial excitement and display of the camp, yet my thoughts and remembrance today fondly turn to those I love in the far off Western land. I am reminded of the many happy Christmas days I have spent at home, around our own fireside, and in our little family circle; I am reminded of the last we enjoyed together, when we were all gathered home and mingled in delightful social intercourse, my mind suddenly runs back through all the past years. I remember a father's kindness, tenderness and love, ever ready to grant my every wish and supply my every want; all this comes gushing up in mind to-day, and from the fulness of my heart I thank you for it all. None but he that feels it knows the gladness of such memories to a stranger in a strange land.



"But you will ask how I am spending Christmas here. First, we have excellent accommodations on board a transport ship in the harbor of Balaklava, the place of landing English stores for the army. We have roast goose, roast turkey, roast beef, and pork, for dinner, and right good cheer at the social table. As this is the first day (except Sabbath) that we have spent in the Crimea, we go up to Captain Frazer's battery upon the heights, above the town, to have a view of the camp-and it is indeed a brilliant scene. There are the Highland tents upon the highest hill; then a company of French Zouaves; then the Turks and English, and so on, for miles through the valleys; and along the hill-sides stretches the encampment, far as the eye can reach. At intervals the batteries are placed with sentinels to guard them, and a strong line of entrenchments the entire distance; and far in front are stationed the pickets on horseback, to give the alarm at the first approach of the enemy; just opposite, too, we see the Russian outposts, and they themselves, fifty thousand strong, are a few rods behind the hill. And here are foraging parties coming across the plain, French, Turks, and English, infantry and cavalry, on foot and on horseback, nobleman and commoner, prince and peasant, officers and soldiers alike mounted on horses, mules, donkeys, and dromedaries, driving

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"CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. 4th, 1855.

MY DEAR MOTHER: In my last I wrote you of our Union meeting of English and American residents here, on New Year's day, which we all enjoyed so much in its spirit and influence. The next day was a full meeting of our Bible committee, which was of equal, if not greater interest to me. The next week there was also a meeting of all the Evangelical of the city, which I enjoyed very much; a Prussian presided, and the services were conducted in French, but there was one Lord and the same Spirit. There, too, we have such excellent preaching on the Sabbath in our American chapel, from all the good missionaries in their turn. They have kindly included me among their number, and I enjoy all, both the preaching and hearing, more than ever before. They are not only good men, but men of rare talent and ability at this station; and it is a delight and honor to be associated with them, and labor side by side with them in the same. great cause. I likewise much enjoy our social family and singing meetings; they remind me of those we occasionally had at home, which linger still in mind with pleasantest memory. What is more delightful than the sound of familiar homelike music in a strange land?

"But I have just come from a meeting which has suggested to me this train of thought. It is

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