Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1859, by SHELDON & CO., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York, DEDICATION. TO THE MOTHER WHO FREELY GAVE HER BELOVED SON TO THE SERVICE OF GOD IN A FOREIGN LAND AND DID NOT REGRET THE GIFT WHEN HE DIED FAR AWAY, This Book is Respectfully Enscribed, PREFACE. Few words of preface are required for this unpretending volume. A man's life is not to be measured by the number of his years. It has been well said that some die old at thirty and others young at fourscore. The subject of this sketch was formed for high accomplishment, and to all human appearances was destined to do a great work in the service to which he was called. His early removal was a sad blow to the host of friends who were looking to his future with high hopes. But the thoughts of Infinite wisdom are higher than ours. And while we bow with resignation to the will of Him who called our friend and brother so early to himself, we find a mournful satisfaction in preparing these memorials of one whose name and virtues will long be fragrant in the hearts of all who knew him. CONTENTS. Choosing a Profession-Struggles and Decision-College- Hindrances-Failure of his Eyes-Goes Abroad-Crosses Travels through Italy and Greece-Into Turkey-Syria and PAGE |