Ritualism, Romanism and the English ReformationCambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009 - 128 من الصفحات Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: NOTE I. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HIGH CHUROHMEN AND RITUALISTS. [The following are passages from manuscripts and note-books which bear reference to the subjects in the foregoing chapters. It may have been the intention to work them into the text, but it seems best to print them in a separate form.] The Ritualists claim to represent the High Church Party, and thus to have a locus standi among the recognised sections in our Reformed Church. We true High Churchmen have reason to be grateful to Mr. Capel for having drawn the line so clearly between Ritualists and High Churchmen; and his testimony is all the more valuable because lookers-on see more of the game than the players themselves. It may be doubted whether there has been a more decided attempt at imposition, or rather personation, than the way in which these men have sheltered themselves under the name of High Churchmen; and if we have reason to wonder at the boldness which claims, there is at least as great reason to wonder at the blindness which concedes the claim. The point is so easily tested. Let any Ritualist of the moderate school, the past years of whose ordained life carry him back some five and thirty years, compare himself as he is, his views, practices, aims as they are, with what he and they were when first he took orders, and 1 am very much mistaken if he will not find in himself such definite advances towards Romanism, or rather retrogression towards Medievalism, that he cannot be held to be a sound and loyal minister of the Reformed Church in the sense in which he was so when he first entered on his office, or indeed in any satisfactory or sufficient sense at all. Compare what these men hold and teach with what were the highest of the high held previously to the Oxford movement, and it will be seen that t... |