A. D. 26. Idoctrine: for he taught them as @ He. 1. 1, 2 b Lu.4.33,&c. c Mal. 3. 1. d Is. 40.3. e Mat. 3. 1. Lu. 3. 3. Jn. 3. 23. or, unto. 5 And there went out unto him all the land of Judea, and they of Jerusalem, f Ac. 22. 16. and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing their sins. 6 And John was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loius; and he did eat locusts and wild honey; g Le 26.40.42. Ps. 32. 5. Pr. 28. 13. 1Jn.1.8.10. A Le. il. 22. 7 And preached, saying, There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchett. 3.11 of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose. 8 I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost. 9 And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized" of John in Jordan. 10 And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit,' like a dove, descending upon him: Jn. 1. 27. Mat. 8. 14. Lu. 4. 38. Joel 2. 28 Ac. 1.5. 2.4. 10. 45. 11 15 16. 1 Co. 12. 13 in Mat. 3. 13. Lu. 3. 21. 23 And there was in their grum a man with an unclean spirit, usi cried out, 24 Saying, Let us alone; whethere to do with thee, thou Jesus CAS art thou come to destroy us ke 1 who thou art, the Holy One of Gal 25 And Jesus rebuked on Hold thy peace, and come out 3 hấ 26 And when the uncles (* 1 torn him, and cried wita a los rat, came out of him. 27 And they were all much that they questioned 24 selves, saying, What thing th new doctrine is this! for ve commandeth he even the anom and they do obey him. 28 And immediately bà ce g abroad throughout all the about Galilee. 29 And forthwith, when they come out of the synagogue, b into the house of Simon and Aans with James and John. 30 But Simon's wife's mother at 21 of a fever; and anon they tel 31 And he came, and took hỏng band, and lifted ber up; a ately the fever left her, and se unto them. 32 And at even, when the sa they brought unto him wit that 11 And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in or, cloven, eased, and them that were poss whom I am well pleased. 12 And immediately the Spirit driveth him into the wilderness. 13 And he was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted of Satan; and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered unto him. 14 Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus? came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, 15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye and believe the gospel. 16 Now' as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: (for they were bishers.) 17 And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men. 18 And straightway they forsook their nets, and followed him. 19 And when he had gone a little further thence, he saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were in the ship mending their nets. 20 And straightway he called them: and they left their father Zebedee in the ship with the hired servants, and went after him. 21 And they went into Capernaum: and straightway on the sabbath-day he eutered into the synagogue, and taught. 22 And they were astonished at his or, rent. n Is. 42. 1. Jn. 1. 32. . Ps. 2. 7. p Mat.41.&c. Lu.4.1, &c. or, to say that they knew him. q Mat. 4. 23. Lu. S. 1. Da. 2. 44. 9.25. Ga. 4. 4. Ep. 1. 10. t Ac. 2.38. Ro. 16. 26. v Mat. 4. 18, devils. 33 And all the city was p gether at the door. 34 And he healed many that on of divers diseases, and cast devils; and suffered not the speak, because they knew him 35 And in the morning. 795! great while before day, be and departed into a solitary pant there prayed. 36 And Simon, and they that wo him, followed after him, 37 And when they had found said unto him, All mes seek 27.39 38 And he said unto then in into the next towns, that I there also: for therefore car 39 And he preached in ther gogues throughout all Galilee, mi out devils. 40 And there came a leper beseeching him, and knee co Lu.5.4,xe hin, and saying unt h, lý tàu đ thou canst make me clean. Is. 61. 1. 2. Jn. 17.8 Mat. 8.2. Lu. 5. 12. Ps. 33. 9. Jn. 15. 3. 41 And Jesus, moved with cert put forth his hand, and touched saith unto him, I will; be than% 42 And as soon as be immediately the leprosy depa bim, and he was cleansed. 43 And he straitly charged t Mat.7.28. forthwith sent him away; 44 And saith unto him, See dur 26. CHAP. I. e of John the Baptist, 1-8. Jesus is bap. -11; tempted, 12, 13; he preacheth, 14, 15; Peter, Andrew, James, and John, 16 22; one that had a devil, 23-28; Peter's molau, 29-31; many diseased persons, 32-39; anseth the leper, 40-45. wing. Lu. 1.2, 3.-2. 10, 11. Ac. 1.1, 2. Ju°.0.31. Ro.1.1.4. 1Jn°.1.1..3.-5.11, Ps.2.7. Mat.3.17.-14.33.-17.5. Lu. 1.35. 34,49.-3.16.-6.69. Ro.8.3,32. He.1.1,2. . Ps.40.7. Mat.2.5.-26.24,31. Lu. 1.70. in. Several MSS. have, by Isaiah het. See the parallel texts. Mat.11.10. Lu.1.15..17.76.-7.27,28. Behold, 1.3.5. Mat.3.3. Lu.3.4..6. Jn.1.15,19.. ..36. Mat.3.1.2,6,11. Lu.3.2.3. Jn°.3.23. Ac. 3.24,25.-19.3,4. for. or, unto. 22.16. Temis . Mat.3.5.6.-1.25. baptized. Jn.1.28. eat. 3.11.14. Lu.3.16.-7.6,7. Jn°.1.27.-3.28.. 3.25. Mat.3.11. he shall. Pr.1.23. Is.32.15. E.36.95..27. Joel 2.28. Ac.1.5.-2.4,17. 41.15.16.-19.4..6. 1 Co.12.13. Tit.3.5,6. Mar.3.13..15. Lu 3.21. ng. Mat.3.16. Jn°.1.31..34. opened. or, #rent. Is.64.1. the Spirit. Is.42.1. Lu. $1.32. Mat.3.17. Jn°.5.37.-12.28..30. 2 Pe. Thou. ch.9.7. Ps.2.7. Is.42.1. Mat.17.5. Jo.1.34.-3. 16, 35, 36.-5.20..23.-6.69. Col.1.13. pari. Mat.4.1,&c. Lu 4.1,&c. driveth. deth him forth,' exẞaλλe AUTOV. The in does not necessarily imply any ; but seems to intimate the energy of ulse on our Lord, by which he was inconstrained to retire from society. Ex.24.18-34.28. De.9.11,18,25. 1 Ki. mpted. He.2.17.18.-4.15. and the. 1 Ki. Mat.4.11.-26.53. 1.3.16. M. 4031. A. D. 27. after. Mat.4.12.- time. Da.2.44.-9.25. Ga.4.4. Ep.1.10. Mat.3.2-4.17.-10.7. Lu.10.9.11. Mat21.31,32. Lu.24.47. Ac.2.36. 38.-20. 12.25.26. believe, Ro.16.26. Mat.4.18,&c. Lu.5.1,4,&c. 18. Mat.10.2. Lu.6.14. Ju°.1.40..42.-6. Simon. 2.Ac.1.13. e. Eze. 47.10. Mat.4.19.20. Lu.5.10. $41. ok. ch.10.28..31. Mat.19.27.30. Lu.5.11. -18 28.30. Phi.3.8. A. M. 4030. FOOT places it between Tiberias and Larichea, excellent water called Capernaum. Dr. LIGHTabout two miles from the former; and Dr. RICHnasereth, was told by the natives that the ruins ARDSON, in passing through the plain of Genof Capernaum were quite near. The Arab staHAM, said to have been formerly called Caphartion and ruins mentioned by Mr. BUCKINGnavom, situated on the edge of the lake, from nine to twelve miles N.N.E. of Tiberias, bearing the name of Talhewn, or as BURCKHARDT writes it, Tel Houm, appear too far north for its site. he entered. ver.39. ch.6.2. Mat.4.23. Lu.4.16.-13.10. Ac. 13.14,&c.-17.2.-18.4. Lu.4.32.-21.15. Jn.7.46. Ac.6.10.-9.21,22. 2 Co. 92 they were. Je. 23. 29. Mat.7.28.29.-13.54. 4.2. He.4.12.13. as the. ch.7.3..13. Mat.23.16.24. 23 a man. ver.31. ch.5.2.-7.25.-9.25. Mat.12. 43. Lu.4.33..37. 24 Let. ch.5.7. Ex.14.12. Mat 8.29. Lu.8.28, 37. Ja.2.19, the Holy One. Ps.16.10.-89.18,19. Da.9.24. Lu.4.34. Ac.2.27.-3.14.-4.27. Re.3.7. 25 rebuked. ver.31. ch.3.11,12.-9.25. Ps.50.16. Lu.4.35.41. Ac.16 17. 26 torn, ch.9.20,26. Lu.9.39,42.-11.22. 27 they were. ch.7.37. Mat.9.33.-12.22,23.-15. 31. for. Lu.4.35.-9.1.-10.17..20. 28 ver.45. Mi 5.4. Mat.4.24.-9.31. Lu.4.14,37. 29 entered. Mat.8.14,15. Lu.4.38,39.-9.58. 30 wife's. 1 Co 9.5. 3. Ja.5.14,15. they tell. ch.5.23. Ju".11. 15.41. Ps. 103.1.3.-116.12. Mat.27.55. Lu.8.2.3. 16.16..18. speak, because they. or, say that they. 37 All.ver.5.Zec.11.11.Jn° 3.26.-11.48.-12.19. 38 Let. Lu.4.43. for. Is.61.1..3. Lu.2.49.-4. 18..21. Jn.9.4.-16.28.-17.4,8. Galilee.-Galilee was a province of Palestine, 39 preached. ver. 21. Mat. 4. 23. Lu. 4.43.44. being bounded, says JOSEPHUS, on the west by the country of Samaria and Scythopolis, on by Ptolemais and Mount Carmel; on the south the river Jordan; on the east by the cantons of Hippos, Gadara, and Gaulon; and on the north into Lower and Upper Galilee :- Upper Gali by the confines of the Tyrians. It was divided lee, so called from its being mountainous, was termed Galilee of the Gentiles (Mat, 4. 15.) because inhabited, says STRABO, by Egyptians, the tribes of Asher and Naphtali;-the Lower Arabians, and Phoenicians, and comprehended Issachar, and was sometimes termed the Great Galilee contained the tribes of Zebulun and and rich, containing 204 cities and towns. Field. It was, says JosЯPHUS, very populous cast. ch.7.30. Lu.4.41. and , ch. 3.17.-5.37.-9.2.-10.35.-14.33. 1. Ac.1.13.-12.2. 40 there. Mat.8 2..4. Lu.5.12..14. hey left. ch.10.29. De. 33. 9. 1 Ki.19.20. 2 Ki.5.5.&c. 27.-7.3-15.5. Mat.11.5. Lu.17.12.. XIII-XIV. Nu.12.10..15. De.248,9. 2 Sa.3.29. a leper. Le. 1.2.-8.21,22.-10.37.Lu.14.26.2 Co.5.16. 19. en. ch.2.1. Mat.4.13. Lu.4.31.-10. Lu.22.41. Ac.7.60. Ep.3.14. if thou, ch.9.22,23, kneeling. ch.10.17. 2 Ch.6.13. Mat. 17 14. Capernaum-Capernaum was a city of Ge.18.14. 2K15.7. 41 moved. ch.6.34. Mat.9.36. Lu.7.12.13. He. . (Lu. 4. 31,) situated on the confines of Jan and Naphtali, (Mat.4.13,) on the west-2.17.-4.15. I. ch.4.39.-5.41.Ge.1.3. Ps.33.9.1le.1.3. 24 43 ch.3.12.-5.43.-7.36. Mat.9.30. Lu.8.56. 92 bottles. Jos.9.4.13. Job 32.1). PATISSE Mat.9.17. Lu.5.37,38. 44 shew. Le.14.2..32. Mat.23.2.3. Lu.5.14.-17. 14. for a testimony. Ro.15.4. 1 Co. 10.11. 45 and began. Ps.77.11. Mat.9.31. Lu.5.15. Tit.1.10. could. ch.2.1,2,13. CHAP. II. Christ, followed by multitudes, 1, 2, healeth one sick of the palsy, 3-12; calleth Matthew from the receipt of custom, 13, 14; eateth with Publicans and sinners, 15-17; excuseth his disciples for not fasting, 18-22; and for plucking the ears of corn on the sabbath-day, 23-28. 1 again. ch.1.45. Mat.9.1. Lu.5.18. and it, ch. 7.24. Lu. 18.35..38. Ju°.4.47. Ac.2.6. 2 straightway. ver. 13. ch.1.33,37.45.-4.1,2. Lu. 5.17.-12.1. and he. ch.1.14.-6.34. Ps 40.9. Mat. 5.2. Lu.8.1,11. Ac.8.25.-11.19.-14.25.-16.6. Ro. 10.8. 2 Ti.4.2. 3 bringing. Mat.9.1.2,&c. Lu.5.18,&c. 4 they uncovered. De.22.8. Lu.5.19. 5 saw. Ge.22.12. Jn°.2.25. Ac.11.23.-14.9. Ep. 2.8. 1 Th.1.3.4. Ja.2.18..22. he said. ver.9,10. Is. 53.11. Mat.9.2. Lu.5.20.-7.47..50. Ac.5.31. Co. 2.10. Col.3.13. Son. The Jews believed that not only death but all disease was the consequence of sin. There is no death without sin, nor any chastisement without iniquity; and that no diseased person could be healed of his disease till his sins were blotted out." Our Lord, therefore, as usual, appeals to their received opinions, and asserts his high dignity, by first forgiving the sins, and then healing the body of the paralytic. ch.5.34. Mat.9.22. Lu.8.48. sins. Job 33.17.26. Ps.32.1..5.-90.7..9.-103.3. Is.38.17. Ju°.5.14. 1 Co 11.30. Ja.5.15. 6 and reasoning. ch.8.17. Mat.16.7,8. Lu.5.21, 22. 2 Co.10.5, marg. 7 speak. ch.14.64. Mat.9.3.-26.65. Jn°.10.33, 36. who. Job 14.4. Ps.130.4. 15.43.05. Da. 9.9. Mi.7.18. Lu.5.21.-7.49. Jn°.20.20..23. 8 when. 1 Ch.29.17. Mat.9.4. Lu.5.22.-6.8.-7. 39,40. Jn.2.24,25.-6.64.-21.17. He.4.13. Re.2. 23. Why. ch.7.21. Ps.139.2. Pr. 15.26.-24.9. Is. 55.7. Eze.38.10. Lu.24.38. Ac.5.3.-8.02. 9 is it. Mat.9.5. Lu.5.2..25. Thy sins. ver.5. 10 Da.7.13,14. Mat.9.6..8.-16.13. Jn.5.20..27. Ac.5.31. 1 Ti.1.13..16. 11 ch.1.41. Jn°.5.8..10.-6.63. 12 insomuch. ch.1.27. Mat.9.8.-12.23. Lu.7.16. glorified. Mat.15.31. Lu.5.26.-13.13.-17.15. Ac. 4.21. We never. Mat.9.33. Jn°.7.31.-9.32. 13 by. Mat.9.9.-13.1. and all. ver.2. ch.3.7,8, 20,21.-4.1. Pr.1.20..22. Lu.19.48.-21.38. 14 he saw. ch.3.18. Mat.9.9. Lu.5.27. Alpheus. ch.3.18. Lu.6.15. Ac.1.13. receipt of custom. or, place where the custom was received. low me. ch.1.17..20. Mat.4.19... 15 Mat.9.10,11.-21.31,32. Lu.5.29,30.-6.17. 15.1. Fol 16 How. ver. 7. Is. 65.5. Lu. 15.2.&c.-18.11. -19.7,10. 1 Co.2.15. He.12.3. publicans. Mat. 18.17. 23 that. Mat.19.1.8. Lu6.1.5 to pho 23.24.25. 24 why. ver.7.16. Mat.7.3.5-15.2.3-214 He.12.3. that. Ex.20.10.-31.15-33.25! 32..36. Ne.13.15.2. 15.562,4,6-58.13 | 20..27. 25 Have. ch.12.10.26. Mat.19.4.-21. 31. Lu.10 26. what. 1 ba21.3.6 referred to here, that danced t 26 Abiathar. It appears from the pa priest at Nob; and from other pays Abiathar was his son. Various co have been formed in order to solve culty; and some, instead of untying, sam the knot, by pronouncing it an ind The most probable opicion seems t both father and son had two names bet being also called Abiathar; and the almost certain from 2 Sa..17. 1 Ch Ahimelech seems evidently termed se while Abiatkar is called Akar o lech. (Compare 1 Ki..66.7) 1 S Sa.8.17.- 18:4 which is not last S 6,9. 2,26,27.-4.4. Le.24.5.9. 27 Ex.23.12. De 5.14. Ne 014 Eze.2012,20. Lu.6.9. Jn.7.23.1 4.15. Col.2.16. 28 ch.3.4. Mat. 12.8. Lu.65-368 9..11,17.-9.5.11,14,16. Ep.1.29 Bel CHAP. III. Christ healeth the withered band, 1-4. o 1 he entered, ch.1.21. Mat.19.3.14. Im withered. 1 Ki.13.4. Jn 5.3. 2 P.37.32. Is.29.20.21. Je..13. Da 6.7.-11.53.54.-14.1.-90.20. Jo 3 he saith. Is.42.4. Das 10, Last 1 Co.15.58. Ga.6.9. Phi. 1.14.8 Stand forth. or, Arise, stand forth to 4 Is it. ch.2.27.28. Ho.6.6. MA 6.9.-13.13..17.-14.1.5. But ch 5 with anger. With anger at ther malice and wickedness, and with tion for the calamities which they w bring on themselves. Lu6,10-112 Re.6.16. grieved. Ge.6.6. Jazz M Ps.95.10. Is.63.9,10. Lu.19.40.4454 3.10.17. hardness, or, blindness. H 18.20.-44.18.20. Mat.13.14.15 R 2 Co.3.14. Ep.4.18. Stretch, 1 K:112 13. Lu.6.10.-17.14. Jn 589-97144 6 Pharisees. Ps.109 3,4. Mat. 14 20.19.20.-22.2. In°.11.53. He des 12.13. Mat.22.16. 7 Jesus. Mat.10.23.-12.15. La 39..41.-11.53.54. Ac.14.5.6.-17304 Mat.4.25. Lu.6 17. Galilee, cal 17 They that are whole. Mat.9.12.13. Lu.5.31, 32.-15.7,29.-16.15. Jn°.9.34,40. I came. Is.1.18. -55.7. Mat.18.11. Lu.15.10.-19.10. Ac. Ro-5.6..8,20,21. 1 Co.6.9..11. 1 Ti.1.15,16.-21.32. Lu.23.5. Jn.7.41.52. Tit.2.14.-3.3..7. 18 the disciples. Mat. 9.14..17. Lu.5.33..39. Why. Mat.6.16,18.-23.5. Lu.18.12. Ro.10.3. 19 Can. Ge.29.22. Ju.14.10,11. Ps.45.14. Ca.6. 8. Mat.25.1..10. be 20 the bridegroom. Ps.45.11. Ca 3.11. Is. Jn°.3.29. 2 Co. 11.2. Re. 19.7.-21.9. taken. Zec.13.7. Mat.26.31. Jn° 7.33,34.- Ac.1.9.-3.21. and. Ac. 13.2.3.-14.23. 1 Co.7.5. 2 Co.6.5.-11.27. 21 seweth, Ps. 103.13..15. Is.57.16. 1 Co.10.13. new, or, raw, or, unwrought. Mat.9.16. 25 8 Idumea. 15.34.5. Eze 35.15.4, Edom. beyond. NuRON S Tyre. ch.7.24.31. Jos. 19.09.29 PM Is. XXIII. Eze. XXVI.XXVIE 9 because, ch.5.30. Jn.6.15. 10 he had. Mat. 12. 15-14.14. rushed. Ac.5.15.-19.11.12. touch. ch.3.67.84 Nu.11.33. Lu.7.2. He. 12.6. as many, chang ( 41. Ac.16.17.-19.13.17. 11 unclean, ch.1.23.4.-5.56. Mat. * 16.2.19. 1.1. Mat.4.3,6.-8.29.-14.33. Los A A. D. 30. ing to any man: but go thy way, thyself to the priest, and offer for cleansing those things which Moses Landed, for a testimony unto them. But he went out, and began to pubmuch, and to blaze abroad thee er, insomuch that Jesus could no a Le.14.2.32. Ro. 15, 4. 1 Co.10.11. Ps.77.11,12. Tit. 1. 10. 19 And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bride-chamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast. 20 But thedays will come when the bride groom shall be taken away from them, openly enter into the city, but was Mat. 25. 1. and then shall they fast in those days. ut in desert places; and they came n from every quarter. CHAP. II. D again be entered into Capernaum wo days; and it was noised that is in the house. nd straightway many were gathergether, insomuch that there was no to receive them, no, not so much But the door: and he preached 4 ord unto them. nd they come unto him, bringing ck of the palsy, which was borne it there were certain of the scribes there, and reasoning in their hearts, by doth this man thus speak blas aly? Who can forgive sins P but mediately.when Jesus perceivspirit that they so reasoned within lves, be said unto them, Why reathese things in your hearts? ether is it easier to say to the sick of sy. Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to se, and take up thy bed, and walk? ut that ye may know that the Son ibath power on earth to forgive saith to the sick of the palsy,) ay unto thee, Arise, and take up thy dgo thy way into thine house. nd immediately he arose, took up 1, and went forth before them all; ich that they were all amazed. orified God, saying, We never On this fashion. nd he went forth again by the ; and all the multitude resorted , and he taught them. lad as he passed by, he saw Levi e ch. 2. 13. f Ac. 13. 2. or raw,or, umerought. g Job 32. 19. P119083. h Ps. 10. 3. i Mat 9.1,&e Lu 5.18,&c. Mat. 12. 1, &c. Lu 6.1,&c. De. 23. 25. m Ac. 14. 9. Ep. 2. 8. #1 Sa. 21. 6. Ex 293233 Le. 24. 9. p Is. 43. 25. Da. 9. 9. Ne. 9. 14. Eze.20.12,20 Re. 1. 10. tMat.12.9.&c. Lu.6.6,&c. Lu. 14. 1. Ac. 5. 31. Arise stand the midst. Jn. 7. 31. 9. 32. &or, blind ness. y Mat. 9. 9. Lu. 6. 27. or, at the !place where! the custom was received. Mat. 22.16. a Mat. 9. 10, &c. b Lu. 15.1..5. Alpheus sitting at the receipt em, and said unto him. Follow And he arose and followed him. And it came to pass, that, as Jesus heat in his house, many publi. Lu. 6. 17. and sinners sat also together with d Mat. 9. 12, and his disciples: for there were and they followed him. 13. Lu.5.31,32. And when the scribes and Phariseese Mat.12.15. meat with publicans and sinners, said unto his disciples, How is it 14. 14. 21 No man also seweth a piece of 3 new cloth on an old garment: else the new piece that filled it up taketh away from the old, and the rent is made worse. 22 And no man putteth new wine into old bottles; else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred but new wine must be put into new bottles. 23 And it came to pass, that he went through the corn-fields on the sabbathday; and his disciples began, as they went, to pluck the ears of corn. 24 And the Pharisees said unto him, Behold, why do they on the sabbath day that which is not lawful? 25 And he said unto them. Have ye never read what David did," when he had need, and was an hungred, he, and they that were with him? 26 How he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest, and did eat the shew-bread, which is not lawful to eat but for the priests, and gave also to them which were with him? 27 And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: 28 Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath. CHAP. III. AND he entered again into the synagogue; and there was a man there Which had a withered hand. 2 And they watched him, whether he would heal him on the sabbath-day; that they might accuse him. 3 And he saith unto the man which had the withered hand, y Stand forth. 4 And he saith unto them, Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath-days, or to do evil? to save life," or to kill? But they held their peace. 5 And when he had looked round about ou them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts, he saith unto the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it out: and his hand was restored whole as the other. 6 And the Pharisees went forth, and straightway took counsel with the Ilerodians against him, how they might destroy him. 7 But Jesus withdrew himself with his disciples to the sea: and a great mul titude from Galilee followed him, and from Judea, 8 And from Jerusalem, and from Idumea, and from beyond Jordan; and they e eateth and drinketh with pub-or, rushed. about Tyre and Sidou a great multiand sinners? When Jesus heard it, he saith unto They that are whole have no need physician, but they that are sick : De hot to call the righteous, but to repentance. And the disciples of John and of the sees used to fast and they come ay unto him, Why do the disciples hand of the Pharisees fast, but lisciples fast not? f Is. 1. 18. 55.7. Mat. 18. 11. Lu. 19. 10. 1 Co.6.9..11. 1 Ti. 1. 15. g ch. 1. 24. Mat.14.33. Lu. 4. 41. tude, when they had heard what great things he did, came unto him. 9 And he spake to his disciples, that a small ship should wait on him because of the multitude, lest they should throng him. 10 For he had healed many; insomuch that they pressed upon him for to touch him, as many as had plagues. 11 And unclean spirits, when they saw him, fell down before him, aud cried, saying, Thou art the Son of God. 12 And he straitly charged them that they should not make him known." 13 And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him. 14 And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach, 15 Aud to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils: 16 And Simon & he surnamed Peter; 17 And James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James; and he surnamed them Boanerges, which is, The sons of thunder: 18 And Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alpheus, and Thaddeus, and Simon the Canaanite, 19 And Judas Iscariot, which also betrayed him: and they went ẞinto an house. 20 And the multitude cometh together again, so that they could not so much as eat bread. 21 And when his friends heard of it, they went out to lay hold on him: for they said, He is beside himself. 22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils. 23 And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan? 24 And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. 26 And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end. 27 No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house. 28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: 29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation: 30 Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit. 31 There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him. 32 And the multitude sat about him; and they said unto him, Behold,thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee. 33 And he answered them, saying, Who is my mother, or my brethren? 34 And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! 35 For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother. CHAP. IV. AN ND he began again to teach by the sea-side: and there was gathered unto him a great multitude, so that he entered into a ship, and sat in the sea; and the whole multitude was by the sea on the land. 2 And he taught them many things by parables, and said unto them in his doctrine, 3 Hearken; Behold, there went out 8 sower to sow : A. D. 31. a ch. 1. 25,34. & Ge. 15. 11. c Mat. 10. 1. Jn. 15. 16. Eze. 11. 19. i 36, 26. P. 1. 4. Ja. 1. 11. He. 6. 7, 8. k Is. 58. 1. Je. 23. 29. Col. 1. 6. Mat.13.10, &c. or, home. 7 ch. 6. 31. Ep. 1. 9. y or, kins men. p Col. 4. 5. Ho 9.7. Is. 6.9, 10. Jn. 12. 40. Ac.28.26,27. Ro. 11. 8 4 And it came to pass, as be scam, some fell by the way-side, and thelawa of the air came and deveured it o 5 And some fell on stony where it had not much earth : 256 2 mediately it sprang up, because ra no depth of earth: 6 But when the sun was up, it scorched; and because it had a it withered away. 7 And some fell among thorns the thorns grew up, and choses it it yielded no fruit. 8 And other tell on good grossi did yield fruit? that sprang J creased, and brought forth, we and some sixty, and some an ob 9 And he said unto them, Hebei ears to hear, let him hear. 10 And when he was alone, ther were about him with the twehea of him the parable. 11 And Le said unto them.Ur is given to know the mystery dom of God: but unto them “fact out, all these things are do 12 That seeing they may perceive; and hearing ther and not understand; lest f they should be converted, a Mat. 9. 34. should be forgiven them. 10.25. 12.24. Lu. 11. 15. Jn3. 7. 20. 8.48, 52. Is. 32. 20. 1 Pe. 1. 25. 1 Pe. 5. 8. Re. 12.9. He. 2. 1. 13 And be said unto them. Enw not this parable and how thes. #-know all parables! 14 The sower soweth the worl 15 And these are they by the w where the word is sow; but whe have heard, Satan cometh and taketh away" the word ta sown in their hearts. 16 And these are they likesse 1.49.24,26. are sown on stony ground wh they have heard the word, inze receive it with gladness; 61. 1. Mat. 12.29 Job 19. 28. y Mat, 12. 31. Lu. 12. 10. Job 27. 10. a 2 Ti. 1. 15. b He. 10. 29. e Lu.14.18.20 ITi. 6. 9,17. 2 Ti. 4 10. d Pr. 23. 5. 1Jn 2.16,17 Mat. 12.46. 17 And have no root in the and so endure but for a te Ward, when affliction or peser aliseth for the word's sake, m they are offended. 18 And these are they which among thorns; such as bear the po 19 And the cares of the vi the deceitfulness of riches, w lusts of other things entering. the word, and it becometh 48. 20 And these are they wikbet Lu.8.19.21. good ground; such as hear the ven Is. 5. 2, 4.ceive it, and bring forthtruit sche & Ro. 7. 4. fold, some sixty, and some a Col. 1. 10. 2 Pe. 1.8 ¿ See on Ec. 12. 14. Lu. 12. 2. a. 1.25. 1Jn. 2. 17. Mat.13.1,&c Lu. 8. 4, &c. In 1 Pe. 2. 2. ⚫ Lu. 8. 18. p ver. 34. 21 And he said unto them. It brought to be put under a under a bed? and not to be st candlestick? 22 For there is nothing h shall not be manifested; eta fu thing kept secret, but that it abroad. 23 If any man bave ears t 1 him hear. 24 And he saith unto them. Mat. 7.2. mete, it shall be measured what ye hear: with what t unto you that bear shail me let 25 For he that hath, to be shall be taken even that whA given: and he that bath out, fa 26 Andbe said. Sof is the kin asif a man shouldcast seed its 27 And should sleep, and rise De Ps. 78. 2. r ver. 9, 3. |