11-81821. Ge83-29 RE-GAA-325-81. Nu 28.3.10, -AMG EL11. He.198.. 4-4-12 5. Ex.12 5. De. 72. MA LH. La.1.33. Ja*.1.36. Ep. * 14. 1 Pe.1.18.19. kir own. ch.7. 13.11.09.-36 3. Ps.408-110. at the ch.16-7.-17.4. Fx.9.4. 21 Eze £5.40. 35.10.79. Ep.2.18 10- 14,2.-16. Alarm NER 12. 15.53.4. 6. 2 Co.5. 1 cped th9021,27. 1+.567. Ro121. •ă cuncut GARA NA5.2-23.13. £Ch.29.23,24. | 124 215-5.11. He.10.4. 1 Ju° 22 128,13-16.15. 2 Ch.29.2%.. hat the prit. ver.11.15. 2 Ch.35.11. veril. ch.3.28.13. Ex.246.8 13 MERCU 35.11. 19.52.15. Eze.30. AC-27 12 #13-954.-10.1.1 Ch.21.26.2 Ch. -all. Ge 22.9. Ne.13.31. 9.13,14 Ex.29.17,18. 1 Ki.18. - mé ver.13. ch.8.£1 −9.14. Ps51.6. Je. kau.2. kur all. ver.13,17. ch.3.11. #1 le 12 a meet. Ge8.11. Eze.2028, Head Lag Pr. 4.18 fever.2.1.4.-8.00. Is-53.67. As a bare secrefce. Olah, a burnt offering, din 2. accred, because this offering as-1 and, wit were, to God in fame and smoke, Comed; for which reasou it is the seagint, GACKOFTWua, a shole 1s was the most important of The suc and no part of it was eaten test or the offerer, but the whole Madix It has been sufficiently shown *ence that aim st every nation of the rey r. bad their burnt offerings, the enacing that there was no other 7xes the incensed gods; and they fed taman sacrifices, because they alter, that it was gecessary to redeem life, at the gents would be satisfied with a male. See on ver.3. ch.4.23. *heal bee on ver.5. Ex.40.22. Eze.8 5. 16.03.-7.2 and the. ver.7-9. ch.9. head or, pinch off the head with A P221,21-691-21. 1s.53.4,5, *AXXI-XXVII. 1J6°-12-£27. Thwa tarbers, or, the fith thereot. Lu.1.35. by the place. ch. 4.12.-6.10,11.-16.27. Ge 15.10. Ps.16.10. Mat.750. BS 1Pe 1.17 21.-3.18. 1. ver. AMIIGAN, Kol.1. kl.10.6.12.-13.15,16. CHAP. 11. A. M. 2514 The meat-fering of four with oil and inernar, 1–3. 2 the memorial, ver.9 ch. 5 12.-6,15.- 24 7. Ex. 30.16. Nu.5.18. Ne 13.14,22 1556 3. AcJC4. 3 the remnant. ch.6.16,17,56.—7 9 - 1) 12 13 – 21.2. Nu. 18.9. 1 Sa.2 most holy th.c.17 −10 12-21.62. Ex.29.37. Nu.189. 4 meat offering. 1Ch 232,29. Ps 22.14 Fze. 46.20. Mat 26 38. In 1997. the even Jannur, probably such an an as tat described by DARVIEUX, as used by the Arabs. He states that they make a fire in a great stone patcher, and when heated, mix meal and water, which they apply with the bollow of their hands to the outside, and this soft pa te spreadingitseif upon it, is baked in an instant, and the bread comes off as thin as our wafers, unlearned cakes ver 1.11 ch 6.17.-7.12.-10.12. Ex.128. ¡Co. 5.7 8. He 7.96. 1 Pe.2.1,52. wafers, Ex.16.31.–49 2. İs. 42.1-44.3.5.-61.1. Ju° 3.34. 5 m a pan. or, on a flat plate, or shee. Macha rath, a Aat iron plate, such as the Arabs still use to bake their cakes on, and which is called a griddle in some of our counties, 6 ch.16. Ps. 22. 1..21. Mar. XIV-XV, Ju®. XVIII-XIX. 7 the firing pan. Marchesheth, a shallow earthen vessel, like a frying pan, which the Arabs cali a tojen. of tine. See on ver. 1,2. 9 a memorial, ver 2. ch 6.15. an offering ver. 2. Ex.59.18. Ps.22.13,14. 18.53.10. Ze.13.7.9. Ko. 12.1. 15.10. Ep 33 Thi...17. 4lu 10 See on ver.3. 11 no leaven. ch.6.17. Fx.12.19,20. Mat.16 6,11, 12. Mar 8.15. Lu.12.1. 1 Co.5.6, 8. Ga.5.9. honey. Pr.4.13-25.16,27. Lu.21.31. Ac.14.92, 1 Pe.4.2. 12 the oblation, cb.23 10,11,17. Ex.2.2) -23. 10,11,19, No.15 20. De 26.10. 2 Ch.31.5. 1 Co.15. co. Re.14.4. be burnt, lieb, ascend. 135ith salt. Ezr.7.22. Eze 43.21. Mat.5.13 Mar. 9.49,50. Col.4.6. the salt. Nu 18.19. 2Ch.135 with all thine. Fze. 43.21. 11 a meat offering. These first fruits seem to have been the voluntary oblation brought by in dividuals, of the finest ears of corn out of the beid, before the harvest was ripe. ch.22:29. - 21. 10,14. 17.20. Ge. 4 3. Nu.28.2 Dest 2. Pr. 3.9. 10. Is 53.2..10. Mal. 1. 11. 1 Co. 15. 20. Re. 14.4. corn beaten. 2 K14.42. 5.1.2. Col.1.20. 1 Jn°.1.3. without. See ou ver.1, 7,15. Mat.16.24.-26.28. Ac.15.20,21,29. 3. Nu.6.14. Mal.1.8,14. He.10.22. -5.26. 1 Ti.1.4. 2 lay. ch.1.4,5.-8. 22.-16.21,22. Ex.29.10. Is. 53.6. 2 Co.5.21. 1Jn°.1.9,10. kill it. ch.1.11. Zec.12.10. Ac.2.36..38.-3.15.26.-4.10..12,26..28. 3 the fat, or, suet. ver. 16. ch.4.8,9.-7,3,4. Ex. 29.13,22. De.30.6. Ps.119.70. Pr.23.26. 1s.6.10. Eze.36.26. Mat.13.16.-15.8. Ro.5.5.-6.6. 4 caul above the liver, with the kidneys. or, midriff over the liver, and over the kidneys. 5 daron's, ch.1.9.-4.31,35.-6.12.-9.9,10. Ex. 29.13. 1 Sa.2.15,16, 1 K1.8.64. 2 Ch.35.14. Eze.44. 7,15. upon the burnt. ch.6.12. 1 Pe.2.5. he 6 a sacrifice. Ga.4.4. Ep.1.10.-2.13..22. be of. ver.1. ch.1.2,10. Is.60.7. male. Ga.3.28. shall, ver.1,&c. Ac.4.27. Ro.12.1,2. Tit.2.11,12. 7 offer it. ver. 1. 1 Ki. 8.62. Ep. 5.2, 12. He. 9.14. & he shall. See on ver.2..5,13. ch.4 4,15,24. Is. 53.6.11,12. 2 Co.5.21. 1 Pe.2.24. kill it. Ep.2.18. -3.12. He.10.19..22. sprinkle, ch.1-5.11. Mat.3. 17. Co.5.19. 9 the fat. ver.3,4. Pr.23.26. Is.53.10. the whole rump. To what has already been said on the tails of eastern sheep, we may add the testimony of LUDOLF, who states that they are so very large, some of them weighing from twelve to fourteen pounds, that the owners are obliged to tie a little cart behind them, whereupon they put the tail of the sheep, as well for the convenience of carriage, and to ease the poor creatures, as to preserve the wool from dirt, and the tail from being torn among the bushes and stones." The same is testified by Dr. RUSSELL, who says, 'In some other places where they feed in the fields, the shepherds are obliged to fix a piece of thin board to the under part of the tail, to prevent its being torn by bushes, thistles, &c., as it is not covered underneath with thick wool, like the upper part; and some have small wheels to facilitate the dragging of the board after them. ch.7.3.-8.25.-9.19. Ex.29.22. 10 the caul. ver.4. 11 burn. ver.5. Ps.22.14. Is.53.4..10. Ro.8.32. the food. ver.16. ch.21,6,8,17,21,22.-22.25. Nu. 28.2. Eze.44.7. Mal.1.7.12. 1 Co.10.21. Re.3.20. 12 a goat. ver.1.7.&c. ch.1.2,6,10.-9.3,15.-10. 16.-29.19..27. Is.53.2,6. Mat. 25. 32, 33. Ro.8.3, 2 Co.5.21. 13 lay his hand. See on ver.1..5,8. Is.53.6,11, 12. 2 Co.5.21. 1 Pe.2.24.-3.18. sprinkle. ver. 2.8. 15. 52. 15. Ro. 5. 6..11, 15..21. He. 12. 24. 1 Pe. 1. 2. 14 the fat that covereth. ver.3..5,9..11. Ps. 22. 14,15. Pr.23.26. Je.20.21. Mat.22.37.-26.38. Ro. 12. 1. 2. 16 it is the food. See on ver. 11. all the fat ver. 3..5,9..11,14,15. ch.4.8..19.26,31.-7.23.25. 8.25.-9.24.-17.6. Ex.09.13,22. 1 Sa.2.15,16. Ch. 7.7. Is.53.10. Mat.22.37. 17 a perpetual, ch.6.18.-7.36.-16.34.- Nu.19.21. eat neither. That is, neither the blood which is contained in the larger veins and arteries, nor the fat or suet which is within the animal, which exists in a separate or unmixed state, as the omentum or caul, the fat of the mesentery, or fatty part of the substance which connects the convolutions of the alimen. tary canal or small intestines, the fat of the kidneys, and whatever else of the internal at was easily separable, together with the whole of the tail already described; for the blood which assumes the form of gravy, and the fat which is intermixed with the other flesh, might be eaten. This law not only related to the sacrifices, but to all the cattle which the Israelites slaughtered for food. ver.16. De.32.14. Ne.8.10. blood, chap. 7.23,25..7.-17.10.14. Ge.9.4. De. 12.16,23.-15. 23. 1 Sa.11.32.31. Eze.33.25.—44. 19. CHAP. IV. The sin offering of ignorance, 1, 2; for the 3-12; for the songregation, 13-21; for th 22-26; for any of the people, 27-35. 2 through. ch.5.15,17. Nu.15.22.99. 1 1 Sa.14.27. Ps. 19. 12. 1 Ti. 1. 13. He.5 which ought, ver.27. Ge.20.9. Ja.3.10. 3 the priest. ch.8.12.-1.10..12. Ex a young bullock. ver.14. ch.9.2.-16.6,11. for a sin. ch.5.6. Ex.29.14.-30.10. Ezr.8.35. Ro.8.3. 2 Co.5.21. He 5.3-7.2 4 bring. ch.1.3. Ex.29.10,11. lay h See on ch.1.4.-16.21. Is.53.6. Da.9.26. 1 5 ver.16,17. ch.16.14,19. Nu.19.4. 1 6 dip. ver. 17.25,30,34, ch. 8.15.-9.9.-1 Nu.19.4. seven times. The number what is called a number of perfection the Hebrews; and is often used to de completion, fulness, or perfection of a th 14.16,18,27.-25.8.-26.18,24,28. Jos.6.4,$ the horns. ch.8.15.-9.9.-16.18. Ex Ps.118.27. He.9.21..25. all the blood, vi ch.5.9.-8.15. Ep.2.13. 8 See on ver.19,26,31,35. ch.3.3..5,9..1 -7.3..5.-16.25. Is.53.10. Jn°.12.27. 11 ver. 21. ch. 6. 30.-8.14..17.-9.8.11. Ex.29.14. Nu.19.5. Ps.103.12. He.13.11. 12 without the camp. Heb. to without th This was intended, figuratively, to expl enormity of this sin, and the availab the atonement. The sacrifice, as having of the priest transferred from himself his confession and imposition of hands, come unclean and abominable, and wast as it were, out of God's sight; and thus offensiveness was removed, with the sit person in whose behalf it was offered, e Nu. 5.3.-15. 35.-19. 3. the ashes. ch.t burn him. Ex.29.14. Nu.195. He.13.11. the ashes are poured out. Heb. at the 1 out of the ashes. The så 13 the whole congregation. This may 1 some oversight in acts of religious won to some transgression of the letter of t which arose out of the peculiar circus in which they were then found, as in mentioned in 1 Sa. 14.32, et seq. and rites in this case were the same as preceding; only here the elders lare hands on the head of the victim, in the n all the congregation, through ignorance, ver.1.2. ch. Nu 15.24.9. Jos7 26. Ti.1.13. He.10.26.29. and are guilt 2..5,17.-6.4. Ezr.10.19. Ho.5.15. marg. 1 C 14 young bullock. See on ver. 3, 15 the elders. Ex.24.1.9. Nu.11.16.25. 3.9. lay. See on ver.4. ch.1.4.-16.21. 16 See on ver.5..12. He.9.12..14. 17 See ver. 6, 7. 18 upon the, ver. 7. and shall pour en reason for pouring out the blood, which constantly and strictly required by the was in opposition to an idolatrous custom ancient Zabu, who were accustomed to. the blood of their sacrifices, because they gined this to be the food of their goes whom they thought they had such comma by eating their meat, that they revealed to future things.'-MAIMONIDES. 19 ver.8..10,26,31,35. ch. 5. 6.-6. 7.-128 18. Nu 15.25. Ps.22.14. He.1.3.-9.14. 20 with the. ver.3. an atonement, ver. 1.4.-5.6.-6.7.-19.8.-14.18. Ex. 32.30. Na Da.9.24. Ro.5.11. Ga 3.13. He.1.3.-2.17.-10.10..12. 1 Juo.1.7.-2.0. Re.1.5. 21 as he. ver.11,12. a sin offering, ch. mish unto the LORD for a sintering az without bemus, before the LORD. B. C. 1490, a Nu. 6, 14. dcb. 16. 14. erb. 489. in the inward, and all the fat that as Anda offering for a sacrifice of paste to the LORD be of the *** ma temale, he shall offer it der a lamb for his offering. or, mad 16. 18 2Ch. 35. 14. Eze. 44. 15. a sta se ofer it before the LORD. Clase shall lay his band uponi ch 5. 9. atts offering, and kill it before à ver. 1. brace of the congregation and II Ki. 5, 62. 2003 stall sprinke the blood me44,15,24. tamad about upon the altar. all ofter of the sacrifice of Xa-terug, an offering Date by the LORD; the fat thereof, dame rump, it shall be take off by the back bone; and the fat that The awards, and all the tat that - Sp the wards, 4 And the two krtneys, and the fat That is epen them, which is by the flanks, * del cas above the liver, with the Cups, all be take away. And the priest shall burn it upon Tektar: as the food of the offering we by fire unto the LORD. 2. Audi has offering be a goat, then After thereof his offering. the tax that is upon the inwards, 4 at the two kidneys, and the tat wifi opin them, which by the flanks, 4. Se cast above the liver, with the Antlers, it shall be take away. & Aut the priest shall barn them 450 the altar: it is the food of the offer-1 ade by fire, for a sweet savour. fat is the LORD'S. &l be a perpetual statute for Fb venerations, throughout all your that ye eat Leither fat nor 5. And the priest that is anointed 4 shall take of the bullock's blood, and bring it to the tabernacle of the con, region 6 And the priest shall dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkle of the bod seven times bet re the LORD, before the vail of the sanctuary. 7 And the priest shall put some of the blood upon the horns of the altar of sweet incense before the LORD, which u in the tabernacle of the congregat) by and shall pour all the blood of the bul lock at the bottom of the altar of the burnt offering, which is at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation 8 And he shall take off from it all the fat of the bullock for the sin offert the fat that covereth the inwards, and all the fat that is open the inwards, 9 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, which is by the far.ks, and the caul above the liver, with the kidneys, it shall be take away, 10 As it was taken cft from the bulEx. 29. 22.lock of the sacrifice of peace-offerings, to without and the priest shali_burn them upon the the camp. altar of the burnt offering. 6 Ex. 29. 14. Nu. 19. 5. pouring p ver. 4. Nu. 16. 24. Jos. 7. 11. ch.21.6,22. Nu. 24. 2. a ch. 1. 4. ver. 5. cb.7.23,25 1 Sa. 2. 15. 2 Ch. 7. 7. #c.6.19.-7.36. 17.7-3.14. y ver. 7. Ge. 9. 4. 18a.1432,33 Ac.15.220.29 a ch.5. 15,17. He. 5. 2. e Nu. 15. 25. 11 And the skin of the bullock, and all his flesh, with his head, and with has legs, and his inwards, and his dung, 12 Even the whole builock sha'i he carry forth & without the camp unto a clean place, where the ashes are poured out, and burn him on the wood with fre: (where the ashes are poured out shall he be burut 13 And if the whole congregation of Israel sin through ignorance, and the thing be hid trom the eyes of the as senibly, and they have done some, hat against any of the command rents of the LORD, concerning things which should not be done, and are gulity; 14 When the sin, which they have sin ned against it, is known, then the con gregation shall offer a youn, bullock for the sin, and bring him before the tabernacle of the congregation, 15 And the elders of the congregation shall lay their hands upon the head of the bullock before the LORD, and the bullock shall be killed before the LORD. 16 And the priest that is ancunted shall bring of the bullock's blood to the tabernacle of the congreation. 17 And the priest shall dip has finger some of the blood, and sprinkle it seven tunes before the LORD, even before the vail. 18 And he shall put some of the blood upon the horns of the altar which is before the LORD, that in the tabernacle of the congregation, and shall pour out all the blood at the bottom of the altar of the burnt offering, which is at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. 19 And he shall take all his fat from him, and burn it upon the altar. 20 And he shall do with the bullock as 10. 10,12. he did with the bullock for a sin-offer1Jn. 1.7.ing, so shall he do with this: and the 2.2.priest shall make an atonement for them, and it shall be forgiven them. 21 And he shall carry forth the block without the camp, and buru hira Re. 1. 5. Ik, ter his sin which he hath ch. 16. 6. ved, a young bullock without ble-1. burned the first bullock: it is a sinoffering for the congregation, 22 When a ruler hath sinned, and done somewhat through ignorance against any of the commandments of the LORD his God, concerning things which should not be done, and is guilty; B. C. 1490. a ver. 11, 12. 23 Or if his sin, wherein he hath sin-ever. 4. ned, come to his knowledge; he shall f ver. 14. bring his offering, a kid of the goats, a male without blemish: 24 And he shall lay his hand 4 upon the head of the goat, and kill it in the place where they kill the burnt-offering before the LORD: it is a sin-offering. 25 And the priest shall take of the blood of the sin-offering with his finger, and put it upon the horns of the altar of burntoffering, and shall pour out his blood at the bottom of the altar of burnt-offering. 26 And he shall burn all his fat upon the altar, as the fat of the sacrifice of peace-offerings: and the priest shall make an atonement for him as concerning his sin, and it shall be forgiven him. 27 And if y any one of the common people sin through ignorance, while he doeth somewhat against any of the commandments of the LORD concerning things which ought not to be done, and be guilty; 28 Or if his sin, which he hath sin ned, come to his knowledge; then he shall bring his offering, a kid of the goats, a female without blemish, for his sin which he hath sinned. i ch. 5. 4. Ju. 11.31. 1Sa. 25. 22. 2 Ki. 6. 31. Mar. 6. 23. ch. 26. 40. Nu. 5. 7. Ezr. 10. 11. Ps. 32. 5. Da. 9.4. Ro. 10. 10. ver. 7, 30. ch. 3.5. m ver. 20. Nu. 15. 28. reach to the of a lamb. n ch. 12. 8. Yany soul. 29 And he shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin-offering, and slay the sinoffering in the place of the burnt-offering.p 30 And the priest shall take of the blood thereof with his finger, and put it upon the horus of the altar of burntoffering, and shall pour out all the blood thereof at the bottom of the altar. 31 And he shall take away all the fat thereof, as the fat is taken away from off the sacrifice of peace-offerings; and the priest shall burn it upon the altar for a sweet savour unto the LORD: and the priest shall make an atenement for bim, and it shall be forgiven him. 32 And if he bring a lamb for a sinoffering, he shall bring it a female without blemish. 33 And he shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin-offering, and slay it for a sin-offering in the place where they kill the burnt-offering. 34 And the priest shall take of the blood of the sin-offering with his finger, and put it upon the horns of the altar of burutoffering, and shall pour out all the blood thereof at the bottom of the altar: 35 And he shall take away all the fat thereof, as the fat of the lamb is taken away from the sacrifice of the peace-offerings; and the priest shall burn them upon the altar, according to the offerings made by fire unto the LORD: and the priest shall Inake an atonement for his sin that he bath committed, and it shall be forgiven him. AN CHAP. V. AND if a soul sin, and hear the voice of swearing, and is a witness, whether he hath seen or known of it; if he do not utter, then he shall bear his iniquity. 2 Or if a soul touch any" unclean thing, whether it be a carcase of an unclean beast, or a carcase of unclean cattle, or 9 ver. 23. v Ja. 5. 15. ch. 3. 3, 14. Ezr. 6. 10. z Nu. 5. 15. a ver. 28. ch. 2.2. Ac. 10. 4. ch. 22. 14. e Ear. 10. 19. Pr. 29. 24. Mat. 26. 63. ver. 10, ver. 17. ch. 7. 18. 17. 16. the carcase of unclean creeping fing and if it be hidden from him; be shall be unclean, and guilty. 3 Or if he touch the uncleannes man, whatsoever uncleanness the t a man shall be defiled withal, be hid from him; when he knoweth of it, then he shall be guilty. 4 Or if a soul swear, procedc with his lips to do evil, or to do ge whatsoever it be that a man shall pră nounce with an oath, and it be hid him; when he knoweth of it, the shall be guilty in one of these. 5 And it shall be,when he shall be quay in one of these things, that he sha fess that he hath sinned in that thing 6 And he shall bring his trespasse ing unto the LORD, for his sia he hath sinned, a female from the 5 a lamb or a kid of the goats, tor 4 offering; and the priest shall ma atonement for him concerning his sy 7 And if ẞ he be not" able to a lamb, then he shall bring for trespass, which he hath committed, turtle-doves, or two young pigeots, the LORD; one for a sin-offering, the other for a burut-offering 8 And he shall bring them unto the p who shall offer that which is for thes offering first, and wring off his head f his neck, but shall not divide it as 9 And he shall sprinkle' of the h of the sin-offering upon the side altar; and the rest of the blood be wrung out at the bottom of the a it is a sin-offering. 10 And he shall offer the second a burnt-offering, according to the ner: and the priest shall make an ment for him for his sin which t sinned, and it shall be forgiven b 11 But if he be not able to bring turtle-doves, or two young pigecy he that sinned shall bring for his the tenth part of an ephah of tu for a sin-offering; he shall put' upon it, neither shall he put a incense thereon: for it is a sin-one 12 Then shall be bring it to the p and the priest shall take his handia! even a memorial thereof, and burn wit the altar, according to the offerings ma by fire unto the LORD: It is a spe 13 And the priest shall make a ment for him as touching his sin thalat hath sinned in one of these, and 4 be forgiven him: and the remnant" { be the priest's, as a meat-offering 14 And the LORD spake unto saying, 15 If a soul commit a trespass, through ignorance, in the holy th the LORD; then he shall bring trespass unto the LORD, a ra blemish out of the flocks, with thye tion by shekels of silver, after of the sanctuary, for a trespass-of 16 And he shall make amends a harm that he hath done in the thing, and shall add the fifth part t and 20. 17. Nu. 9. 13. Ps. 3. 4. give it unto the priest: and Is. 53. 11. priest shall make an atonement 1 Pe. 2. 24. him with the ram of the trespass Nu.19.11.16 ing, and it shall be forgiven him, Hag. 2. 13. 17 And if a soul sin, and commit i ch. 4. 2, 22. of these things which are forbidden I done by the commandments of the Los 21. Ch.991.21. Ezr.8.35. Mat.20.28. 2 Co.5. 21.1256 der hath sinned. Under the term nasi, that is, one preferred or elevated above others, from wasa, to exalt, it is probable that any Deo is meant who held any kind of political City among the people; and it evidently pears the head of a tribe in Nu. 1.4, 16.-7.2. but the Rabbins generally understand it of the rice of the great sanhedrin, who, when they rere under the regal form of government, was be king. A kid of the goats was the sacrifice this case; and the rites were nearly the same the preceding, only the fat was burnt as at of the peace offering. (ver. 26.) Ex.18.21. and done. See a answer upon oath, refuses to declare what he 3 the uncleanness, ch.XII-XIII-XV.-20. 4..6. Nu.19.11..16. when. ver.4. to do 4 if a soul. This relates to rash oaths or vows, which a man was afterwards unable, or which it would have been sinful, to perform. evil. ch.27.2, &c. Jos.2.14.-9.15. Ju.9.19.-11.31. -21.7,18. 1 Sa.1.11.-14.24..28.-24.21,22.-25.42. $ and lever, 4, &c. Is.53.6. in the place. 2 Sa.21.7. 2 Ki6.31. Ps.132.2..5, Ec.5.2..6. Eze. LS11-313.-4.4.15,29,33.-6.25.-7.2.-16. 17.18,19. Mat.14.7.9. Mar.6.23. Ac.23.12. 3f his six. ver. 14. ch.5.4.2 Ki.22.10..13. ch.9.3.-03.19. Nu 7.16,22,28,34.-15.24.-28. 5.-,19. Ko.8.3. 3. Ex it is a sin. See on ver.3,21,31.35. 5 confess. ch.16.21.-26.40. Nu.5.7. Jos.7.19. 25p, ver 7.18,30,34.-ch.8.10,15.-9.9.-16.18. Ezr.10.11,12. Job 33.27. Ps.32.5. Pr.28.13. Je.3. 1.Ko.321.26.-8.3.4.-10.4.He.2.10.-9.27. 13. Da.9.4. Ro.10.10. 1Jn°.1.8. 10. Ramen, See on ver.20. Nu.15.28. the far. ver 8.10,35. See on ch.3.5.-6.20..30. 6 trespass offering. It is remarkable, that in this and the following verse, the sacrifice offered is indifferently called asham, a trespass offering. and chattath, a sin offering; yet the Marginal References show that these differ in several respects. Sin offerings were sometimes offered for the whole congregation; trespass offerings never, but only for particular persons. Bullocks were sometimes used for sin offerings, never for trespass offerings. The blood of the sin offerings was put on the horns of the altar, that of the ad. ver.23,32. ch.5.6. Ge.3.15.Is.7.14. Je, trespass offerings was only sprinkled round the Rs.3G8.44,5, a female.ver.23.Ga.3.28. bottom of the altar. The sin offering seems to See on ver.4.15,24,33. He.10.4..14. have been for the expiation of offences comXapen the horns, ver.25,34. Is.42.21. Ro.8.3, mitted in matters of religion, from a mistake 14. He.£.10. pour out. There may have or inadvertency respecting the law; but the e place at the bottom of the altar to trespass offering was required for the casual e and carry off the blood. deviations from the ritual law, when well ail the fat. ver 8..10,19,26,35.ch., known, or for crimes against moral precepts, sweer. ch.1.0,13,17.-3.3,5.-8.21. Ex. implying injustice to nian. ch.4.28,32.-6.6.-7. Ear 10. Job 42.8. Ps.40.6.7.-,13.-19.21.22. Nu.6.12. Eze.40.39.-42. 50,31. 15-4221-53.10). Mat.3.17. Ep.5.2. He. 13. a female.ch.4.28,32. the priest. See on ch.4 20. - 1 Pe.2.4,5. Re5.9. and the priest, ver.26,35. lamb, ver.28. ch.3.6.7.-5.6. Ex.12.3.5. Is. La.l.35. Jn.1.99,36. He.7.26. 1 Pe.1.18.. -4-3.18. Re.5.6,8,9, without ver. Ep.5.07.He.9.14.1 Pe.2.22.-3.18. 23 See on rer.4,99..31. 4ths of the altar, ver.25,30. Is.42.21. 7 he be not able to bring a lamb. Heb. his hand cannot reach to the sufficiency of a lamb. ver.11. ch.12.8.-14.21. 2 Co.8.12. Ja.2.5,6. turtle-dores. ch.1.14,15. Mat.3.16.-10.16. Lu.2.24. one. ver.8,9, ch.9.3.-14.22,31.-15.14,15,30.-16.5. He.10.6..10. 8 wring off. ch.1.15. Ro.4.25. 1 Pe.3.18. 9 sprinkle. See on ch.1.5.-4.25,30,34.-7.2. Ex. 19. Ro&.1.3.-10.4. 2 Co.5.21. He.2.10.-12.22,23. Is.42.21. He.2.10.-12.24. the rest.ch. 9.1 Pe. 1.18..20.-2.24.-3.18. 4.7.18,25,30,34. 35d be. See ver.31. according. ch. I.. 10 offer. ch.1.14..17. Ep.5.2. manner, or, 1. and the priest shall make. ver 20, 26, 30, ordinance. See on ch.1.14..17. make. ver. 6,13, 14.-5.6.10,13.-6.7.-9.7.-12.8.-14.18, 16. ch.4.20.26,31,35. Ro.5.11. 1Jno.2.2.it. Ja.5.15. -XVI. Nu.15.25. Ro.3.24.26.-4.25.-5.6..11, 11 But if. See on ver.7. the tenth part. Ex. 1-81-3,4.-10.4. 2 Co.5.21. Ep.1.6,7.-5.2. 16.18,36. fine flour. ch.2.1. Nu.7.13,19, &c.-15. 41.14. le 13-4.14-7.06.-9.14. 1 Pe.1.18.19. 4.9. no oil. ch.2.1,2,4,5,15,16. Nu.5.15. Ps.02. 1.-3.18. 1 J.1.7.-09.-4.9,10. Re.1.5,6. 1..21-69.1..21. Is.53.2..10. for it is, ver.6,9,12. CHAP. V. 2 Co.5.21. that inseth in concealing his knowledge, 1; in by an unclean thing, 2,3; or in making an His trespass offering, of the flock, 6; of 7-10; or of four, 11-13. The trespass Sing in acrilege, 14-16; and in sine of igno, 17-19. aal, ver 15,17. ch.4.2. Eze.18.4,20. hear. Ju.17.0.1K1.8.31.-22.16. 2 Ch.18. 15. 9-30.9. Mat.26.63. the voice of swearhadalah, rather, the voice of adjuration, ou, as the LXX. render; for this relate to the duty of informing against swearer, but to the case of a person bg adjured by the civil magistrate to 12 a memorial.ch.2.2,9,16.-6.15. Nu.5.26. Ac.10. 4.Ep.5.2. according.ch.1.9,13,17.-2.9.-3.4,11.-4.35. 13 the priest. ver.6. ch.4.20,26,31. shall be. ch.2.3.10.-7.6. 1 Sa.2.28. Ho.18. 1 Co.9.13. 15 a soul. ver. 1,2. ch.4.2. in the. ver.16.ch.7. 1,6.-10.17,18.-22.1..16..-24.5..9.-27.9..33. Nu. 18.9..32. De.12.5..12,26.-15.19,20.-26.1..15. ram v.18. ch.6.6. Ezr.10.19, thy estimation, ch.26.2.8. 12,13,17,18,23..27. the shekel. ch.27.25. Ex.30.13. 16 make. ch.22.14. Ex.22.1,3,4. Ps.69.4. Lu.19. 8. Ac.26.20. the fifth. ch.6.4,5.-27.13,15.27.31. Nu.5.7. and the priest. ver.6,10,13. ch.4.26. Ile. 9.13,14. 1 Jn.2.1.2. 17 a soul sin. This case is supposed to differ |