6 ch.2.27. Ex.12.14.-13.9.-31.13. Nu. 1-55.13 £90123 when your. ver 21. B27-1314 De£90,21.-11.19. Ps.44.1. -118-783.8 11.388.13. Ac.2.3). in time to a. Hal to-morrow. 7the meter. ch.3.13.16. memorial. See on JAEx12.14-28.12-30.16. Ne-16.40. Ps.111. 6.3merg, 1 Ca.11.24. Jokes ver £5. ch.1.16.18. et up twee E3.24.12-3.21 1 KL.18.31. 14. and they are there. These words ght be written by Joshua at the close of his or pertaps be added by some later prophet. from this verse, that there were raw UT ES ses erected as a memorial of this great :twere at Gilgal (ver.20,) and twelve in ed of the Jordan; which last night have plated on a base of strong stone work, so alwers to be visible, and serve to mark very spot where the priests stood with the ark. DANNICOTT and SHUCKFORD, however, ld read are with the Syriat, mittock, from bethock, in the midst;" adder. At lost-ua took up the twelve F the midst of Jordan,' &c. at the reading a unsupported by any MS. faded and appears wholly unnecessary. Desa Ja1.26. 1 Sa.30.25. 25a.4.3. Kai -9.15. ad in the mudit. See on ch.3.13,16,17. Is. Ma Na721.13. De 31.9. hasted. 9. 17.7.1. Ec.9.10. 2 Co.6.2 lark, ver. 18. ch.38.17. ch.1.14. Nu 32.20.32. for 547. of, ready armed Ep.6.11. ct.5 0.9K 25.5. Je.39.5.-52.8. mapaded. ch.1.16.18. See on ch.3.7. 1 Co. feared ham. Ex.14.31. 1 Sa.12.18.1 Ki. COME PRSA 21. Ro.13.4. 13.6. Ex 25.16 22. Re.11.19. Cup. Ge8.16.-18. D4.3.26. Ac.16. lex. See on ch.3.13,15. infted up. Heb. elp that the waters. As soon as the and the ark were come up out of Jordan, of the river, which had stood on a ad down according to their natural tube, and again soou filled the at the anos change which had been! The makes it abundantly evident, otter was not from any secret ral te be solely by the power of God, for these of his chosen people; for here's hosts had passed through, and les of water went forward again-so that anted What asled thee, O Jordan, that drica back ? it must be answered, it bedience to the God of Israel, and in to the Israel of God. Ex.14.26. B. and Heb. went ch.3.15.1 Ch.12.15. Is.8.8. goth. Ex.12 2.3. Gilgal. That is, the rands called Guigal; for it is so called pation. It was about ten furlongs sexto, and fifty west from the Jor SEPHUS and CALMET. ch.5.9.-10. 15.11.14,15.-15.33. Am.4.4.-5.5. Whes pd See on ver 6. Ps.105.2.5.-145. The parents must take that before enjoyed; for, by making the comparison, it appears that God is the same yesterday, to day, and for ever. Later blessings should also bring to remembrance former mercies, and revive thankfulness for them. which he dried. Ex. 14 21. Ne.9.11. Ps.77.16..19.-7813. 24 all the people. Ex.9.16. De.28.10. I Sa.17.46. 1 Ki8.42,43 2K15.15-19.19. Ps. 106.8. Da.3. that it is. Ex.15.16. 1 Ch.29.12. Ps.9.13. ge might. Ex.14.31.-20. 20. De.6.2. Ps.76.6..8-89.7. Je.10.67.-32.40. for ever. Heb. all days. 26..29-4.34,35.-6.26,27. CHAP. V. The Canaanites are afraid, 1. Joshua renewith circumcision, 29. The passover is kept at Gilgal, 10, 11. Manna ceaseth, 12. An Angel appeareth to Joshua, 13-15. 1 all the kings. ch.12.9.24.-21.15. Ge.10.15.. 19-15.18.21.-48.22. Ju.11.23. 2 Sa.21.2. Eze.16. 3. Am.2.9. Canaanites. ch.17.12.18. Ge 12 6. Ex.23.28. Ju.1.1.-4.2. Far.9.1 Ps 135.11. which were by. Nu.13.29 Ju.3.3. Zep.2.4..6. heard. See on ch.2.9.11. Ex.15.14,15. Ps.48,4.6. Re. 18.10. netther was. 1 Sa.25.37. 1 K1.10.5. Is.13. 6.8. Fze.21.7. Da 5.6. 2 sharp knives, or, knives of flints. Before the use of iron was common, all the nations of the earth had their edge tools made of stones, Aints, &c. Our ancestors had their arrows and spearheads made of flint, which are frequently turned up by the plough. And even when iron became more commou, stone knives seem to have been preferred for making incisions in the human body. The Egyptians used such to open the bodies for embalming; and the tribe of Alnajab in Ethiopia, who follow the Mosaic institution, perform the rite of circumcision, according to LUDOLF, cultis lapidibus, with knives made of stone. Circumcise. Ge.17.10..14. De.10.16.-30.6. Ro.2.29.-4.11. Col.2.11. 3 Joshua. Ge.17.23. 27. Mat.16.24. the hall of the foreskins, or, Gibeah haaraloth. 4 All the. Nu.14.29.-26.64,65. De.2.16. 1 Co. 10.5. He.3.17..19. 5 they had not. De.12 8.9. Ho.6.6,7. Mat.12.7. Ro.2.26. 1 Co.7.19. Ga.5.6.-6.15. 6 walked. Nu.14.32..34. De.1.3.-2.7,14.-8.4. Ps.95.10,11. Je.2.2. ware that. Nu.14.23. Hle.3. 11. a land. See on Ex.3.8,17. Fze.20.6.15.Joel 3.18. 7 their children. Nu.14.31. De.1.39. made an end to be circumcised. till they were 8 when they, &c. Heb. when the people had whole. Ge.34.25. 9 I rolled away. ch.24.14. Ge.34.14. Le.24.14. 1 Sa.14.6.-17.56,36. Ps.119.39. Je.9.25. Eze.20. 7,8-23.3,8. Ep.2.11.12. Grigal. That is, rolling. ch.4.19. 10 kept the passover. Ex.12.3.6,&c. Nu.9.1..5. 11 old corn. The people would find abundance of old corn in the deserted granaries of the affrighted inhabitants; and the barley harvest being ripe, after offering the sheaf of first-fruits, they ate also new parched corn; and thus the manna being no longer necessary, ceased, after having been sent them regularly for almost forty years. To Christians the manna for their souls shall never fail, till they arrive at the Canaan above, to feast on its rich and inexhaustible proLe.23.6,14. visions. unleavened cakes. Ex.12.18..20.-13.6,7. 17. but they did eat. De 6.10,11. Pr.13.22. Is. 12 the manna. Ex.16.35. Ne.9.20,21. Re.7.16. 65.13,14. Jn.4.38. a man. 13 he lifted. Ge.33.1,5. Da.8.3.-10.5. ch.6.2. Ge 18.2-32.24. 30. Ex.23.23. Ju.13.8,9, the ket burty years before:- As the Lord 11,22. Da.10.5. Ho. 12.3..5. Zec.1.8. Ac.1.10. Re. es later parties to compare them with those Art thou for us. 1 Ch.12.17,18, 152 B. C. 1451. 16 Shout. See on ver 5. Ju.7.20... 15.-20.22,23. JOSHUA, VII. 14 but as captain, or, Prince. Ex.23.20..22. Is. 2 Pe.1.19. 55.4. Da.10.13,21.-12.1.He.2.10.Re.12.7.-19.11.. 14. fell on his. Ge.17.3.17. Le.9.24. Nu.16.22, 45. Mat.8.2. Lu.5.12 Ac.10.25,26. Re.,9. What saith. 1 Sa.3.9,10. Is.6.8. Ac.9.6. my lord. Ex.4.10,13. Ps.110.1. Mat.22.44. Lu.1. 43.-20.42. Jn°.20.38. Phi.3.8. And 15 Loose. Ex.3.5. Ac.7.32,33. 2 Pe.1.18. Joshua. Many persons have been puzzled to know what was intended by this extraordinary appearance of the angel to Joshua, because they supposed that the whole business ends with the chapter; whereas it is continued in the succeeding one, the first verse of which is a mere parenthesis, simply relating to the state of Jericho at the time when Joshua was favoured with this encouraging vision; by which he was shewn that their help came from God alone, and that it was not by human might or power, but by the Lord of hosts they were to obtain the victory. CHAP. VI. Jericho is shut up, 1. God instructeth Joshut how to besiege it, 2-11. The city is compared, 12-16. It must be accursed, 17-19. The walls fall down, 20, 21. Rahab is saved, 22-25. The builder of Jericho is cursed, 26, 27. I was straitly. Heb. did shut up, and was shut up. ch.2.7. 2 Ki.17.4. because. ch.2.9..14,24. Ps.127.1. 2 the Lord. See on ch.5.13..15. See, I have, ver.9..24. ch.2.9.24.-8.1.-11.6..8. Ju.11.21. 2S. 5.19. Ne.9.24. Da.2.21,44.-4.17,35.-5.18. the king. De.7.24. Ju.11.24. 3 ye shall. ver.7,14. Nu.14.9. 1 Co.1.21..25. 2 Co.4.7. 17 accursed. or, devoted. ch.7.1. Le.g Nu.21.2,3. 1 Ch.2.7. Ezr.10.8, marg. 18.3 46.10. Eze.39.17. Mi.4.13. 1 Co.16.2. G 13. only Rahab. See on ch.2.1. 2,3. ch.2.4..6.22. Ge.12.3. 1 Sa.15.6. I 41.42.-25.40. He.6.10.-11.31. Ja.2.25. becau 18 in any wise. Ro.12.9. 2 Co.6.17. Ep! lest ye make. ch.7.1,1 1.27. 1 Ju3.5.21. De.7.26.-13.17. make the camp. ch.7.11 18..20. 1 Sa.14.28..42. Lc.9.18. Jon.1.12 trouble it. ch.7.25. 2 Sa.21.1. 1 K118.17 19 all the silver. 2 Sa.8.11. 1 Ch.18.11 26,28-28.12.2 Ch.15.18.-31.12. Is 23.1 4.13. consecrated. Heb, holiness. Le-194 the treasury. 1 Ki.7.51` Zec.14.20,21. 2K1.24.13.1 Ch.26.20. Ne.7.70,71-10.3 11. Mat.27.6. Mar.12.41. 20 the wall. See on ver.5. 2 Co.104! 30. Aut. Heb. under it. 21 And they. The Canaanites were destruction; aud God was pleased, u destroying them by a pestilence, a fa an earthquake, to employ the Israelit executioners of his vengeance. Had been commissioned to slay them, w have charged him with iniquity or c all public calamities intants are invol tens of thousands of infants die in gre every year. Now, either God is not} in these calamities, (which opinion, the implied in men's reasonings on these st not far from atheism ;) or they must co the most perfect justice and goodness, ch.9.24,25.-10.28.39.-11.14. De 2.34 -20.16,17. 1 Sa.15.3,8,18,19. 1K1.204 8,9. Je 48.18. Re.18.21. 22 Joshua. ver. 17. ch.2.1, &c. unto her. ch.2.12.14,17.90.- 2.7. Ps.15.4. Eze 17.13,16.18.19. He.1 4 trumpets of rams'. The words shopheroth hyyovelim, should rather be rendered jubilee trumpets, i.e. such as were used on the jubilee, which were probably made of horn or silver: for the entrance of the Israelites into Canaan was indeed a jubilee to them (See Note on Le. 25.11): instead of the dreadful trumpet of war, they were ordered to sound the trumpet of joy, as already conquerors. Le.25.9. Nu.10.1..10. Ju.7.7,8,15..22.2 Ch.13.12.-20.17,19,21. Is.27.13. Zec.4.6. seven times. Ge.2.3.-7.2,3. Le. Nu.23.1. 1 Ki.18.43. 2 ki.5.10. Job 42.8. Zec.4.2. Re.1.4.20.-5.1,6.-8.2,6.-10.3.-16.-18.8 15.1,7.-16.1. 5 make a long, ver.16,20. Ex.19.19. 2 Ch.20. 21,22. the people. Ju.7.20..22. 1 Sa.4.5.-17.20, 52.2 Ch.13.14,15. Je.50.15. and the wall. The words wenaphelah chomath hair tachteyka, are literally. and the wall of the city shall fall down under itself; which appears simply to mean, that the wall shall fall down from its very foundation; which was probably the case in every part, though large breaches in different places might have been amply sufhcient first to admit the armed men, after whom the host: might enter to destroy the city. There is no ground for the supposition that the walls sunk into the earth. Is.25.12-30.25.2 Co. 10.4.5. He. 11.30. Aat. Heb. under it. 6 Take up the ark. ver 8.13. See on ch.3.3.6. Ex.25.14. De.20.2..4. Ac.9.1. 7 that is armed, ver.3. ch.1.14.-4.13. 8 before the Lord. See on ver.3,4. Nu.32.20. 9 and the rereward. Heb. gathering host. ver. 13. Nu.10.25. 19.52.11.-58.8. 10 any noise with your voice. Heb. your voice 13 went on. 1 Ch.15.26, Mat.24.13. Ga.6.9. the 15 about the downing. Ps.119.147. Mat.28.1. 23 out Rahab. ch.2.18. Ge.12.2-18 Ac.7.24. He.l1.7. kindred. Heb. famil them. Nu.5.2,3.-31.19. Ac.10.28. 1Col 2.12. 24 burnt. ch.8.28. De.13.16. K only the silver. See on ve 25 Kahab. ch.11.19.20. Ju.1.94,25 she dwelleth. Mat.1.5. He.11.31. ch.4.9. because. Ja.2.5. 26 adjured. This is to be regarded a tion, that he who rebuilded this city s his children in the interim between th Cursed, 1 KL.16.34. A the Lord. ch.1.5.9. Ge.39 £.3.21 Mat.18.20.-28.20. Ac.189,10. 2 Co. 1.17,95% his fame. ch.9.1,3,9.1 5.2.3 Mat.4.24.-14.1. CHAP. VII. The Israelites are smitten at di, 1-5. J plaint, 6-9 God instructeth him what th Achan is taken by the lot, 16-18 H 19-23 He and all he had are destroy valley of Achor, 24-26. 1 committed, ver.20,21, ch.22.16. Ezr.9.6. Dag.7. for Achan, ch.24.20 7. Achar, Zimri. took, See on ch.6.1 sfer, chiếc l8, 95,241, 10h2) Jou.1.7. 1 Co.5.1..6. He.12.15,16 2 to di ch.16.9. Ge.12.8. Ha. Ne.114 Beth-aren, ch.18.12. Ge.£8.19. Ho.4.15 h Prod.-24.6. Mat.10.16. £.p.§. 3 about two. Heb. about 2000 men 8000 men. Labour. Pr.13.4.-£1.25. I fle.4.11.-6.11.12. 2 Pe.1.5.10. Red.Le.20.17.De.28.25.- JOSHUA, VIL 14 And he said. Nay, but er Scaptain of the last of the LORD am I now come. And beca fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said uito bra, What' saith my rd usto Las servant' 15 And the Capta of the LORD's host aid unto Jostes. Luose thy shoe from of thy fout for the place wherein thou dest holy. And Joshua did so. d CHAP. VI. or, prince. 12. 1. a ver. 5. pets, Joshua said unto the people. Shout, Jericho destroyed for the LORD hath given you the oty. 17 And the city shall be accursed, even it, and all that are therem, to the LORD, only Rahab the harlot shall live, she and all that are with her in the house, because she hid the messengers that we sent. 18 And ye, in any wise keep yourselves from the accursed thing, lest ye make yourselves accursed, when ye take of the Israel a curse, and trouble it. Now Jericho & was straitly shut up. yor, devoted, accursed thing, and make the camp of Mecause of the children of Israel: none 2 As the LORD said unto Joshua, e Sa, 14 have given into thine hand Je fiche, and the king' thereof, and the mighty men of talker. And ye stall rompass the city, all an of war, and go round about the The halt thou do six days, 74 but seven prest shall bear before the art was tusjed of rams' horns: the wind by ye shall compass Se Goes and the #alice vote sumpets. priests Le. 2.28. Mi. 4. 13 18a.3.9,10, sels of brass and iron, are (consecrated 19 But all the silver, and gold, and ves unto the LORD; they shall come into the treasury of the LORD. 18.6. R Ac 9.6 d Ex. 3. 5. Ac. 7. 33. holiness. J 20 So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down n flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight be. tore him, and they took the city. ch. 2.4. fcb. 7. 1. De. 7. 26. Co. 6. 17. 13 17. & did shut up, and was shut up. Deyer à 16g blast with the ram's me to pass, that? when 8 ch. 7. 23. de se hear the sound of the Tage all the people shall shout? with a and the wall of the city shall fat and the people sball ey man straight before him. bad the son of Nun called, 7 said unto them," lake Ju.7.36,22. | the covenant, and let seven Se seen trumpets of rams' ee the ark of the LORD. A bed unto the people, Passon, the city, and let him that is before the ark of the LORD. arabe to pes, when Joshua had auto the people, that the seven! 8.1. De 7.24. Ju. 11. 24. 1 Ki. 7. 51. I ver. 5. under it. 22. ng the seven trumpets of rams' p 2Ch. 20. 21, pased on before the LORD, and wh the trupets; and the ark of the 92 Ch. 13. 14, | t of the LORD followed them. And the armed men went before the i Rebates with the trumpets, and the! 15. • under it. r ch. 2. 14. , ch. 3. 6. pet cate after the ark, the priests t ch. 2 19. Jogos boring with the trumpets. families. Ale belas bad commanded the & ver. 3. take a go with your voice, neiple, wang, Te shall not shout, nor De. 13. 16, serall we ver. 19. Ju. 1.24,25. He, 11. 31. the day I bid you shout;; Sedark at the LORD compassed the Ja. 2. 25. host. gathering sent a once: and they came We camp, and lodged in the camp. your voice to be heard. at seven priests, bearing seven e De. 31. 6. , west on continually, and blew 21 And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, ass, with the edge of the sword. young and old, and ox, and sheep, and 22 But Joshua had said unto the two men that had spied out the country, Go thence the woman, and all that she hath, into the hariot's house, and bring out as ye sware' unto her. 23 And the young men that were pies went in, and brought out Rahab, and her father, and her mother, and her brethren, and all that she had; and they brought out all her kindred, and left them without the camp of Israel. 24 And they burnt the city with fire, and all that was therein: only the silver, and the gold, and the vessels of brass and of iron, they put into the treasury of the house of the LORD. 25 And Joshua saved Rahab the barlot alive, and her father's household, and all that she had; and she dwelleth in Israe even unto this day; because she had the messengers which Joshua sent to spy out Jericho. saying, Cursed be the man before the 26 And Joshua adjured them at that time, city Jericho: he shall lay the foundation LORD, that riseth up and buildeth this thereof in his first-born, and in his youngest son shall he set up the gates of it. 27 So the LORD was with Joshua; and his fame was noised throughout all the country. CHAP. VII. BUT the children of Israel committed a trespass in the accursed thing: for against the children of Israel. e tapets: and the armed mene ver. 20, 21. the anger of the LORD was kindled fest before, but the rereward came Achar. Sea (e LORD, the priests going 2 And Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai, which is beside Beth-aven, on the east side of Beth-el, and spake unto themn, saying, Go up and view the country, And the men went up and viewed Ai. 3 And they returned to Joshua, and said unto him, Let not all the people go up; but let pabout two or three thousand men go up and smite Ai; and make not all the people to labour thither; for they are but few. 4 So there went up thither of the people about three thousand men : and they fled B. C. 1451. A. M. 2 JOSHUA, VII. See on only on that day. 14 but as captain, or, Prince. Ex.23.20..22. Is. 2 Pe.1.19. 16 Shout. See on ver.5. Ju.7.20... £ 55.4. Da.10.13,21.-12.1.He.2.10.Re.12.7.-19.11.. 14. fell on his. Ge.17.3,17. Le.9.24. Nu.16.22, 15.-20.22,23. 45. Mat.8.2. Lu.5.12. Ac.10.25,26. Re. What saith, 1 Sa.3.9,10. Is.6.8. Ac.9.6. my lord. Ex.4.10,13. Ps.110.1. Mat.22.44. Lu.1. 43.-20.42. Jn.20.38. Phi.3.8. 15 Loose. Ex.3.5. Ac.7.32,33. 2 Pe.1.18. And Joshua. Many persons have been puzzled to know what was intended by this extraordinary appearance of the angel to Joshua, because they supposed that the whole business ends with the chapter; whereas it is continued in the succeeding one, the first verse of which is a mere parenthesis, simply relating to the state of Jericho at the time when Joshua was favoured with this encouraging vision; by which he was shewn that their help came from God alone, and that it was not by human might or power, but by the Lord of hosts they were to obtain the victory. CHAP. VI. Jericho is shut up, 1. God instructeth Joshut how to besiege it, 2-11. The city is compassed, 12-16. It must be accursed, 17-19. The walls fall down, 20, 21. Rahab is saved, 22-25. The builder of Jericho is cursed, 26, 27. I was straitly. Heb. did shut up, and was shut up. ch.2.7. 2 Ki.17.4. because. ch.2.9..14,24. Ps.127.1. 2 the Lord. See on ch.5.13..15. See, I have, ver.9..24. ch.2.9,24.-8.1.-11.6..8. Ju.11.21. 2 Sa. 5.19. Ne.9.24. Da.2.21,44.-4.17,35.-5.18. the king. De.7.24. Ju.11.24. 3 ye shall. ver.7,14. Nu.14.9. 1 Co.1.21..25. 2 Co.4.7. becat 17 accursed. or, devoted. ch.7.1. Le.. Nu.21.2,3. 1 Ch.2.7. Ezr.10.8, marg. Is 46.10. Eze.39.17. Mi.4.13. 1 Co.16.2. ( 13. only Rahab. See on ch.2.1. 22,23. ch.2.4..6,22. Ge.12.3. 1 Sa.15.6. 41.42.-25.40. He.6.10.-11.31. Ja.2.25. 18 in any wise. Ro.12.9. 2 Co.6.17. Ep. lest ye make. ch.7.1, 1.27. 1 Jn.5.21. De.7.26.-13.17. make the camp, ch.7.11 18..20. 1 Sa.14.28..42. Ec.9.18. Jon.1.19 trouble it. ch.7.25. 2 Sa.21.1. 1 Ki.18.17 19 all the silver. 2 Sa.8.11. 1 Ch.18.1) 1 26,98.-28.12.2 Ch.15.18.-31.12. Is.23.1 4.13. consecrated. Heb. boliness. Le-194 the treasury. 1 Ki.7.5 Zec.14.20,21. 2 Ki.24.13. 1 Ch.26.20. Ne.7.70,71-102 11. Mat.27.6. Mar.12.41. 20 the reall. See on ver.5. 2 Co.10.4, 30. fst. Heb. under it. 21 And they. The Canaanites were destruction; and God was pleased, i destroying them by a pestilence, a f au earthquake, to employ the Israelit executioners of his vengeance. Had been commissioned to slay them, w have charged him with iniquity or c all public calamities infauts are invol tens of thousands of infants die in gr every year. Now, either God is no in these calamities, (which opinion, the implied in men's reasonings on these 3 not far from atheism;) or they must ca the most perfect justice and goodness ch.9.24,25.-10.28,39.-11.14. De.2.346 -20.16.17. 1 Sa. 15.3,8,18,19. 1 Ki.204 8,9. Je 48.18. Re.18.21. 22 Joshua, ver. 17. ch.2.1, &c. unto her. ch.2.12..14,17..20.-9.15,18.. 2.7. Ps.15.4. Eze.17.13,16,18,19. He.1 4 trumpets of rams'. The words shopheroth hyyovelim, should rather be rendered jubilee trumpets, i.e. such as were used on the jubilee, which were probably made of horn or silver: for the entrance of the Israelites into Canaan was indeed a jubilee to them (See Note on Le. 25.11): instead of the dreadful trumpet of war, they were ordered to sound the trumpet of joy, as already conquerors. Le.25.9. Nu.10.1..10. Ju.7.7,8,15..22.2 Ch.13.12.-20.17,19,21, Is.27.13. Zec.4.6. seven times. Ge.2.3.-7.2,3. Le.4.6.-2.12. 14.16.-25.8. Nu.23.1. 1 Ki.18.43. 2 ki.5.10. Job 42.8. Zec.4.2. Re.1.4,20.-5.1,6.-8.2,6.-10.3.-16.-18.8. 15.1,7.-16.1. 21,22. 5 make a long. ver.16,20. Ex.19.19. 2 Ch.20. the people. Ju.7.20..22. 1 Sa.4.5.-17.20, 52. 2 Ch.13.14,15. Je.50.15. and the wall. The words wenaphelah chomath hair tackteyha, are literally, and the wall of the city shall fall down under itself; which appears simply to mean, that the wall shall fall down from its very foundation; which was probably the case in every part, though large breaches in different places might have been amply sufficient first to admit the armed men, after whom the host might enter to destroy the city. There is no ground for the supposition that the walls sunk into the earth. Is.25.12.-30.25. 2 Co.10.4,5. He. 11.30. flat. Heb. under it. 6 Take up the ark. ver.8.13. See on ch.3.3,6. Ex.25.14. De.20.2..4. Ac.9.1. 7 that is armed. ver.3. ch.1.14.-4.13. 8 before the Lord. See on ver.3,4. Nu.32.20. 9 and the rereward. Heh, gathering host. ver. 13. Nu.10.25. Is.52.11.-58.8. 10 any noise with your voice. Heb. your voice to be heard. Is.42.2. Mat.12.19. until the day, 2 Sa.5.23,24. 1s.28.16. Lu.24.49. Ac.1.7. the 12 Joshua rose. See on ch.3.1. Ge.22.3. priests. See on ver.6..8. De.31.25. Jn°.2.5..8.-6. 10,11.-9.6.7. He.11.7.8. 13 went on. 1 Ch.15.26. Mat.24.13. Ga.6.9. 14 ver.3,11,15. 15 about the downing. Ps.119.147. Mat.28.1. 23 out Rahab. ch.2.18. Ge.12.2-184 Ac.27.24. He.11.7. kindred, Heb. fam them. Nu.5.2,3.-31.19. Ac.10.28. 1C 24 burnt. ch.8.28. De.13.16. Ki only the silter. See on ver 25 Kahab. ch.11.19.20. Ju.1.24,5 He.11.31. she dwelleth. Mat.1.5. ch.4.9. because. Ja.2.25. 26 adjured. This is to be regarded a tion, that he who rebuilded this city sl his children in the interim between t of the foundation to the completion of Nu.5.19.21. 1 Sa.14.24, &c. 1K1221 Cursed. 1 Ki.16.34. 63. Ac.19.13. 27 the Lord. ch.1.5.9. Ge.39.£3,21 Mat.18.20.-28.20. Ac.18.9,10. 2 Col 4.17,22. his fame. ch.9.1,3,9. 1 Sa.2. Mat.4.24.-14.1. CHAP. VII. The Israelites are smitten at Ai, 1-6. Je plaint, 6-9. God instructeth him what to Achan is taken by the lot, 16-18. His. 19-23. He and all he had are destro valley of Achor, 24-26. 1 committed. ver.20,21. ch.29.16 £ Ezr.9.6. Da.9.7. for Achan. ch... 7. Achar, Zimri. took. See on ch.6.17 anger. ch.22.18. 2 Sa 24.1. 1 Ch.21.7 Jon.1.7. 1 Co.5.1..6. He.12.15,16. 2 to Ai ch.12.9. Ge.12.8. Hai. Ne.11. Beth-aven, ch.18.12. Ge.28.19. Ho.4.15 ch.2.1. Pr.20.18.-24.6. Mat.10.16. Ep.3 3 about two. Heb. about 2000 men,. 3000 men. labour. Pr.13.4.-21.25. 1 He.4.11.-6.11,12. 2 Pe.1.5,10. 4 fled.Le.26.17.De..25.- Jericho destroyed. pets, Joshua sairt unto the people, “bout, for the LORD hath gives you the city. JOSHUA, VIL 14 And he said, Nay, but as captain B. C. 1451. of the host of the Logo am I now come. Azn Janua fall on us face to the earth, ad de wonip and land to ho, Waat sith my lord unto la servant' And the captam of the Lou's host dato Jalna, Luose my sne from #dy root; for the place whereen thou danbul. And Joshua did so. CHAP. VI. or, prince. 12. 1. a ver. 5. because of the children of Israel: noue 1 Aat the load sad auto Joshua, See I have given into thine hand Je , ad Cae ng' thereof, and the Shy then of rarer. 1 And yesta compass the city, all of and go round about the Le bait trou do six days, 4 did ice pests shall bear before the lets users of rams horns: deus ay ye shall compass they were, and the mall bow the trumpets. priests e 18a 3.9,10. 10.6, 4. Ac 9. 6. Ac. 7. 83. $e to pass, that when g ch.7.25. the TT & It hast with the ram's: c holiness. be te fear the sound of the A ch. 2. 9, 24 Sepengle shall stout with a but dans at and the people shall pest and the wall of the city shall i De. 7.24. Ju. 11. 24. fey man straight before him.1K1.7.51. At the son of Nun called: I ver. 5. at said anto them, lake m Ju.7.16,22. under it. » Nu. 10. 8. De 7.2, 16, 17 And the city sbail be y accursed eTEN it, and all that are therein to the LORD, only Rahab the harlot shall live, she and all that are with her in the Louse, because she had the messengers that we sent, 18 And ye, in any wise keep! yourselves 'from the accursed thing, lest ye make yourselves accursed, when ye take of the accursed thing, and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it. sels of brass and iron, are (consecrater 19 But all the silver, and gold, and ves unto the LORD; they shall come into the treasury of the LORD. 20 So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight be tore him, and they took the city. 21 And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, ass, with the edge of the sword. young and old, and ox, and sheep, and 22 But Joshua had said unto the two men that had spied out the country, Go thence the woman, and all that she hath, into the harlot's house, and bring out as ye sware' unto her. 23 And the young men that were spies went in, and brought out Rahab, and her father, and her mother, and her brethren, and all that she had; and they brought out all her kindred, and left them without the camp of Israel. te covenant, and let seven i seves trumpets of rams' the ark of the LORD. And be ad unto the people, Pass on,! the city, and let him that is da so before the ark of the LORD. came to pass, when Joshua had 24 And they burnt the city with fire, and all that was therein; only the silver, the people, that the seven | ng the seven trumpets of rams' p 2Ch. 20. 21, of iron, they and the gold, and the vessels of brass and 22. house of the Pott into the treasury of the Pa. 137.8,9. 16 Ax bas commanded the #ver. 3. exple, we shall not shout, nor take with your voice, Delayad proceed out of your the day i bid you shout; 35 are LORD compassed the about once: and they came camp, and lodged in the camp. du 1.24.25. a Nu. 10. 25. 25 And Joshua saved Rahab the harlot alive, and her father's househoid, and all that she had; and she dweileth in Israc19 even unto this day; because she had the messengers which Joshua sent to spy out Jericho. 26 And Joshua adjured them at that time, saying, Cursed be the man before the LORD, that riseth up and buildeth this city Jericho: he shall lay the foundation thereof in his first-born, and in his youngest son shall he set up the gates of it. 27 So the LORD was with Joshua; and his fame was noised throughout all the country. CHAP. VII. Asd ja rose early in the morn-1Ki. 16. 34. BUT the children of Israel committed and de priests took up the ark of, A your voice to be heard. a trespass in the accursed thing: for seven priests, bearing seven e De. 31. 6. drams' borus before the ark of d ver. 6. on continually, and blew De. 31. 25. ith the trumpets: and the armed men ver. 20, 21. the anger of the LORD was kindled Bethe and of the LORD, the priests going ef; but the rereward came with the trumpets. • Achar. 1 Ch. 2.7. - or, Zimri. 1 Ch. 2. 6. Au the second day they compassed he did six days. 15 came to pass on the seventh' Wat by rose early about the dawngudrs, and compassed the city after CAH LEven times: only on that: e about two men. against the children of Israel. 2 And Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai, which is beside Beth-aven, on the east side of Beth-el, and spake unto them, saying, Go up and view the country. And the men went up and viewed Ai. 3 And they returned to Joshua, and said unto him, Let not all the people go up; but let pabout two or three thousand men go up and smite Ai; and make not all the peo By pread the city seven times. & Le. 26. 17. | ple to labour thither; for they are but few. 16 Andate to pass at the seventh Se, when the priests blew with the trum-!. |