صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Bethany. And when the people were gathered Anno Luk. xi. 29. thick together, he began to fay, "This Etat. 32. Minift. 3. "is an evil generation: they feek a fign, and there fhall no fign be given it, but the fign of Jonas the pro30. phet. For as Jonas was a fign to "the Ninivites, fo fhall alfo the Son "of Man be to this generation. The (a) Queen of the fouth fhall rife up




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in the judgment with the men of "this generation, and condemn them; "for the came from the utmost parts "of the earth, to hear the wisdom of

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Solomon, and behold a greater than "Solomon is here. The men of (b) Ni"niveh shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and fhall con"demn it: for they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and behold a greater than Jonas is here. No man "when he hath lighted a candle, put"teth it in a fecret place, neither un"der a bufhel; but on a candlestick, "that they which come in may see the 34. "light. The light of the body is the (c eye therefore when thine eye is fingle, thy whole body alfo is full of light: but when thine eye is evil, thy body alfo is full of darkness.

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(a) Queen of the South. In 1 Kings x. i. She is call'd the Queen of Sheba or Saba, the Metropolis of Sabaa, a part of Arabia felix, which lay fouth from Jerufalem.

(b) Niniveh, a very great Town, on the Eaft fide of the River Tigris, the Metropolis of AfSyria.

« Take


Anno "Take heed therefore that the light Bethany. Etat. 32" which is in thee be not darknefs. Luk. xi. Minift. 3. "If thy whole body therefore be full 35 "of light, having no part dark, the "whole fhall be full of light, as when "the bright shining of a candle doth “ give thee light.


Jefus is invited to Dinner by a Pha-
rifee, he inveighs against the Hy-
pocrites who laid Snares for



ND as [Fefus] fpake, a certain 37.
Pharifee befought him to dine


with him and he went in and fat
down to meat. And when the Phari- 38..
fee faw it, he marvelled that he had
not first washed before dinner. And
the Lord faid unto him, "Now do.
С ye Pharifees make clean the outfide.
"of the cup and the platter: but your
" inward part is full of ravening and
"wickedness. Ye fools, did not he 4.
"that made that which is without,
"make that which is within alfo ?
"But rather give alms of fuch things 4r.
as ye have and behold all fuch
things are clean unto you. But wo 42.
"unto you Pharifees: for ye tithe mint
"and rue, and all manner of herbs,
"and pafs over judgment and the love

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" of




"of God: thefe ye ought to have done, Anno
"and not to leave the other undone. Etat. 32.
Minift. 3.
"Wo unto your Pharifees; for ye love

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the uppermoft feats in the Synagogue, "and greetings in the Markets. Wo unto you Scribes and Pharifees, Hy pocrites for ye are as graves which ແ appear not, and the men that walk over them, are not aware of them;

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"Then anfwered one of the Lawyers, 45" and faid unto him, Mafter, thus 46. faying, thou reproacheft us alfo. And he faid, "Wo unto you alfo ye Lawyers; for ye lade men with burthens grievous to be born, and ye your "felves touch not the burthens with one of your fingers. Wo unto you: "for ye build the Sepulchres of the "Prophets, and your Fathers kill'd "them. Truly ye bear Witness that





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ye allow the deeds of your Fathers: "for they indeed killed them, and ye "build their Sepulchres. Therefore "alfo faid the wifdom of God, I will "fend them Prophets and Apoftles, "and fome of them they fhall flay "and perfecute: That the blood of all, "the Prophets, which was fhed from "the foundation of the world, may be 31." required of this generation; from the "blood of Abel unto the blood of Za"charias, which perifhed between the "altar and the temple: Verily I fay unto you, it fhall be required of this 52. generation. Wo unto you Lawyers: "for ye have taken away the key of

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"knowledge: ye entred not in your Bethany.

Etat: 32" felves, and them that were entring Luke xi.
Minift. 3. in, ye hindred.

And as he faid these things unto 53,
them, the Scribes and Pharifees began
to urge him vehemently, and to provoke
him to speak of many things: laying
wait for him, and feeking to catch fome-
thing out of his mouth, that they might
accuse him.



Divers Precepts of Chrift concerning..
the Leaven of the Pharifees, of
preaching the Gospel boldly, and
with plainnefs, of the Sin against
the Holy Ghoft, Avarice, Anxiety
for things to come, Liberality to
the Poor, Watchfulness, the Dif
fentions that shall arise from the
preaching of the Gospel through..
the pravity of Mankind; of the
Signs of the coming of the Meffiah,
and reconciling our felves to our

N the mean time, when there were r gathered together an innumerable. multitude of people, infomuch that they trod one upon another, [Jesus] began to fay to his difciples firft of all,

Beware ye of the leaven of the Pha


Luk. xii.

Luk. xii.

"rifees, which is hypocrify. For there Anno 2.❝ is nothing covered, that fhall not be tat. 32. Minift. 3. "revealed; neither hid, that shall not "be known. Therefore whatfoever ye "have spoken in darkness, fhall be "heard in the light: and that which



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ye have spoken in the ear in closets, "fhall be proclaimed upon the house top. And I fay unto you my friends, "Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more 5." that they can do. But I will fore(c warn you whom ye fhall fear: Fear "him which after he hath killed, hath power to caft into hell; yea, I fay cc unto you, fear him.


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"Are not five fparrows fold for two
farthings, and not one of them is for-
7. gotten before God? But even the very
"hairs of your head are all numbred.
"Fear not therefore: ye are of more
"value than many sparrows.

8. "Alfo I fay unto you, whofoever
"fhall confefs me before men, him
"fhall the Son of Man alfo confefs be-
"fore the angels of God. But he that




denieth me before men, fhall be deni"ed before the angels of God. And who"foever shall speak a word against the "Son of Man, it fhall be forgiven shim but to him that blafphemeth "against the Holy Ghoft, it fhall not "be forgiven.

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"And when they bring you to the
fynagogues, and to magiftrates and
powers, take ye no thought how or


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