eb.1.25,34. Mat.12.16. Ac.16.18. Mat. 10.1,&c. Lu.6.12..16. ver.14,26..29. Fc.11.6. Is.28.23..26. Mat.13.3,24.. 26. Lu.8.5.8. Jn.4.35..38. 1 Co.3.6..9. he ordained. Jn°.15.16. Ac.1.24,25. Ga.1.1, ). and. Lu.9.1..6.-10.1..11.-24.47. Ac.1.8. Simon. ch.1.16. Mat.16.16..18. Ju°.1.42. 1Co. -3.22.-9.5. Ga.2.7..9, Cephas. 2 Pe.1.1. 6 the sun, Ca 1.6. Is.25.4. Jon.4.8. Ja.1.11. Re. James. ch. 1. 19, 20.-5.37.-9.2.-10.35.-14.7.16. no root. Ps. 1.3,4.-92.13..15. Je.17.5..8. 1.21 2.20..25. Ac.12.1. he surnamed. Is. Ep.3.17. Col.2.7. 2 1h.2.10. Jude 12. le.23.29. He.4.12. Re.10.11. 4 ver.15. Ge.15.11. Mat.13.4,19. Lu.8.5.12. 5 ver.16,17. Eze.11.19.-36 26. Ho.10.12. Am. 6.12. Mat.13.5,6,20. Lu.8.6,13. 7 ver. 18,19. Ge.3.17,18. Je.4.3. Mat.13.7,22. Lu. Andrew. Jn.1.40.-6.8.-12.21.22. Ac. 1 Ti.6.9,10. 1Jn°.2.15,16. Jn.1.43..45.-6.5..7.-14.8,9. Bartholo 8 fell, ver.20. Is.58.1. Je.23.29. Mat.13.8,23. Lu 8.8.15. Jn°.1.12,13.-3.19..21.-7.17.-15.5. Ac. 17.11. Col.1.6. He.4.1,2. Ja.1.19..22. 1 Pe.2.1.3. an hundred. Ge.26.12. Phi.1.11. 9 See on ver. 3,23,24. ch.7.14,16. Mat. Lu.8.18. Re-3.6,13,22. Mat.10.3. Lu.6.14. Ac.1.13. Matthew, ch. 10 ver.34. ch.7.17. Pr.13.20. Mat. 13,10,&c.,36. Lu.8.9.&c. 11 Unto you. Mat. 11. 25.-13.11,12,16.-16.17. Lu.8.10.-10.21..24. 1 Co.4.7. 2 Co.4.6. Ep. Tit.3.3..7. Ja.1.16..18. 1 Jn.5.20. them Co.5.12,13. Col.4.5. 1 Th.4.12. 1 Ti.3.7. all these. Mat.13.13. 12 That seeing. Rather, as eva frequently denotes, So that seeing they see, and do not perndas. Mat. Jn°6.64,ceive, and hearing they hear, and do not under4.6.-13.2,26..30. Ac.1.16..25. into an stand, &c. The expression appears to be proer, home. verbial; and relates to those who might see what they now overlook through inattention and folly. See the parallel texts. De. 29. 4. Is. 6.9.10.-44.18. Je. 5.21. Mat.13.14,15. Lu.8.10. Jn.12.37.41. Ac.28.25..27. Ro.11.8..10. be converted. Je.31.18..20. Eze.18.27..32. Ac.3.19. 2 Ti. 2.25. He.6.6. that. ver.9. ch.6.31. Lu.6.17. Jn.4.31..34. len. Some render, And they who were im (in the house, ver. 19,) hearing (the gent out to restrain (autov, i. e. oxxor,| itude,) for they said, It (the mob) is This, however, is contrary to all the #; and appears an unnatural construc- 13 Know. ch.7.17,18. Mat.13.51,52.-15.15..17. friends, or, kinsmen, ver.31. Jn.7.3..10.-16.8,9. Lu.24.25. 1 Co.3.1,2. He.5.11. 14. Re.3.19. K1.9.11. Je.£9.26. Ho.9.7. Jn°.10.20. Ac. Co.5.13. ch. ch.7.1. Mat.15.1. Lu.5.17. He hath. . Mat.9.34.-10.25.-12.24. Lu.11.15. Jn°. 148,50.-10.22. parables. Ps.49.4. Mat.13.34. How. Mat. 6. Lu.11.17..23. 49.23.&c.-12.1..6. 2 Sa. 20. 1,6. 1 Ki.12.,3. Eze.37.22. Zec.11.14. 21. ICo.1.10..13. Ep.4.3. 6. Ps.133.1. Ga.5.15. Ja.3.16. 8.3.15. Is. 27. 1.-49.24..26.-53.12.-61.1. 29. Lu. 10. 17.20.-11. 21..23. Jn°.12.31. 20. Ep.6.10..13. Col.2.15. He.2.14. 1 Jn°. Re.12.7.9.-20.1..3. at 19.31,32. Lu.12.10. He.6.4..8.-10.26.. 5.16. i. ch.12.40. Mat. 25.46. 2 Th.1.9. Jude 22. Jn.10.20. 12.46..48. Lu8.19..21. 14 sower. See on ver.3. 1s.32.20, Mat.13.19,37. Lu.8.11. the word, ch.2.2. Col 1.5,6, 1 Pe.1.23.25. 15 these. See on ver.4. Ge.19.14. Is.53.1. Mat. 22.5. Lu.8.12.-14.18,19. Ac. 17.18..20,32.-18.14.. 17.-25.19,20.-26.31,32. He.2.1.-12.16. Satan. Job 1.6..12. Zec.3.1. Mat.13.19. Ac.5.3. 2 Co.2.11. -4.3,4. 2 Th.2.9. 1 Pe.5.8. Re.12.9.-20. 2,3,7,10. 16 which, ch. 6. 20.-10. 17..22. Eze. 33. 31,32. Mat.8.19,20.-13.20,21. Lu.8.13. Jn°.5.35. Ac.8. 13,18..21.-24.25,26.-26.28. 17 have. ver.5,6. Job 19.28.-27.8..10. Mat.12. 31. Lu.12.10. Jn.8.31.-15.2..7, 2.1.15.-2.17, 18.-4.10. 1 Jn.2.19. when. Mat.11.6.-13.21 21.9,10, 1 Co. 10.12.13. Ga.6.12. 1Th.3.3.5. 2 'Ti. 4.16. He.10.29. Re.2.10,13. 18 See on ver.7. Je.4.3. Mat.13.22. Lu.8.14. 19 the cares. Lu. 10. 41.-12.17..21,29,30.-14. 18..20.-21.34. Phi.4.6. 2 T1.4.10. the deceitful ness. Pr. 23.5. Ec. 4.8.-5.10..16. 1 Ti.6.9,10,17. and the lusts. 1 Pe.4.2,3. 1 Jn°.2.15..17. unfruitful. Is.5.2.4. Mat.3.10. Jn.15.2. He.6.7,8. 2 Pe. The. De.33.9. Lu.2.49. Jn°.2.4. 2 Co. Jude 12. . ch.6.3. Jn.7.3..5. 20 which. See on ver. 8. Mat. 13. 23. Lu.8.15. leheld. Ps.22.22. Ca.4.9,10.-5.1,2. Mat.12. | Jn°.15.4,5. Ro.7.4. Ga.5.22,23. Phi.1.11. Col.1. 25.40..45.-28.10. Lu.11.27,28. Ju°.20.17. 10. 1 Th.4.1. 2 Pe.1.8. an hundred. Ge.26.12. 9. He.2.11,12. 21 Is a. 15.60.1..3. Mat. 5. 15. Lu.8.16.-11.33. bushel.' The word in the original signifieth a less measure, as Mat.5.15, marg." 23. Mat.7.21. In°.7.17. Ja.1.25. 1 Jn°.2.17. 1 Co.12.7. Ep.5.3..15. Ph.2.15,16. CHAP. IV. arable of the sower, 1-13, and the meaning began. ch.2.13. Mat.13.1,2,&c. Lu.8.4,&c. t. Lu.5.1..3. 22 Ps.40.9.10.-78.2..4. Ec.12.14. Mat.10.26, 27. Lu.8.17.-12.2.3. Ac. 4. 20.-20. 27. 1 Co.4.5. Jn.1.1..3. 23 ver 9. Mat.11.15. Re.2.7,11,17,29. 24 Take. Pr.19.27. Lu.8.18. Ac.17.11. He.2.1. 1 Jn°.4.1. 1 Pe.2.2. 2 Pe.2.1..3. with. Mat.7.2. Lu.6.37,38. 2 Co.9.6. hear. ch.9.7. 18.55.3. Jn. 5.25.-10.16,27. 25 Mat.13.12-25.28,29. Lu.8.18.-16.9..12.19.24..26. Ju°.15.2. 1parables. ver.11,34. ch.3.23. Ps.49.4.-78. 13.3,10,34,35. in his. ch.12.38. Mat.7. 9.7.16,17.-18.19. 26 So. Mat.3.2.-4.17.-13.11,31,33. Lu.13.18. Tarken. ver.9,23. ch.7.14,16. De.4.1. Ps. as. ver.3,4,14,&c. Pr.11.18. Ec.11.4,6. Is.28.24.. 45.10. Pr. 7.24.-8.32. 15.46.3,12.-55.1,2. 26-32.20. Mat.13.3,24. Lu.8.5,11. Ju°.4.36...38. 14. He.2.1..3. Ja.2.5. Re.2.7,11,29. there.-12.24. 1 Co.3.6..9. Ja.3.18. 1 Pe.1.23..25. 27 and grow. Ec.8.17.-11.5. Jn°. 3.7,8. 1 Co. 15.37,38. ? Th.1.3. Pe.3.18. 28 the earth. Ge.1.11,12.-2.4,5,9.-4.11,12. Is. 61.11. first. ver.31,32. Ps. 1.3.-92.13,14. Pr.4. 18. Ec.3.1,11. Ho.6.3. Phi.1.6,9..11. Col.1.10. 1 Th.3.12,13. blade. Mat.13.26. 29 brought forth, or, ripe. Job 5.26. 2 Ti.4.7,8. he putteth. 15.57.1,2. Joel 3.13. Mat.13.30,40..43. Re.14.13..17. 30 La.2.13. Mat.11.16. Lu.13.18,20,21. 31 like. Mat.13.31..33. Lu. 13.18,19. mustard seed. Mustard, ovan, is a well-known plant of the tetradynamia siliquosa class, distinguished by its yellow crucitorm flowers, with expanding calyx, and its pods smooth, square, and close to the stem. Its seed was probably the smallest known to the Jews; and though its ordinary height does not exceed four feet, yet a species grows to the height of from three to five cubits, with a tapering, ligneous stalk, and spreading branches." is less than. Ge.22. 17,18. Ps 72.16..19. Is.2.2.3.-9.7-49.6.7.-53.2, 12.-54.1..3.-60.22. Eze.17.22..24. Da.2.34.35, 44,45. Am.9.11..15. Mi.4.1,2. Zec.2.11.-8.20.. 23.-12 8.-14.6..9. Mal. 1. 11. Ac.2.41.-4.4.-5. 14.-19.20.-21.20. Re.11.15.-20.1..6. 32 and becometh. Pr.4.18. Is.11.9. Ps. 80.9..11. Eze. 31.3..10. Da. 4. 10..14,20..22. lodge. Ps.91.1. Ca.2.3. Is.32.2. La 4.20. shooteth. 33 with. Mat.13.34,35. as. Jn°.16.12. 1 Co.3.1, 2. He 5.11..14. 34 when. ver. 10. ch.7.17..23. Mat. 13. 36,&c.15.15,&c. Lu.8.9,&c.-24.27,44..46. 35 the same. Mat.8.23. Lu.8.22. Let. ch.5.21. -6.45.-8.13. Mat.8.18.-14.22. Jn°.6.1,17,25. 36 even. ver.1. ch.3.9. 37 there arose. Mat.8.23,24. Lu.8.22,23. great storm. Job 1.12.19. Ps.107.23..31. Jon.1.4. Ac. 27.14..20,41. Co.11.25. him.' With supernatural strength the den ng 3 ch.9.18... 1s.65.4. Da. 4.32.5$. Lu.23 5 crying. Iki 18.08. Job 278 Jo 6 he ran. Ps.66.3, marg.-7.9. 12.45. 16.17. Ja.2.19. 7 Whar. ch.1.24. Ho.148. Mats. L Sen. ch.3.11.-14.61. Mat.16.16 JUST 37.-16.17. Iadure. This.164) 19.13. that. Ge 3.15. Mat89 Le 20. He.2.14. Pe.2.4. 1J 38 Jade 14 19.-20.1..3. 8 ch.1.25.-9.25.26. Ac.16.18. 9 What. Lu.8.30.-11.21.H. 12.45.-26.53. 10 ver.13. ch.3.2. 11 herd. Le. 11.7,8. De. 14.8. Is64Mat.8 30. Lu.8.32. 12 Job 1.10..12.-2. 5. Lu. 2. 31, 2 1 Pe.5.8. 13 gave, 1 Ki... Job 1.19-469 1 Pe.3.22. Re.13.5..7.-20.7. Re.9.11. 14 Mat 8.33. Lu.8.34 the bet 13 15 him that. ver.4. Is.49.64.5 Me 29. Lu.8.35,36.-10.39. Col.1.13. 6.20,21.-16.4. 1 Ch.13.19-15.13. 2003 14.5. 2 Ti.1.7. 17 ver.7. ch.1.24. Ge.26.16. De525 15 18. Job 21.14,15. Mat.8.34. Lu584716.39. 18 prayed. ver.7, 17. Ps.116.12. La&R 15.17.-23.42.43. Phi.1.1.4. 38 in the. Jn°.4.6. He.2.17.-4.15. and they. 1 Ki.18.27..29. Job 8.5,6. Ps.44.23.24. Is.51.9,10. 19 Go home. Ps.66.16. 1s.38.9.5 N Mat.8.25. Lu.8.24. carest. Ps.10.1,2.-22.1,2.-37.-6.25..27. Jon.2.1,&e. Ju°4 77.7..10. Is.40.27,28.-49.14..16.-54.6..8.-63.15.-26.4.29. -64.12. La.3.8. 1 Pe.5.7. 39 he arose. Ex.14.16,22,28,29. Job 38.11. Ps. 29.10.-93.3,4.-104.7..9.-107.29.-148.8. Pr.8.29. Je.5.02. rebuked. ch.9.25. Na.1.4. Lu.4.39. the wind. Ps.89.9. La.3.31. 40 Why. Ps.46.1..3. 18.42.3.-43.2. Mat. Lu.8.25. Ju.6.19,20. no faith. Mat.6.30. -16.8. 20 Decapolis. ch.7.31. Mat.4.25. 21 Mat.9 1. Lu.8.40. 22 there. Mat.9. 18,19. Lu841€ 13.14. Ac.13.15.-188,17. be sold, ver." 2.11. Lu.5.8-8.28. Ac.10.25,06. Re 23 besought, ch. 7.25.7-94128 16. Ps.50.15.-107.18 Lu.4.8-723 46,47.-11.3. lay thy hands, ch.638) 5.14,15. 41 feared. ch.5.33. 1 Sa. 12.18..20,24. Ps.89.7.2 Ki.5.11. Mat.8.3. Lu.4.40.-13 13. 14 Jon.1.9,10,15,16. Mal.2.5. He. 12. 28. Re.15.4. What. ch.7.37. Job 38.11. Mat.8.27.-14.32%. Lu. 4.36.-8.25. CHAP. V. Christ delivering the possessed of the legion of devils, 1-12, they enter into the swine, 13-21. He is entreated by Jairus to go and heal his daughter, 22-24 He healeth the woman of the bloody issue, 25-34, and raiseth from death Jairus' daughter 35-43. 1 ch.4.35. Mat.8.28..34. Lu.8.26,&c. 2 out. 1s.65.4. Lu.8.27. a man. St. Matthew gives a brief account of two demoniacs who were dispossessed on this occasion; but Mark and Luke omit the mention of one, (who was perhaps not so remarkable.) That these wretched men were not merely mad, as some suppose, but really possessed of evil spirits, appears clearly from the language employed, as well as from the narrative itself. St. Matthew expressly affirms that they were possessed with devils, or demontacs, daiovičoμevo; St. Mark says he had an unclean spirit.' . e. a fallen spirit; and St. Luke asserts, that he had de vils (or demons) a long time,' and was called Legion, because many devils were entered into £4 went. Lu.7.6. Ac.10.8. and th mait 31. ch.3.9,10,20. Lu.8. 42, 45.–12.1.-1945 25 a certain. Mat.9.901.49. LOBAR issue. Le.15.19,20,25.7. twelve. La line 5.5.6. Ac.4.22.-9.33,34. 20 had suffered. No person wũi vớ this account when he considers the the of the Jewish physicians, in referen eases of this kind, (for an acest see Drs. LIGHTFOOT and CLARKE therefore, a fit patient for the Great P Job 13.4. Je.8.22.-30.12,13.-518 108.12. 27 touched, ch.6.36. 2 Ki.13.21. MAUS 5.15.-19.12. 29 straightway. Ex.15.25. Job 33212 2.-103.3.-107.20.-147.3. plague. ver.34. ch.3.10. 1 Ki8r 14 30 virtue. Lu.6.19.-8.46. 1 Pets, =# 31 Thou seest. Lu.8.45-9.11. 33 the woman, ch.4.41. Lau 119,99-57 told. Ps.30.2-66.16.–103.2.3.-1EN A 34 Daughter. Mat.9.2 108454 ch.10.52. Lu.7.50.-8.45-17.19.-184) An go. 1 Sa.1.17.-9042, @kisiy t 35 there came. Lu 8.49. t without a parable spake he not m: and when they were alone, i inded all things to his disciples. i d the same day, when the even e, he saith unto them, Let us r unto the other side. d when they had sent away thek le, they took him even as he was 1 hip: and there were also with r little ships. d* there arose a great storm of al the waves beat into the ship, twas now full. Is. 11. 9. Job 13. 11. Ps. 14. 5. Jn. 16. 12. Lu. 5. 8. Ac. 16. 39. m Ps. 66, 16. he was in the hinder part of the eep on a pillow: and they awake 1 say unto him, Master, caresto that we perish? he arose,and rebuked ye wind,and the sea, Peace, be still. And the sed, and there was a great calm. dhe said unto them, Why are ye so how is it that ye have no faith? they feared' exceedingly, and said other,What manner of man is this, a the wind and the sea" obey him? CHAP. V. they came over unto the other the sea, into the country of the jes. 1 when he was come out of the mediately there met him out of bs a man with an unclean spirit, had his dwelling among the and no man could bind him, no, chains: ase that he had been often bound tters and chains, and the chains plucked asunder by him, and ters broken in pieces: neither my man tame him. d'always, night and day, he was mountains, and in the tombs, cryad cutting himself with stones. when he saw Jesus afar off, he dworshipped him, id cried with a loud voice, and said, have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou the most high God? I adjure thee d, that thou torment me not. Is. 38. 19. Mat. 8.24. Lu. 8. 23. Ps. 10. 1. p Mat. 9. 18, &c. Lu.8.41,&c. 7 Ps. 89.9. Is. 43. 2. # Ps. 107. 18. t Jon.1.10,16, &c. Lu.8.26,&c. Le. 15. 19, &c. Job 13. 4. Ps. 108, 12. Je. 30. 12, 13. Is. 65. 4. mountains, a great herd of swine" feeding. 12 And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them. 13 And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea, (they were about two thousand,) and were choked in the sea. 14 And they that fed the swine fled, and told it in the city, and in the country. And they went out to see what it was that was done. 15 And they come to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid.j 16 And they that saw it, told them how it betell to him that was possessed with the devil, and also concerning the swine. 17 And they began to pray him to depart out of their coasts. 18 And when he was come into the ship, he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him. 19 Howbeit, Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, Go home to thy friends, Lord hath done for thee, and hath had and tell them how great things the compassion on thee. 20 And he departed, and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him: and all men did marvel. 21 And when Jesus was passed over again by ship unto the other side, much people gathered unto him: and he was nigh unto the sea. 22 And, behold, there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name; and when he saw him, he fell at his feet, 23 And besought him greatly, saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live. 24 And Jesus went with him; and much people followed him, and thronged him 25 And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, 26 And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, his 27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched garment: 28 For she said. If I may touch but bis clothes, I shall be whole. 29 And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up: and she felt in her 2K1.13.21 body that she was healed of that plague. 30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue" had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes? Mat. 14.36. 19. 12. e Ac. 16. 18. He. 2. 14. 1 Jn. 3. 8. 31 And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me 32 And he looked round about to see ar he said unto him, Come out of d Mat. 12.45, her that had done this thing. an, thou unclean spirit. Ac. 14. 9. nd he asked him, What is thy e Ps. 30, 2. try. Now there was there, nigh unto the 2 Ki. 5. 19. the ruler of the synagogue's house, certain A. D. 31. 36 As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe. 37 And he suffered no man to follow him, save Peter, and James, and John the brother of James. 38 And he cometh to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and seeth the tumult, and them that wept and wailed greatly. 39 And when he was come in, he saith un, to them, Why make ye this ado, and weep? the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth. 40 And they laughed him to scorn. But when he had put them all out, he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel, and them that were with him, and entereth in where the dansel was lying. 41 And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise.j 42 And straightway the damsel arose, and walked; for she was of the age of twelve years. And they were astonished with a great astonishment. a Ja. 5. 14. 14. 33. ch. 8. 29. Mat. 16. 14. gJn.11.11..13 and anointed with oil* many that we sick, and healed them, 14 And king Herod heard of kam tạ his name was spread abroad a said, that John the Baptist was me the dead, and therefore mighty wi shew forth themselves in him 15 Others said, That it is E. int. others said, That it is a prophet, ir iel of the prophets. 16 But when Herod beard der said, It is John, whom I bebescens is risen from the dead. Le. 18 16. and laid hold upon Jot, ad b 17 For Herod himself bad sent Bor, an i Ex. 11. 3. Ac. 9, 40, him, or, k Ge. 40. 20, ch. 3. 12. Mat. 8. 4 12.16.18. Lu. 5. 14. m Is. 3. 16. 43 And he charged' them straitly that no man should know it; and commanded that something should be given her to eat. CHAP. VI. AND he went out from thence, and came into his own country; and his dis-p ciples follow him. 2 And" when the sabbath-day was come, he began to teach in the synagogue: and many, hearing him, were astonished, saying, From whence hath this man these things? and what wisdom is this which is given unto him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands? 3 Is not this the carpenter,the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended' at him. 4 But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house. 5 And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. 6 And he marvelled" because of their: unbelief. And he went round about the villages, teaching. 7 And he called unto him the twelve,and began to send them forth by two and two, and gave them power over unclean spirits; 8 And commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only; no scrip, no bread, no money in their purse: 9 But be shod with sandals; and not put on two coats. 10 And he said unto them, In what place soever ye enter into an house, there abide till ye depart from that place. Mat. 13,54, &c. Lu.4.16,&c. in prison, for Herodias' sake, his t Philip's wife: for he had muzie 18 For John had said unto Eerw. not lawful for thee to have to ther's wife. 19 Therefore Herodias bad date against him, and would have xăm but she could not 20 For Herod feared John, kung that he was a just man and a Yobserved him; and when be tri did many things, and heard to 21 And when a convEDAN JO come, that Herod on his Fit: a supper to his lords, high captat, chief estates of Galilee; 22 And wheu the daughter it i Herodias came in, and dan Es. 5.3, 6. TPs.37.12,14. Mat. 13. 57. Jn. 4. 44. or, one of his guard. ch. 9. 23. Ge. 19. 22, Is. 59, 16. Je. 2 11. Mat. 9. 35. Ac. 10. 38. The word ever thou shalt ask of me, 26 And the king was exceed 27 And immediately the king wit executioner, and commanded to be brought: and he went headed him in the prison, 28 And brought his head ra and gave it to the damsel: att brass mo-sel gave it to her mother. ney, in value somewhat less than a farthing, Mat. 16.9 but here it 29 And when his disciples ! they came and took up his arpai laid it in a tomb. is taken in for money: a Ep. 6. 15. 11 And whosoever shall not receive Ac. 12.8. you, nor hear you, when ye departe Ne. 5. 13. thence, shake off the dust under your Ac. 13. 51. feet for a testimony against them. Verily, or. I say unto you, It shall be more tolerad Lu. 24. 47. ble for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city. 12 And they went out, and preached that men should repent.d 13 And they cast out many devils, I Ac. 2. 38. 3. 19, 1 Ki. 22.17. Lu. 10. 17. 30 And the apostles gathe selves together unto Jesus. all things, both what they ha what they had taught. 31 And he said unto them yourselves apart into a desert, a rest a while: for there were Ex ing and going, and they had so much as to eat, 32 And they departed intra place by ship privately. 33 And the people saw them b and many knew him, and ran ther out of all cities, and outwell t and came together unto hire. 34 And Jesus, when he came much people, and was moved passion toward them, because thr A M. 4038. 10 Mat.10.11..13. Lu.9.4.-10.7,8. Ac. -11.25. suffered. Lu.8.51. Ac.9.40. 33.2 Co.13.1. 10,11. Ac. 13.50.51.-18.6. 11 whosoever. Ne.5.13. Mat.10.14. Lu.9.5.-10. 51. Mat.10.15.-11.20..24. Lu.10.12..15. Jn.15. It shall. Eze.16.48.. save. ch.9.22.24. He.6.4..8.-10. 26.31. 2 Pe. 2. 6. Jude 7. and, Gr. or. in the day. Mat.12.36. Ro.2.5,16. nd seeth. Je 9.17..20. Mat.9.23,24.-11.17.2 Pe.2.9.-3.7. 1 Jn.4.17. $2,33. Ac.9.39. st dead. Da.12.2. Jn°.11.11..13. Ac.20.10. 1.30. 1 Th.4.13,14.-5.10. hey, Ge.19.14. Ne.2.19. Job 12.4. Ps.22.7. A. Lu.16.14. Ac.17.32. when. 2 Ki.4.33. 6.-9.21,25. Lu.8.53,54. he taketh. He ust so many as prudence required, and re sufficient to prove the reality of the to bave permitted the presence of more, have savoured of ostentation. ek.,ch.1.31. Ac.9.40,41. STD, which is pure Syriac, the same Talitha cumi. le Syriac version, the proper translation bis given by the evangelist. .Ge.1.3. Ps.33.9. Lu.7.14,15.-8.54,55, Jn. Damsel, <11.43,H. Ro417. Phi.391. 1.7-4.41.-6.51.-7.37. Ac.3.10..13. charged. ch.1.43.-3.12.-7.36. Mat. Lu.5.14.-8.56. Jn°.5.41. manded. This was to shew that she had y returned to life, but was also restored et health; and to intimate, that though to life by extraordinary power, she must iqued in existence, as before, by the use ry means. The advice of a heathen, r subject, is quite applicable: Nec sit, nisi dignus vindice nodus inciderit. the miraculous power of God is necesit be resorted to; when not necessary, ordinary means be used.'-To act otheruld be to tempt God. given. Lu.24. Ac.10.41. CHAP. VI. icontemned of his countrymen, 1-6. He gir of five loaves and two fishes, 34-44. Christ then the sea, 45-52; and healeth all that him, 53-56. came. Mat.13.54,&c. Lu.4.16,&c. egan. ch.1.21.22,39. Lu.4.15,31,32. From. 2-7.15. Ac.4.13.14. car Mat.13.55.56. Lu.4.22. Jn°.6.42. 19.49.7-53 2,3. 1 Pe.2.4. 19.46. 1 Co.9.4. Ga.1.19. James. ch.15. Jade 1. Simon, ch. 3.18. Ac.1.13. of Juda. Jn. Mat.11.6.-13.57. Lu.2.34.-4.23.29.-7. 8.60,61, 1 Co.1.23. 1-12.6. Mat.13.57. Lu.4.24. Jn.4.44. 9.23. Ge.19.02.-32.25. Is.59.1,2. Mat.13. #elled. 19.59.16. Je.2.11. Mat.8.10. Jn°. And he went. Mat.4.23.-9.35. Lu.4.31,44. 2 Ac.10.38. 4.17.-9.13.-11.20. Lu. 11. 32.-13.3.5.-15.7,10.12 preached. ch.1.3.15. Eze.18.30. Mat. 211 2.25,26, 24.47. Ac.2.38.-3.19.-11.18.-20.21.-26.40. 2 Co. 13 cast. See on ver.7. Lu.10.17. anointed. Ja, 5.14,15. 3.1.-9.7.&c.-13.31.-23.7..12. 14 king Herod. ver.22,26,27. Mat.14.1,2. Lu. 28,45. 2 Ch.26.8,15. Mat.9.31. 1Tb.1.8. his name, ch.1. 15 it is Elias. ch.8.28.-9.12,13.-15.35,36. Mal. 4.5, Elijah. Mat.16.14.-17.10,11. Lu.1.17,-9.8, 39. Jn.6.14.-7.40.-9.17. Ac.3.2.23. 19. Jn.1.21.25. a prophet. Mat 21.11. Lu.7.16, a 4. Lu.9.9. Re.11.10.13. 16 It is. Ge.40.10,11. Ps.53.5. Mat.14.2.-27. 17 A. M. 4032. A. D. 28. -11.2.-14.3,&c. Lu.3.19,20. Philip's. Lu.3.1. Herod. Mat.4.12. 18 It is. Le.18.16.-20.21. 1ki.22.14. Eze.3. 18,19. Mat.14.3,4. Ac.20.26,27.-24.24..26. quarrel. or, an inward grudge. Ec.7.9. Ep.4.26.27. 19 Herodias. Ge.39.17..20. 1 Ki. 21. 20. 3.12,13.-6.21.-13. 14. 2 Ch. 24. 2, 15..22.-26.5. 20 feared. ch.11.18. Ex.11.3. 1 Ki.21.20. 2 Ki. Eze 2.5.7. Da.4.18,27.-5.17. Mat.14.5.-21.26. observed him, or, kept him, or saved him. heard. ch.4.16. Ps. 106 12,13. Eze.33.32. Ju°.5.35. and 37.12,13. Ac.12.2..4. 21 when. Ge.27.41. 2 Sa.13.23..29. Es.3.7. Ps. Es.1.3..7.-2.18. Pr.31.4,5. Da.5.1... Ho.7.5. 1 Pe. his birthday. Ge.40.20. 4.3. Re.11.10. 7. 22 Es.1.10..12. Is.3.16,&c. Da.5.2. Mat.14.6. 23 he. 1 Sa.28.10. 2 Ki.6.31. Mat.5.34.37.-14. Whatsoever. Es.5.3,6.-7.2. Pr.6.2. Mat. 4.9. 24 said. Ge. 27.8.11. 2 Ch.22,3,4. Eze.19.2.3. Mat.14.8. The head. Job 31.31. Ps.27.2.-37.12, 14. Pr.27.3,4. Ac.23.12,13. 25 with haste. Pr.1.16. Ro.3.15. Nu.7.13,19.&c. 26 Mat.14.9.-27.3..5.24.25. a charger. the king. Mat.14.10.11. an executioner. Or, one of his guard. #exovλarop, in Latin, speperly denotes a sentinel; and as these sentinels culator, from speculor, to look about, spy, prokept guard at the palaces of kings, and the resi dences of Roman governors, so they were employed in other offices besides guarding, and however, we learu from JOSEPHUS, that fleusually performed that of executioners. As, rod was at this very time engaged in war with rod's having divorced his daughter in order to Aretas, king of Arabia, in consequence of Hemarry Herodias, his brother Philip's wife; and as this event occurred at an entertainment given on its march against his father-in-law; we are at the castle of Macharus, while his army was speculator, or sentinel, should have been emfurnished with an additional reason why a ployed as an executioner; and are thus enabled cidence as clearly evinces the truth of the evanto discover such a latent and undesigned coingelical narrative. 14.12.-27.57. 60. Ac.8.2. both. Ac.1.1.-20.18..21. 1 T1.4.12..16. Tit. 2.6,7. twelve. ch.3.13,14. Mat.10.1,&c. Lu.6.13.. 1.6.-10.3.&c. Re.113. power. ch.16.17. Lu.10.17..20. two and. Ex.4.14.15. Ec.4. e. Mat.10.9,10. Lu.10.4.-22.35. save. St. e says that they were to take 'neither ts, Deither shoes, nor yet staves;' but recept plainly means, Go just as you take no other coat, shoes, or staff than you already have.' eth a piece of brass money, in value 1 Pe.5.2,3. money. The word thing less than a farthing. Mat. 10.9: but is taken in general for money.' Lu.9.3. shod. Ep.6.15. sandals. The sandal cononly of a sole, fastened about the foot and with straps. Ac.12.8. 28 31 Come. ch.1.45.-3.7,20. Mat.14.13. Jn.6.1. 23 ver.51,55. Mat.15.29..31. Jn.6.2. Ja.1.19. |