302 GROWS WORSE. he needed nothing more and should sleep: and as Ir. Jones was to sleep in the same room, and his servant in an adjoining one, he said it was entirely unnecessary for me to sit up longer, and he begged I would retire. I did so. แ 'Early in the morning (Thursday) I went to his room and he seemed much better, had slept considerable, and his fever had abated. He continued thus till 10 o'clock, when he began to have pain, first in his side, then in his back, and then all over. He said, 'Doctor, something is wrong— something has given way within.' Soon he was relieved of the pain, and seemed quite easy. I was with him all the forenoon, endeavoring to ascertain as definitely as possible, the nature and state of his disease. I at first suspected it might be disease of the liver; and upon examination I found there was a slight enlargement, just below the ribs on the right side. Not long before now, as I was sitting by him, he said, 'Doctor, I think I ought to tell you I am deranged; but you need not mention it to others.' I thought that perhaps want of sleep and nervous exhaustion had brought his mind into such a state, and that it would soon pass away. A little before noon I had occasion to leave the room for a few minutes, and upon returning I found Mr. Jones sprinkling water into his face. He said that Mr. R. was taken with shivering and trembling, and seemed to faint. ENGAGED IN PRAYER. 303 As I came up to the bed, I saw he was still trembling, and his lips were moving as if in prayer. Just then he seemed to faint, saying, 'I am going, I am going.' I applied some spirits of camphor to his nose, and he revived, saying, 'Lord, I will repent.' The servant told me that while I was out before noon, Mr. R. was much engaged in earnest prayer. For six or eight hours from this time he answered none of our questions, although he turned his eyes sometimes towards the person who addressed him. All this time I was with him, and felt exceedingly anxious for him. I looked upon the shivering I had seen as an indication that the inflammation of the liver had resulted in suppuration, and an abscess was being formed; and then he could not probably live many days. I thought that he probably, too, had a presentiment that his time was short, and that he was endeavoring by meditation and prayer to secure a preparation for the great change that awaited him, and during these hours, many, many were the prayers I offered that our heavenly Father would be near to comfort and sustain him as he approached the valley of the shadow of death. In the evening he had several naps, and each one in succession longer than the one preceding. At nearly ten o'clock he awoke from a quiet sleep of more than half-an-hour, and seemed to be himself again. He said he had been in a trance. He had known all that we had said to him but was unable to answer our questions. We then moved him into the parlor, where we had prepared a bed for him. He sat up nearly a half hour, and conversed quite freely, and then laid down. He seemed very comfortable, and said, 'All is peace and joy.' At a late hour I left him, with one of his faithful servants to watch with him, and Mr. Jones sleeping in the same room. He had not as much fever as the previous night, and slept considerable. Next morning (Friday) at five o'clock I went in to see him, and he said, 'Doctor, I have had some refreshing sleep, and am much better, will you please to bring me those letters from my dear friends, I think I am able to read them now.' I brought them, and he opened and read them all, excepting one, which he said he knew contained nothing but a draft on Baring Brothers, I think. In the letters from his two brothers he seemed much interested; and he told me they contained good news from his far-off home-which to him was like cold water to a thirsty man. After breakfast, we had family prayers in the parlor, and he seemed to enjoy the season very much. A portion of Scripture having been read, he united with us in singing the 402d hymn of the 'Temple Melodies,' commencing: "How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, As he sang the last verse I could but feel that no one could sing it with the heartfelt confidence he evinced, unless he had in exercise a strong and living faith in Christ. That day Mr. R. appeared so decidedly better, that we began to hope that my previous conclusion in regard to his disease was incorrect, and that he would recover. I think also that he had hope that he would soon be well. Mr. Jones was very anxious to prosecute the journey as soon as possible; and he asked Mr. R. if he should contract with a muleteer to be ready to start with them on the following Monday for Aintab. He replied, 'Yes, I think it would be well to do so.' That night he had more fever than during the day, but not as much as the first nights; and during the greater part was in a gentle perspiration; yet he was rather restless and did not sleep, as I hoped he would. Saturday morning, instead of finding him better than the previous day, he did not appear quite as well, and our hopes were somewhat lessened. In answer to Mr. Jones' inquiry, he said that the contract had better be made for Tuesday instead of Monday. His fever began to appear more like a hectic than a remittent fever. Still he seemed very cheerful and hopeful. That evening, thinking that it was very important that he should sleep, I gave him a powder of morphine. "Sabbath morning, when I asked him how he was, he replied, 'much better, Doctor, I slept a part of the night, and oh! it was such a refreshing sleep! I am all right now, Doctor—all right.' Not long after this, as he was apparently waking from a nap, I heard him utter these words, 'Who doeth all things well.' He slept considerable during the A.M. In the P.M. he said he thought a warm bath would do him good. I was then just going to meeting and told him that, on my return, I would see about his having a bath. When I returned from our place of worship I found he had ordered the servants to bring hot water, etc., and had taken his bath. He told me it was the most delightful bath he had ever taken, 'Such pleasurable physical sensations.' Mr. and Mrs. Walker called in after meeting, and he seemed very happy to see them. He said that that had been the happiest Sabbath of his life— 'So quiet, so peaceful, so joyous, so glorious.' Soon after he heard us inviting Mr. Jones to preach that evening to the members of this station, and he said, 'O yes, friend Jones, do give them a sermon!' "Mr. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Knapp, Mrs. Nutting and myself, met in our dining room at 7 o'clock; and after the usual introductory exercise conducted by Mr. Jones, he preached a very excellent sermon from the seventh verse of the 57th Psalm. After that we sang |