صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني




An EXPLANATION of the Terms of Art contained in this Treatife.



Adminal, belly or be Banella, the herb felf

Bdomen, the


longing to the belly.

Abfcefs, an impofthume, or gathering of matter. Acefcent, growing fower. Althea, the herb marshmall


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Alculus, the ftone in the

C bladder.

Callous Lips, the edges of a wound when grown hard. Capillary, fmall like a hair. Capfulæ, cavities, or little

coffers. Carcinomatous, cancerous. Caries, rottennefs. Cathartic, purgative. Cataplafm, a poultice. Catheretic Remedies, medicines which eat away proud flesh, warts, fuperfluities, &c. Cerebellum, a part of the brain at the hinder part of the head. Cerumen, ear-wax. Chalybeate, containing steel. Chyle, the juice which is feparated from the food. Cicatrice, a fcar. Colliquation, fainting, finking of the fpirits. Collyrium, a medicine for the

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Emorrhage, any flux of blood. Hæmorrhoidal blood, the blood contained in the veins of the great gut.

Hepatitis, a pain in the liver. Hernia umbilicalis, a navel rupture.

Hydrocephalus, a dropfy in the


Hypochondrium, the uppermoft part of the belly, under the cheft.

Hypogaftrium, the lower belly,


Diopathic difeafe which

neither depends on nor proceeds from any other. Iliac paffion, a ftoppage of the guts, with violent pain. Impetus, force.

Infarction, a ftuffing up of the veffels.

Inguinal, of or belonging to the groin. Infpiffated, thickened. Intestinal, belonging the inteftines, or guts. Inteftines, the guts.



Gabric juice, the juice of Abe, a taint or flight in

the ftomach.

Germina, buds; the upper part of a tooth, which is break. ⚫ing through the gums.


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Lamina, a thin plate. Larynx, the upper part of the wind-pipe. Lentor, fliminefs, an indifpofition of the juices to circulate.

Ligature, a binding, as of the arm with a fillet, in bleeding. Lippitude, a diforder of the eyes, in which they feel rough, as if fand was in them.

Lues Venerea, the Frenchpox.

Lymph, a thin, clear liquor, which is feparated by the glands. Lymphatic veffels, those which feparate or convey lymph.

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Ancreas, the fweet-bread; a gland in the belly which conveys a liquor to the guts to allay the gall. Pancreatic juice, the liquor of this gland. Paroxyfm, a fit. Parotids,glands behind the ear. Pericranium, the hairy fcalp,

or skin which covers the fcull. Periofteum, the skin that im

mediately covers the bones. Peristaltic motion, the natu ral notion of the guts. Perniones, chilblains. Phagedanic, eating, corroding. Pharynx, the upper part of the gullet. Phlegmon, a hard, painful tu


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Page 38. line 22. for corroterfive, read corrofive. p. 60. 1. 17. clenfe, r. denfe, p. 81. 1. 1. batraction, r. batrachion. p. 103. 1. 20. fcholic, r. colic. p. ib. 1. 25. inant's, r. infant's. P. 107. 1. 9. naricoticks, r. narcotics. p. 112. 1. 10. ferons, r. ferous. p. 114. 1. 1. laqucus, r. laquus. p. 128. 1. 5. fylivius, r, fylvius. p. 136. 1. 1. hathorn, r. hartf-born. p. 139. 1. 6. valeriam, r. valerian. p. 144. 1. 21. pitituary. 7. petituary. p. 148. 1. 2. altenuates, r. attenuates.

p. 154. 1. 4. cylindriacl, r. cylindrical. p. 171. 1. 8. veneicetion, r. venefection. p. 176. 1. 23. aftringments, r. aftringents. p. 1781. 21. affort, r effort. p. 218. 1. 25. reloxation, r. relaxation

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