TREASURY BIBLE: FIRST DIVISION: CONTAINING TER AUTHORIZED ENGLISH VERSION OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES AS PRINTED IN BAGSTER'S POLYGLOTI BIBLE, WITH THE HE COPIOUS AND ORIGINAL SELECTION OF REFERENCES TO PARALLEL PATERNOSTER ROW, AND VERE STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE; TO THE ENGLISH VERSION OF THE POLYGLOTT BIBLE. TREP POLYGLOTT BIBLE displays an arrangement in a FOLIO size Viss languages at one View on the same geel, or, in eight distinct Part toures, of which this is one, or, Languages combined in Vos & important consideration in What way us part could be employed, so Baleseter mode of Publication, Best alla promoting the design of the *-e: tecky, the attamment of Lan Pam at the advancement of Scriptural Awad bet only, therefore, is the form a wrote Englis. Volume now appears Magme taimena from any thing which has WYM SIDEN to the Public, but its origi de and pre-eminently to conerrons and entirely new Selection: agement of References, in which it [er, mutavoured faithfully to exhibit monture as its own Expositor. Center of the advantages that must the to a sonere at: diligent reader of the Sacred Pages to baving constantly before areerrace to similar and illustrative Carefully investigated, and suitA 600, must be bous to every 60+ 40 41 See well understood by many pand wes, to whose diligent and the Public is unspeakably Home owever, have hitherto been e 15 time; and being, there- atherly remotely applicable: he seems or bound so into the back of the book as not to be easily read. On all these accounts, it has long appeared exceedingly desirable, that a NEW Bobie of convenient size for the Pocket, original in sta plan, purpose, and execution, should be pute listed, in which a MORE APPROPRI ATE and ACCURATE, selection, adoptation, and arrangement of References might be introduced; both for the assistance of Pri vate Readers, and to facilitate the ready examination and quotation of passages, which the Preacher, or the Biblical Student, may have an immediate occasion to cite, or to consult. And no opportunity to supply this desideratum seemed more suitable, as the English language is of necessity a part of the present plan, for diffusing the Original Text, and its most important Versions. Convenience and why were, however, to be equally consulted in all the parts of the undertaking. If the size of the book were too large, or the page too crowded, so as to be made wearisome to the eye, its convenience would be lessened, and if, in the lumits which these considerations imposed, great care were not employed in cramuning and applying the References, its utility would, in a great degree, be destroyed. On mature deliberation, therefore, it appeared best to adopt the plan bere presented to the notice of the Public, in which the Marginal Read ings and References are all contained in a MIDDLE COLUMN, between two of text; and the number introduced is sufficient, except in a few pages only, completely to fill that column. The Chronology is always placed at the top of this middle column, where it denotes the Date of the writing or transaction contained in the text, at the beginning of the praxe. The Marginal Readings contained in the folio and quarto Bibles are all introduced; the idions of the original languages which are preserved in many of them, and also the various senses of particular words or phrases, being in most instances instructive, and u all worthy to be known But it has not been thought necessary, it giving these readings, to insert such words as are repeated in the text, and which would therefore have fruitlessly occupied a portion of the space al lotted to references. The Various Readings are referred to by letters of the Greek alphabet, placed inmedi ately before the words for which they ate to be substituted; and the References by Italic letters, which are placed above the line, and generally after the first or second word of a verse, or clause of a verse, when they are intended to ill strate the whole of that verse or clause; but when the principal The Languages that the large volume contains are Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, French, , and bermas Fach language is also printed of a pocket size and separately's id. The Header referred to the Publisher for a faller detail of particulars |