25 26 27 Joseph Bidwell, for plaintiff, direct. A. Yes. Q. How far were they laid on the outside wall? A. They were laid from about 5 to 6 inches; somewhere along there. Q. About how far apart were they laid? A. They were 12-inch centers; from center to center. Q. How did you get them up to lay them? There were two men carried them in; lift one end from the inside entrance and take hold of the end and lift them up and carry them and pile them on this wall and let them down. Q. Were you working there at this time? A. Q. A. Q. I were. Which side were you working on? I was working on the 4-inch wall, brick wall. And where was your brother working? A. He was working on the front of the building on this tile; 12 inch tiling. Q. Were they put up near the center entrance of the building? A. Yes; right from the center entrance. Q. And they were turned how? A. Carried back; he carried his end back on the wall he was on and I carried it on my wall; carried the ends back and let them down. Q. After letting them down, what was done? A. He went through and set them up until we came to this header and then we put in this header at one end. 30 28 Joseph Bidwell, for plaintiff, direct. Q. After you got them on the wall what did you do about levelling or trueing them up? A. We took our level and levelled the first one across this way (Indicating) and then took our 8 foot level and levelled them across the other way and got that end (Indicating) all over and then went back and levelled the other ends so as to make the floor level all the way through. Q. Do you recollect about how many of the joists were put on up to the place where you framed in the header? A. No; I don't exactly; there must have been somewhere in the neighborhood of 18 or 20 or more. Q. When you came to this open space there was in this wall-was there more than one open space in this wall? Q. When you came to that how were you laying the joists there at that open space in the wall where the door or window was to be? A. We took and our joists was laid up to the edge of the window and we took our header and put in at this end. (Indicating). Q. What is the header? A. That is the header that holds the joists that goes in front of the window. The Court: What is it? A. Two 2 by 12, double and morticed in; they 31 Joseph Bidwell, for plaintiff, direct. were all morticed; and we laid our joists up to the window and then we took this header and put it in and brought the point over on the wall and then I got our other joists over and got them in. By Mr. Woods: Q. After you framed it in on the side where you had been working, about how long would that header be? A. Be about 4 foot. Q. And that extended across this open space as I understand it? Q. So as to hold up the joists where they didn't rest on the wall? A. Yes. Q. Because no joist could rest on this window casing or sill? 33 Q. After you got the one on one side fixedwhich side were you working on? Is that the south side or the north side? A. I am turned around there. It was the side towards the big entrance on the 3d street side. Q. As you worked up from the side towards Phoenix-that is right? A. That is towards Phoenix. 35 34 Joseph Bidwell, for plaintiff, direct. Q. Then you worked over on the side towards Oswego? A. Yes. Q. As you worked up the wall you put the header in on the Phoenix side? A. Yes. Q. And then how far was the other joist to be framed? A. There were four joists to be put in from the one that we first put in, where we put in the header; four more joists to be put in that header. Q. And then the joists after that rested on the wall again? A. Rested on the wall again. By the Court: Q. That is, there were four joists to rest on the header? A. Three joists to rest on the header. By Mr. Woods: Q. Describe to the jury how you arranged those joists so that they would rest on the header. A. Here (indicating) is your joist across here and here (indicating) is your wall here; here (indicating) is your opening space here; here (indicating) is your joist here; they are framed here (indicating); all morticed here (indicating). You take your header and put it in where that is framed (indicating). You take this out (indicating) and run 38 39 Joseph Bidwell, for plaintiff, direct. your joists in here (indicating); one man at each end; I hand them over and he puts them in. When we get them in here (indicating) we slide them back to catch on the other wall over here (indicating); then take hold of it over here (indicating) and we have got to take these other joists (indicating) and put them in here (indicating) so that this other end of the header (indicating) will come in and then they will be spiked. Mr. Cheney: That may be clear to you but it isn't clear to me. The Witness: These three joists (indicating) has got to go into the header after the other end is morticed in. By Mr. Woods: Q. Over this space-the joists rested on the wall except over the opening? A. Yes, sir. Q. They couldn't rest on the wall because there wasn't any; just the window casing? A. That is it. Q. So as to frame the joists in, they had to frame up something to hold the joists in? Q. In doing that they cut out a space on the joist just south of the opening for the window and they put in a cross piece? Q. Running parallel with the top of the window? A. Yes, sir. |