2 We mark the idolizing throng; Their cruel fondness blame; Their children's souls we know they wrong; And we may do the same.
3 In spite of our resolves, we fear Our own infirmity; And tremble at the trial near, And cry, O God, to thee! 4 Our only help in danger's hour, Our only strength thou art; Above the world and Satan's power, And greater than our heart. 3 If on thy promis'd grace alone We faithfully depend, Thou surely wilt preserve thine own, And keep them to the end. 6-O make us tenderly discreet, To guard what thou hast given! Our children bring with us to meet At thy right hand in heaven.
Hymn 314. Р. М.
NOW, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
To whom we for our children.cry!
The good desir'd and wanted most, Out of thy richest grace supply! The sacred discipline be given, To train and bring them up for heaven.
2 Error and ignorance remove,
The blindness of their heart and mind: Give them the wisdom from above, Spotless, and peaceable, and kind:
In knowledge pure their minds renew, And give them thoughts divinely true.
3 Answer on them the end of all
Our cares, and pains, and studies here! On them recover'd from their fall, Stamp'd with the humble character! Rais'd by the nurture of the Lord, To all their paradise restor'd.
4 Unite, what long has been disjoin'd, Knowledge and vital piety: Learning and holiness combin'd, And truth and love let all men see In those whom up to thee we give, Thine, wholly thine to die and live.
5 Father, accept them through thy Son, And ever by thy Spirit guide! Thy wisdom in their lives be shown, Thy name confess'd and glorified: Thy power and love diffus'd abroad ; And may they live and die for God.
Hymn 315. L. M.
MASTER supreme,
For grace and wisdom from above!
Vested with thine authority,
Endue me with thy patient love:
2 That taught according to thy will, To rule my family aright, I may th' appointed charge fulfil, With all my heart, and all my might.
3 Inferiors as a sacred trust,
I from the sov'reign Lord receive, That what is suitable and just, Impartial, I to all may give:
4 O'erlook them with a guardian eye: From vice and wickedness restrain; Mistakes and lesser faults pass by, And govern with a gentle rein.
5 O could I emulate the zeal Thou dost to thy poor servants bear! The troubles, griefs, and burdens feel, Of souls entrusted to my care.
6 In daily pray'r to God commend
The souls whom Jesus died to save: And think how soon my sway may end, And all be equal in the grave.
Hymn 316. P. М.
AND my house will serve thee, Lord: But Grst obedient to thy word
I must myself appear: By actions, words, and tempers show, That I my heavenly Master know, And serve with heart sincere.
2 I must the good example set To those that on my pleasure wait; The stumbling-block remove: Their duty by my life explain, And still in all my works maintain The dignity of love.
3 Easy to be entreated, mild, Quickly appeas'd and reconcil'd, A foll'wer of my God: A saint indeed I long to be, And wish to lead my family In the celestial road...
4. A sinner sav'd myself from sin, I strive my family to win,
That they may be forgiven; The children, Lord, and servants bless, And through the paths of righteousness. Conduct us all to heaven.
Hymn 317. C. М.
A Wedding Hymn.
1 SINCE Jesus freely did appear To grace a marriage feast: O Lord, we ask thy presence here, To make a wedding guest. 2 Upon the bridal pair look down, Who now have plighted hands: Their union with thy favour crown, And bless the nuptial bands.
3 With gifts of grace their hearts endow, Of all rich dowries best! Their substance bless, and peace bestow, To sweeten all the rest.
4. In purest love their souls unite, That they with Christian care, May make domestic burdens light, By taking each their share.
5 True helpers may they prove indeed In pray'r, in faith, and hope: And see with joy a godly seed, To build their household up.
6 As Isaac and Rebecca give A pattern chaste and kind; So may this married couple live, And die in friendship join'd. 7 On every soul assembled here, O make thy face to shine, Thy goodness more our hearts can cheer Than richest food or wine.
Hymn 318. L. M.
For a Sick Person.
SEE, gracious Lord, with pitying eyes,
Beneath thy a suff'rer lies, Thy mercy not thine anger proves; And sick is he whom Jesus loves. 2 His to thine own afflictions join, Accept, exalt, and call them thine; Thy passion, which remains, fulfil, And suffer in thy members still. 3 His sickness feel, endure his pain, His burden bear, his cross sustain: Grieve in his griefs, and sigh his sighs, And breathe his wishes to the skies.
4 Enter his heart, possess him whole, Inspire and actuate his soul: Himself, no longer let it be That suffers, or that lives, but thee. 5 Thyself through suff'rings perfect made, Conform him thus to thee his heads
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