صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

1K 228.13,27. Je.. 13,14-8.10,11.-23.17,26.. 187.10,18 22. Mi. 2.11. Ju® 7.7.-8.45. Ro.16.18.

sast. ch.29.21. Am.7.13. cause. Jn.15.23,24. 30-8.7. Ep.4.19.

17,18 29.6. Hab.3.12..15. to sift. Bp. Lowra renders, to toss the nations with the van of perdition;' that is, says KIMCHI, nothing useful shall remain behind, but all shall come to nothing and perish. The van of the ancients was a large instrument, 5. ver.17.15.17. ch.5.24.-31.1..3 2 Sa.12. somewhat like a shovel, with a long handle, with 126 La 10.16. 1 Th.4.8 and trust, ch.28.15.--which they tossed the corn mixed with the chaff and 1227-62.19. Je.13.25. oppression, or, fraud. # reach. 1 Ki 20.30. Ps 623. Eze.13.10. 15. Mat. cometà, ch.29.5. Job 36.18. Ps.73.19,20.

[ocr errors]

Tai 1.3.

sus break. Pe.29. Je 19.10,11. Re 2.27. pot-
es, bottle of potters. he shall not. ch.
22 Jab 17:22. Je 13.14 Eze 5.11.-7.4,9.-8.
B-14. Ro.8.32 11.21. 2 Pe245. so that.
A3:12 Je. 48.34. La 4.2. Eze.15.3.8.
By One. ver. 11. Je. 23.36. In returning.
24-36.3,4-52.17. 1Ch.5.20, 2Ch.16.8.-32.8.
2 Je23 Ho.14.1..3. and ye. Ps.80 11..
4. Mai 22.3.-23.37. Lu.13.34. Jn 5.40. He.

chopped straw into the air, that the wind might separate them. ch.19.12.14. 33.10..12, Ho.133 Am 9.9. Mat.3.12. a bridle, ch.37.29. 2Ki 19.28. Ps.32.9. Pr. 26. 3. causing. ch.19.3,13,14.2 Sa.17.14. 1 Ki.22,20 22. Job 39.17. Eze.14.7.9. 2 Th 2.11.

29 Ye shall, ch 12.1. 26.1. Ex.15.1,&c. 2Ch 20,27,28, Ps 317. Je 33.11. Re.15.3. 19.1.7. in the night. Le.23. 32. De 16,6,14. Ps.42.4. 81.1.4. Mat.26.30, with a pipe. 1 Ch.13.7,8. Ps.42.4. 95.1,2 150.3.5. the mountain. ch.2.3. mighty One. Heb. Rock. eh.26.4. De 32.4,31.

[blocks in formation]

30 the Lord. ch.29.6. Ps.2.5. 18.13,14. 46.6. glorious voice. Heb, the glory of his voice. Job 37.2.5. 40.9. Ps. 29.3.9. Exe. 105. Re. 1.15. the lighting. ch.51.9. 628. Ex.15.16. Ps. 98.1. Lu.151. the fame. ch.


r will. ch.528.30-10.29. 32-31.1. De. 28. 3. P.33.17-147.10. Je527. Am.2.14..16.28.2-32.19. Jos. 10.11. 18a7.10. Ps. 18.13,14. 13. therefore. De.28.49. Je.4.13. La. 97.3. 5. Exe 34.19.22. Mi.1.4. Na 12.6. Mat.24

d. Le.25.8.36. De.28.25.-32.30. Jos.23.10. 37.10. Re.24.8. fill ye. ch.1.7,8.-37.3,4. Ne. Zee.13.89. Mat 2421,22, a beacon, or, of branches, or, boughs, or, a mast. ch.6. 15.2.6. Ro.11.17.

7. 2 Th.1.8. Re.6 12.17.-11.19. 14.16.20. 16.18.21.
31 the voice, ver 30. ch.37 32.38. which smote, ch.9.
4. 10.5,15,24, P.17.13,14.-125.5. Mi.5.5,6.

32 every place, &c. Heb. every passing of the rod founded. lay. Heb, cause to rest.

it shall be. ver.29. ch.24.8. Ge. 31.27. 1Sa. 10.5. Job 21. 11,12. Ps.1.1,2. shaking. ch.2.19.-11.15.-19.16. Job 16.12. He.12.26. with it, or, against them.

fr. ch.5.8. Ex 34.6. Ho 2.14. Ro. 5.20.9. chi.4-57.17,18. Je 31.18.20, Ho5.15.8. Jen.2.4.10. Mat.15.22.29. Lu.15.20, Ro.9. 33 Tophet. 2 Ki.23.10. Je.7.31,32.-19.6,11. 14. Mat 4. 14 will he be ch.33.10.12. Ps 46.10,11-22. 18.5,9. ordained. Mat. 5.41. 1 Pe.1.9. Jude 4. of La Ac.223. 39-531. Ep for old. Heb. from yesterday. He.13.8. for the king, ch. Laai 2.1.4. De 324. 188.2.3. Job 35.14. 14.9..20.-37.38 Eze 3223. Re.19.18.20. the breath. 4. M17.18.20. Mal.2.17. Ro.2.2.10. ver.27,28. Ge.19.24. Ps 40.5,6. Re.14.10,11. A ch.8.17.-25.9.-26.7,8-40.31. Ps.2.12. -43-40.1.3. 62.1,25.8. 84.12. Pr.16. 7.4325,28. M17.7.9. L.2.25. Ro.8.25.23.

02-12.646.13. 65.9. Je.31.6,12. 50. Exe 30.40.-37.25.28. Zep.3.14. 20. Zec.1. -88. Ro.11.26. thou shalt, ch.12.3..6.8-412- 20. 61.1.3-65.18. Je. 49. L.6.21. Re5 4. 7.17. he will, ch. AP.15 Je 29.11.13-33.3. Eze.36.37. Mat. $3.3) 13m 5.14,15.

d. De 16.3. 1 Ki.22.27.2 Ch. 18.26. Ps.30.5. -12 Kze 4.13.17.-24. 22,23. Ac. 14.22. oppression. yet shall. Ps74.9. Am.8.11, Ep.4.11.

Rear ch.35.8.9.- Ps.25. Pr.3.5,6. Je.6.16. 1 Jn 2.20,27 when ye ngit, De5.32. Jos.1.7.-23.6.2 Ki.22.2. Ps.

ch.10.21.-177.8.-27.9.-31.7. 2K1.23.4..20. 7. Eze 36.31. M15.10..14. Zec.13.2. Re. paven images of silver. Heb, the graven silver. ch.46.6. Ex. 32.2.4. Ju. 17.3, d. scatter. asa. La.l.17. Eze.18.6. Get.

ch.5.6.-32.20 44.2.4. 55.10,11-58.11.

- 13,14-107 35. 38. Je.14.22. Eze 36.25,26,

kel 1.21.26. Am 4.7,8. Zec. 8.11,12.-10. 1. Mat.6.33. 1 Ti 4.8. it shall ch.4.2. Ps. yeattle. Ge.41.18,26,47. Ps.144.12.14. Ho.4.16,

ear the ground. Ge.
clean, or, savoury.

De54. 1 Co.9.9,10. 21. De 21.4. 1 S.8.12. Besed. ry high, ch.214,15. 35. 6,7.-41. 18,19. — 442,4. Eze.17.22-34.13,26. Jn 7.38. Re.22.1. fted up in the day. ch.34.2.10.-37.36.2. ReXVI. XIX. when, ch.32.14. 10.10.4.

fight of the moon, eb.11.9.-24.23.60. 19,20. 4147. Re 21.23-22.5. bindeth. ch.1.6. De.32. Je33 5,6. La2.13. Ho.6.1.2. Am.9.11. ch.9.5-10.16,17.-33.12. 34.9. De.32.22.78-79.5. La 1.12,13. Da.7.9. Na 1.5,6. 2 Th.

the burden therenf. or, the grievoushome heavy, Heb. Heaviness Zep.3.8. ath, ch.11.4. Ps.18.15. Lu.22.31. 2 Th.28. M.1.16.-2.16. an overflowing. ch.8.8.-28.


The prophet sheweth the folly and danger of trusting to Egypt, and forsaking God, 1-5. He exhorteth to conversion, 6,7. He sheweth the fall of Assyria, 8, 9. 1 to them, ch. 30.1..7. 36.6. 57.9. Eze.17.15. Ho.11.5. stay on horses. ch.30.16. 36.9. De 17.16 P0.7. 33.16, 17. they look. ch.5.12. 17.7.,8. 22.11. 2 Ch.157. Je 2.13. 17.5. Ho.14.3. neither. ch.9.13.-64.7. Da.9.13. Ho. 77,13 16. Am.5.4..8.

2 he also. 1 Sa.2.3. Job 5.13. Je.10.7,12. 1 Co.1.21..29. Jude 25. will bring. eb.30.13,14.- 45.7. Jos.23.15. Am. will not. Nu 23.19. Je 36.32. 44.29. Zec.1.6. Mat. 3.6. 24.35. call back. Heb. remove, arise. ch.28.21-63.45. Nu.10.35. Ps.12.5,6 68.1,2.-78.65,66. Zep.3.8. against the help. ver.3. ch.20.4..6.-30.3. Je 44.20,30 Eze.29.6.

3 the Egyptians, ch.36.6. De 32.30,31. Ps.9.20-146. 3..5 Eze.2.9. Ac.12.22,.3. 2 Th.2.4.8. their horses, Ps.33.17. stretch. ch.9.17. Je.15.6. Eze.20.33,34. both, Je 37.7.10.

4 Like as. Nu.24,8,9. Je 50.44. Ho.11.10. Am. 3.8. Re. 5.5. noise, or, multitude. so shall. ch.10.16.-,36-42.13.2 Ch.20.15. Ps.125.1,2. Zec.25.-9.8,15. 12.8.-14.3.

5 birds. ch.10.14. Ex.19.4. De 32. 11. Ps.46.5. 91.4. defending. Ps.37.40 passing. Or rather, as Bishop LoWTH renders, leaping forward,' pasoach. As the mother bird spreads her wings to cover her young, throws herself before them, and opposes the rapa cious bird that assaults them; so shall Jehovah protect, as with a shield, Jerusalem from the enemy, protecting and delivering, springing forward and rescuing her. Ex.12.27.

6 Turn, ch.55.7. Je 3.10,14,22. 31.18.20. Ho.14.1.3. Joel 2.12,13. Ac.3.19.-26.20. deeply. ch.1.4.- Ch.33.9. 16. 36.14. Je 5.23. Ho.9.9.

7 in that, ch.2.20.-30.22. De.7.25. Eze 36.25. Ho 14.8. his idols of gold. Heb. the idols of his gold. for a sin. 1 KL.12.23. 30. Ho8.11.

8 shall the, ch.10.16.19,33.34. 14.25. 29.5.- 30.27.33. -37 35.2 KI.19.34.37. 2Ch 32.21. Ho.1.7. he shall fee. ch.37 37,38 from the sword, or, for fear of the sword. discomfited, or, tributary. Hrb, for melting, or tribute. 9 he shall pass over to his strong hold for fear. Heb. his rock shall pass away for fear. or, his strength. the ensign. ch.11.10.-18.3. whose fire. ch.4.4. 29.6 Le.6.13. Eze.22.18.22. Zec.2.5. Mal.4.1.

B. C. 713.

could not well strengthen their mast; they could not spread the sail: then is the prey of a great spoil divided; the lame take the prey.

b Re. 21. 4.

a1 Co. 1. 27. 24 And the inhabitant shall not say, Ic Je. 50, 20. am sick; the people that dwell thereind ch55.12,13. shall be forgiven their iniquity. CHAP. XXXIV. COME near, ye nations, to hear; and hearken, ye people; let the earth hear, and all that is therein; the world, and all things that come forth of it.

2 For the indignation of the LORD is upon all nations, and his fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter.

3 Their slain also shall be cast out, and their stink shall come up out of their carcases, and the mountains shall be melted with their blood.

4 And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the tig-tree.

5 For my sword shall be bathed in heaven: behold, it shall come down upon Idumea, P and upon the people of my curse, to judgment.

6 The sword of the LORD is filled with blood; it is made fat with fatness, and with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of rams: for the LORD hath a sacrifice in Bozrah," and a great slaughter in the land of Idumea.

7 And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness.

8 For it is the day of the LORD's vengeance, and the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion.

9 And the streams thereof shall be turned into pitch, and the dust thereof into brimstone, and the land thereof shall become burning pitch.

10 It shall not be quenched night nor day; the smoke thereof shall go up for ever: from generation to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it for ever and ever:

11 But the κ cormorant d and the bittern shall possess it; the owl also and the raven shall dwell in it: and he shall stretch out upon it the line of confusion, and the stones of emptiness.

12 They shall call the nobles thereof to the kingdom, but none shall be there, and all her princes shall be nothing.

13 And thorns shall come up in her palaces, nettles and brambles in the fortresses thereof; and it shall be an habitation of dragons, and a court for A owls.

14 The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the pscreech-owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest.

e Ps. 49. 1.
f De. 32. 1.
B the fulness
Ho. 14.5, 6.
Zep. 3. S.
iHe. 12. 12.


[ocr errors]

ch. 44. 2. Ps. 102. 26. Eze. 32.7,8 Joel 2.31. 3. 15, 16. Mat. 24. 29. 2 Pe. 3. 10.

Re. 6. 13,14.

ch. 25. 9.

Lu. 21. 28.

Mat. 11. 5.
ch. 41. 18.

43. 19.

Je. 49. 7.
Jn°. 4. 14.
or, a court
for reeds.
ch.63.1, &c.
or, rhino-

ch. 52. 1.
Joel 3. 17.
Re. 21. 27.
" or, for he
shall be
with them.
t Je. 46. 10.

Eze. 34. 25.
Mi. 6. 1.
De. 29. 23.
ch. 51. 11.
y Re. 5. 9.
Jude 24.
a Re. 19.2.3.

b Re. 7. 17.
21. 4.

c 2 KL. 18, 13,

2 Ch. 32. 1,
or, pelican
d Zep. 2. 14.
Re. 18, 2.
2Ki. 21. 13.


of the owl,
ch. 13. 21,22.

[ocr errors]

vor, secre-

and his hand hath divided it t by line: they shall possess it lag from generation to generation se dwell therein.

CHAP. XXXV. THE wilderness, and the scrat shall be glad for them; and shall rejoice, and blossom as the It shall blossom abundanty, joice even with joy and singing. of Lebanon shall be given excellency of Carmel and Stase shall see the glory of the LORD excellency of our God.

3 Strengthen ye the weak ha confirm the feeble knees,

4 Say to them that are of heart, Be strong, fear not; be God will come with vengea with a recompence; be will

save you.

5 Then the eyes of the bla opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped:

6 Then shall the lame met hart, and the tongue of the for in the wilderness shall wat out, and streams in the desert

7 And the parched ground sta a pool, and the thirsty l water: in the habitation of each lay, shall be d grass, w


8 And an highway shall be a way, and it shall be called of holiness; the unclean a over it; but it shall be but Way-faring men, though f err therein.

9 No lion shall be there. venous beast shall go up ther not be found there: but t shall walk there.


10 And the ransomed shall return, and come to songs, and everlasting joy' heads: they shall obtain ness, and sorrow and signing away.

CHAP. XXXVI Now it came to pass in the year of king Hezekiah, that S king of Assyria came up ar defenced cities of Judah, and 2 And the king of Assyr shakeh from Lachish to Jers king Hezekiah, with a real he stood by the conduit of the in the highway of the fuller's

3 Then came forth unto hum Hilkiah's son, which was over and Shebna the scribe, and Joa son, the recorder.

4 And Rabshakeh said ante por, night-ye now to Hezekiah, Thus saith king, the king of Assyria, 6 dence is this wherein thou trus


☛ a word of

Tor, but

counsel and
Are for the

15 There shall the great owl make her nest, and lay, and hatch, and gather under her shadow; there shall the vultures also be gathered, every one with her mate. 16 Seek ye out of the book of theƒ ch.8. 20. LORD, and read; no one of these shall Jn. 5. 39. fail, none shall want her mate for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit g Mat. 5. 18. it bath. gathered them.

17 And he hath cast the lot for them,

2 Pe. 1. 19.

Lu. 21. 33.

5 I say, sapest thou, (but σ vain words,) ↑ I have o strength for war: now, on thou trust, that thou rebel me?

6 Lo, thou trustest in the st broken reed, on Egypt, whe man lean, it will go into bus a pierce it: so is Pharaoh king of all that trust in him.

7 But if thou say to me, We LORD our God: 1s not t

thru, ver.1.4. 2Ch.20.23. the lame. 1 Sa.30.10, 16.33. Ps.65.12,13.-89.12.-96.11.13.-987.9-149.9..13.
A. M. 3291-
1K178 P3.68.12. 1Co.1.27.
Zec. 10.7. Ro.10.16.-15.10. the glory, cb 33.9.-41.19.-
cellency, ch.60.13. ze 34 25,26. Am 9.13..15. MI.7.14,15,
61.3 66.8.10. Ps.7. 16. Ho 14.6,7. the es-
Zep.3.19,30. Zec. 14.20,21. Ac.4 32,33.
3. 40,5-60.1 3,19, 66.18,19. Ex 3318,19. Ps 50.2. 72.
they shall ch.6.
18-4.6. Re.21.23.
19.-97.6, 102.15,16. Hab.2.14. Jn.12.41. 17.24. 2Co.3.

Inhabitant. ch 5.8. Fx.15.25. De.7.16.,21,
Je 33.68. Ja.5 14. Re.21.4.-22.2. shall be
a. ch.44.22. Je.50 20. Mi 7.18,19. 1 Jn'.1.7.9.


yments wherewith God revengeth his church, The draalation of her enemies, 11-15. The of the prophecy, 16, 17.

This and the following chapter, as Bishop slaves, form one distinct prophecy an mplar, and beautiful poem, consisting of thefret containing a denunciation of Diy against the enemies of the people or Het; the second des ribing the flourishing tebarth consequent upon those judgments. foretold is represented as of the highest sad of aniversal concern; all nations are to attend to the declaration of it; and God is denounced against all the nations naked to anger the Defender of the cause ragare frequently occurring in the protings, the cities and people mentioned were remarkably distinguished as the ene peuple of God, are put for those enemies in 83-13-41.143.9. 49.1. Ju5.3,31. Ps. 60. Mar.16.15,16, Re-2.7. let the, ch. 62.9. Mi.6.1.2. all that is therefines thereof. P.24.1. 1Co.10 26. tion, ch. 24.1,&c. Je.25.15. 29. Joel 3. 6 Zep.3.8. Zee.14.3,12.16. Ro 1.18. 14.15.20-19.15.21.-20.9,15. and his.

[ocr errors]

2K19.35.37. Je.8.12.-22.19. Eze. and the mountains. ver. 7. Eze 32.5,

-14.12. P. 102.25.26. Je.4.23,24. 021-315. Mat.24.29,35. Mar. 13.24, 372 Re 6.13 14. 8.12 20.11. De 22.41,£2. Ps. 17.13. Je.48.10-47.6. Zep 2.12. Re.1.16. upon Idumea, ch. Jed 7.2. Eze 5.12.14. Am.1.11,12. Ob. the people. De 27.15,&c.-29.18.21. Ca.14 22 Ga 3.10. 2 Pe 2.14.

11. Je..13. F.ze.21.4,5,10, the fat. De. dbach, ver 5. ch.63.1. Je.50.27-61.40. Zep 17. Re.19.17,18.


Nu.23.22.-24.8. De. P.32.10. the bullocks. Ps.68.30. Je. soaked, or, drunken. ver 3. 4-49 26-59. 17,18-61.2-63.4. De.

P.94.1. Mi.6.1. Lu.18.7. Ro.2.5,9, Re10,11-18.20.-19.2.

29.23. Job 18.15. Ps.11.6. Lu. 17.29. 83-21.8.

th. 131-66.24. Je 7.20. Eze. 20.47,48. the smoke, Re. 14.10,11.-18. 18.-19.3. E 29.11. Mal.1.3,4.

, pelican, ch. 13 20..22-14.23. Zep.
stretch. 2 Sa.8.2. 2 K121.13. La.2.

$36.8. Ec.10.16,17.


3 ch.40.1,2 51,2-57.14.16. Ju.7.11. Job 4.3,4.-16.5. Lu 22.32,43. Ac 18 23. He.12.12.

4 fearful. Heb. hasty, ch.28.16.-32.4, marg Ps. 116. 11. Hab.2.3. Be strong. ch.44 2. Jos.1.6.7. Ch.2.20. Da.10.19. Hag.24 Ep 6.10. 211.2.1. 10.,14 43 1.6. 54.4.5. Zep.3.16,17. Re.210. fear not, ch 41. De 3.35.43 Ps 50.3. Ho.1.7. Zec.28.10. Mal.3.1. Mat. ch.25.9. 26,20,21-348-40.9,10.-52.7. 10. 61.2.-66.15. behold. 22.20. 1.21.23. Lu.21 28. He.9.28. 10.37,38. Ja 5.7.9. Re.1.7.

nothing. ch.41.24.

13,14. Ho.96. Zep.2.9. an habita 7. Je. 39, Re. 1820.24. ewis. or, ostriches. of the owl.

[ocr errors]


8. Mat9.27.30. 11.3.5.-12.22.-20.30.34.-21.14. Mar.
5 the eyes. ch.29 18-32.3,4-42.67,16-43.8. P.146.
8.22.25. Lu4 18. Jn 9.1..7,39.-11.37. Ac.9.17,18 26.18.
Ep.1.17,19-5.14. the ears. ch.48.8. Ex.4.11. Job 33.16.
Pr. 20.12. Je 6.10. Mar 73. 37. 9:25,26. Lu.7.20..23.
6 shall the lame. Mat.11.5-15,31. 21.14. Jn.§.
8,9. Ac 3.2,6.8 8.7. 14.8.10.
51.15. Mat.9.32 33. 12.22-15.30. Mar 7.32 37.-9 17. 25.
the tongue. ch.32.4. Ps.
Lu 1.64. 11.14. Col.3.16. for, ch 41 17,18-43 19,20, —
15,16. Eze.47.1.11. Zee.14.8. Jn 7.37.39. Re 221,17.
48.21. 49.10,11. Ex.17.6. Nu.20.11. Ne 9.15. Ps.46 -78.

the desert. Heb. Ziim. the
screech owl, or,

the land. Heb. 1jim.

A. De 31.21, 1.8.10. Am.3.7. Mal.3.16. 2Pe.1.19. Mat.5.18. Lu.21.33. my


Mart Jos 18.8. Ps78.55. Ac.13.19.-17.26.

4. ch.13.20.22.

Jn 4.14-7 38. 1 Co.6.9..11. the, ch.34.13. Ho.1.10,
7 the parched. ch.29.17.-44.3,4. Mat 21:43 La 13.29.
grass with reeds, or, a court for reeds, &c. ch.19.6.
11. Ac.26.18. 1Jn 5,19,20, Re 12.9.12.-19.2-0.2,3.


12-57.14. 62.10. Je.31.21. Jn 14.6. He. 10 20.23.
8 an highway. ch.11.16-19.23.-40,3,4. 42.16.-49.11,
way. Ep.2.10. 1Th 4.7. 2 T1.19. Tit 2.11.14. He 12.14.
1 Pe. 1.14,15.-2.9,10. the unclean. ch.52.1,11.- 60.21.
Eze 43.12. 44.9. Joel3.17. Zee.14.20,21. 2 Pe 3 13. Re.
but it shall be for those, or, for he shall be with
faring. ch.30.21. Ps.197. 25.89-119 130. Pr.4.18. 8:50.
them. ch 49.10, Ps.23.4. Mat.1.23. Re.7.15..17. the way.
Je 32.39,40. 50.4,5. Jn 7.17. 1 Jn 2.20, 7.

9 No lion, eh.11.6.9. 65.25. Le 26.6. Eze 34 25. Ho 2 18. Re 20.1.3. but. ch.62.12. Ex.15.13. Ps.107.2. Ga.3. 13. Tit.2.14.1 Pe.1.18. Re.5.9.

10 the ransomed. ch.51,10,11. Mat.20.28. 1 T1.2.6. and come. Ps.84.7. Je 31.11.14 83.11. Jn 16.22. Jude 21. 8. 30.19.-60.20. 65.19. Re 7.9..17.-21.4. Re 14.1..4. 15.2.4.-18.20.-19.1.7. and sorrow. ch.25.


Sennacherib invadeth Judah, 1. Rabshakeh, sent by
Sennacherib, by blasphemous persuations soliciteth
the people to revalt, 2-21. His words are told to
Hezekiah, 22.

ch.1.7,8. 7.17.-87.8.-10.28.32 33.7,9
1 it came. 2 Ki. 18.13,17. 2 Ch 32.1. that Sennacherib.

2 A. M. 3294. B. C. 710. sent. 2 Ki.18.17,&c. 2 Ch.32,
9,&c. the conduit, ch.73.-22.9.11.
3 Eliakim, eh 22.15.20.
24,25. scribe. or, secretary.

Shebna. 2 Sa.8.16,17.-20.

4 Thus saith, ch. 10.8,14.-37.11..15, Pr.16.18. Eze 31. 3,&c. Da.4.30. Ac.12.22,23. Jude 16. proper, now Kourdistan, was bounded by Armenia on Assyria. Assyria the north, Media and Persis on the east, Babylonis Mesopotamia, on the west, between 3 and 39 N. lat. on the south, and the Tigris, which divides it from and 42 and 46. long. But the Assyrian empire, the bounds of which were different at different times, in its most flourishing state, according to the descrip tions of the Greek and Roman writers, comprehended all the countries and nations between the Mediterranean on the west, and the Indus on the east, and between the deserts of Scythia on the north, and the

Indian ocean on the south. What 2 Ki. 18.5,19,&c.19.10. 2 Ch.32.7.10,14.16. Ps.42 3,10-71.10,11. CHAP. XXXV. 5 vain words. Heb. a word of lips. fishing of Christ's kingdom, 1, 2. The for the war. Pr 21.30,31.-24.5,6. that. 2 Ki.18.7. 24.1. and strength for war, or, but counsel and strength are I have counsel ouraged by the virtues and privileges Ne 2.19,20, Je 52.3. Eze.17.15.


6 ch.20.5,6-30.1.7-31.3. 2 Ki.17.4.-18.21. Je 37.

29.17.-22.15,16 40.3.-51.3.-529,105..8. Ere. 29.6,7 P.48.11.-97.3. Re. 19.1..7. desert. ch. 402-61.10,11-66.10. 14. Ho.14 5,6.

e. ch.42.10.1249.13.-55.12,13. 1 Ch.


7 We trust. 2 Ki.18.5,22, 1 Ch.5.20. 2 Ch.16.7.9.-32.7, 8. Ps.22.4,5-42.5,16,11. is it not. De 12.2..6,13,14. 2 KL 13.4. 2Ch.0.14–31.1. 32 12, 1 Co.2.16.

8 pledges. or, hostages. 2K1.14.14. and I. ch.10. 13,14.1 Sa. 17.40..43. 1 Ki.20.10,18. 2 Ki.18.23. Ne.4.2..5, Ps.20.7,8.-123.3,4.

9 the least. ch.10.8. 2 Ki.18.24. and put. ver.6. ch. 30.16,17. De.17.16. Pr.21.31. Ju.2.36.

10 ch.10.5..7.-37.28. 1 Ki.13.18. 2 Ki.18.25. 2 Ch.35. 21. Am.3.6.

11 in the Syrian. 2 Ki.18.26,27. Ezr.4.7. Da.2.4. 12 that they may. ch.9.20. Le.26.29. De.28.53..57. 2 Ki.6.25..29.-31.18. Je.19.9. La.4.9,10. Eze.4.16.

13 cried. 1 Sa. 17.8..11. 2 Ki.18.28..32. 2 Ch.32.18. Ps. 17.10..13.-73.8,9.-82.6,7. Hear, ver.4. ch.8.7.-10. 8..13. Eze.31.3..10. Da.437.

14 ch.37.10..13. 2 Ki.19.10..13,22. 2 Ch.32.11,13..19. Da.3.13..17.6.1, 7.25. 2 Th 2.1. Re.135,0.

15 ver.7. ch.37.23,24. Ps.4.2.-22.7,8.-71.9..11. Mat. 27.43.

16 Make an agreement with me by a present. or, Seek my favour by a present. Heb. Make with me a blessing. Ge 32.20.-33.11. 1 Sa.25.27. 2 Sa.8.6. 2 Ki.5. 15.-18.31. 2 Co.9.5, marg. come out. 1 Sa.11.3. 2 Ki. 24.12..16. eat ye. 1 Ki.4.20,25. Mi.4.4. Zec 3.10.

17 I come. 2 Ki.17.6, &c.-18.9..12.-24.11. Pr.12.10. a land of corn. Ex.3.8. De.8.7..9.-11.12. Job 20.17. The other copy in 2 Ki. 18. 32, adds here, a land of oil olive, and of honey; that ye may live, and not die and hearken not unto Hezekiah when he seduceth you.'

18 lest. ver.7,10,15. ch.37.10. Ps.12.4.-92.5.7. Hath. ch.37.12,13,17,18. 2 Ki.18.33.35.-19.12,13,17,18. 2 Ch. 32.13.17. Ps.115.2.8.-135.5,6,15..18. Je.10.3..5,10..12. Da.3.15. Hab.2.19,20.

19 Hamath. Nu.34.8. 2Sa.8.9. Arphad. The va riation of Arphad and Arpad exists only in the translation; the original being uniformly 8. ch.10.9. Je.49.23, Arpad. Sepharvaim. CALMET is of opinion that Sepharraim was the capital of the Saspires, who, according to HERODOTUS, were the only people that inhabited between the Colchians and Medes; and probably the Sarapases, whom STRABO places in Armenia. HILLER considers the name as denoting Sephar of the Purvaim, i. e. Mount Sepbar adjacent to the regions of Arabia called Parvaim. But it is more probable, as WELLS and others suppose, that Sepharvaim is the mapa, Sipphara, of PTOLEMY, the approxis, the city of the Sippareni, mentioned by ABYDENUS, and probably the Hipparenum of PLINY, a city of Mesopotamia, situated upon the Euphrates, near where it is divided into two arms, by one of which, it is probable, it was divided into two parts. 2 Ki.17.24. and have, ch.10. 10,11. 2 Ki.17.5..7.-18.10..12.

20 that the Lord. ch.37.18,19,23..29.-45.16,17. Ex. 5.2. 2 Ki.19.22, &c. 2 Ch.32.15,19. Job 15.25,26.-40.9.. 12. Ps.50.21. 73.9. Da.3.15.

21 2 Ki.18.36.37. Ps.38.13..15.-39.1. Pr.9.7.-26.4. Am.5.13. Mat.7.6.

3 This day. ch.25.8.-33.2. 2KL.193. 10 50.15.-91.15.-116.3,4. Je 307. Halá blasphemy, er, provocation. P.35.8. fe 17,18.-66.9. Ho.13.13.

4 It may. Jos.14.12. 1S.14.6. 25. 16.12 to reproach, ver 23,24. ch.32–31.75 156 2 Ki.19.4,22,23. 2 Ch.2.15..19. and will 50.21. lift up. 1 Sa.7.8.-12.19.23 23. Joel 2.17. Ja.5.16. for the, ch.1922. 2 K1.17.18.-13.9..16.2 Ch.28.19. Ro Heb. found.

6 Thus shall, 2 Ki.19.5.7.-22.16. 7.4.-10.24,25.-35.4.-41.10..14.-43.1214.13. Le.26.S. Jos.11.6.2 Ch.20.15, 31. Mu 7 I tell. ch.10.16.18,33,34.-17.13,1428..33.-31.8,9.-3.10.,12, 2K17.6. Job 4.358.9. send a blast upon him, or, put & him. I will cause. ver.36. Ch 8 Rabahakeh, 2 Ki.19.8,9. Nu Jos.10.29,31..34.-21.13.2 Kis.2.2 Ch. Jos.12.11.-15.39.

9 he heard, 1 Sa.23.27,28. Ethiopia is generally rendered Ethiopia, is applied ture to at least three distinct and discu 1. The country watered by the Gikon a 2. 13,) also called Cut, 2 Ki. 17.30. 24 Arabia Petræa, bordering upon Fer tended from the northern extremit along its eastern shore. (Comp. EXAL 1. Hab. 3.7.) 3. Ethiopia Proper as ta. try of Africa, comprehending Nobis and being bounded on the north by Egy the Red sea and Indian ocean, and west by various nations of Afries t from about 6 to 24 N. lat. and is probable that it was this latter C of which Tirhakah was king, be bet with his kinsman Sevechus, son of king of Egypt, against Sennacherib,



10 Let not. ch.36.4, 15.20. 2 Ki.18.532.7,8,15..19. Ps.22.8. Mat.27.43. 11 ver. 18,19. ch.10.7.14.-14.17.4..6.-18.33.35.

12 the gods. ch.36.20.-46.5.7. Ge 18.11.-19.12. Haran, Haram, the Greeks and Romans, is situated in the part of Mesopotamia, between the Ea river Chebur; about 110 miles wes: east of Bir, 100 south of Diarbekir, as Palmyra. Ge.11.31.-12.14.–20,49,4 It is probable that this Eden is tha Diarbekir, on the Tigris, called Marva ASSEMAN. Ge.2.8. Eze 27.23-12 A sar. Telassar is probably the same 14.1, as the Jerusalem Targum resal which the Syriac has Dolussar; ani DOEDERLEIN supposes, the same u of Mesopotamia, half a mile from it 2K1.19.12, Thelasar.

13 Hamath. ch.10.9.-36.19. Ju. is probably the same as Anak, a city of situated on an island in the Euphrates 17.24,30,31, Ava, Avites.-19.34-1911) 14 received, 2 Ki.19.14. and Hestial 1K1.8.28.30,38.-9.3. 2 Ch.6.20, &c. P

22 Eliakim, ver3,11. with their. ch.33.7.-37.1,2. 2 K1.5.7. Ezr.9.3. Mat.26.65. The history of the inva. sion of Sennacherib, observes Bp. Lowrn, and the miraculous destruction of his ariny, which makes the subject of so many of Isaiah's prophecies, is very properly inserted here, as affording the best light to many parts of these prophecies; and as almost necessary to introduce the prophecy in the 37th chapter, being the answer of God to Hezekiah's prayer, which could not be properly understood without it. Sen--74.10.-76.1..3.-193.1..4.—143.6. Joel nacherib succeeded his father Shalmaneser on the throne of Assyria, A. M. 3290, B. C. 714, and reigned only about eight years.


15 1 Sa.7.8.9. 2 Sa.7.18. 29. Ki 11.-20.6.,12. Da.9.3,4. Phi.4.6,7. Jubil 16 Lord. ch.6.3.-8.13.2 Sa.7 26. Ps. 452 Ex.25.22. 1 S8.4.4. Ps.S0.1.-99.1. He. ver.20. ch.43.10,11.-44.6. -43.22. 2 Ki.5.15. Pa.S6.10. Re.11.15.17.

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Hezekiah mourning, sendeth to Isaiah to pray for them, 1-5. Isaiah comforteth them, 6, 7. Sen-44.24. Ge.1.1. Ps.146.6. Je.10.10. 11. J nacherib, going to encounter Tirhakah, sendeth a 17 Incline. 2 Ch.6.40. Job 35.7. P. & blasphemous letter to Hezekiah, 8-13. Hezekiah's 1,2. Da.9.17..19. 1 Pe.3.12. hear, rek prayer, 14 20. Isaiah's prophecy of the pride and Ps.10.14,15.-74.10,22,-79.12-804 destruction of Sennacherib, and the good of Zion, 18 the kings. 2 Ki.15.29.-15.9.-17.5.2 21-35. An angel slayeth the Assyrians, 36. Sen- Na.2.11,12. nations. Heb. Ianda. nacherib is slain at Nineveh by his own sons, 37, 38. 19 And have. ch.10.9..11. 1 it came, 2 Ki.19.1, &c. he rent. ch.36.22. 2 K1.22. 20. 2 Sa.5.21. 11. Je.36.24. Jon.3.5,6. Mat.11.21. and went. Ezr.9.5. Job 1.20,21.

2 ver.14. ch.36.3. See on 2 Ki.18.18.-19.2.-22.12.. 14. 2 Ch.20.20. Joel 1.13.

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21.-41.7.-44.9,10,17. Ps.113.4 8. Je 2014 cast. Heb. given. 20 that all. ch.42.8. Ex.9.15,16 J 45..47. 1 Ki.8.43.-18.36,37. P. 46. 83.17,18. Eze.36.23. Mal.1.11.

B. C. 710.

and whose altars Hezekiah bath Ay, and said to Judah and toleruYe shall worship before this altar? therefore, give pledges, I pray y chaster the king of Assyria, give thee two thousand horses. be able on thy part to set riders

then wilt thou turn away the raptain of the least of my ants, and put thy trust on fariots and for horsemen

I now come up without ast this land to destroy Top said unto me, Go up sand, and destroy it.

saad Eliakim, and Shebna, and Mabshaken, Speak, I pray thee, ants in the Syrian language; dandi: and speak not to us language, in the ears of the

Eart on the wall. Painbakeh said, Hath my me to thy master and to thee heve wards! hath he not sent me a that sit upon the wall, that at their own dung and drink with you?

a 2 Kl. 19. 4.
Joel 1. 13.
3 or, hoa-
e Ps. 50. 15.
Ps. 20. 7, 8.
Ho. 14. 3.
ch. 25. 8.
Re. 3. 19.



and the elders of the priests covered with sackcloth, unto Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz.

3 And they said unto him, Thus saith Hezekiah, This day is a day of trouble, and of rebuke, and of blasphemy: for the children are come to the birth, and there is not strength to bring forth.

4 It may be the LORD thy God will Thear the words of Rabshakeh, whom the king of Assyria his master hath sent to or, proso-reproach the living God, and will reprove the words which the LORD thy God hath heard: wherefore lift up thy prayer for the remnant that is


feh. 66. 9.
Je. 2. 36.
ver. 23, 24.
ch. 51.7, 8.
ch. 37. 28.
Am. 3. 6.
a found.
& Ro. 9. 27.
ch. 43. 1,2

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Ps. 31. is. or, put a

spirit into him,

1 Ki 22 23 # Ps. 17. 10.

Baseh stood, and cried 13. ce in the Jews' language, Nu. 33. 20, Her ye the words of the great

of Assyria:

the king, Let not Heze; for he shall not be


let Hezekiah make you! LOR, saying. The LORD will

: this city shall not be to the hand of the king of

not to Hezekiah; for thus of Assyria, Make nan With me by a present, and me and eat ye every one and every one of his figye every one the waters

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Tome and take you away to your own land, a land of corn and of bread and vineyards, et Hezekiah persuade you, ou will deliver us. Hathi of the nations delivered of the hand of the king of



Jos. 21. 13.


5 So the servants of king Hezekiah came to Isaiah.

6 And Isaiah said unto them, Thus shall ye say unto your master, Thus saith the LORD, Be not afraid of the words that thou hast heard, wherewith the servants of the king of Assyria have blas phemed me.

7 Behold, I will send a blast upon him; and he shall hear a rumour, and re. turn to his own land; and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land.

8 So Rabshakeh returned, and found the king of Assyria warring against Libnah: for he had heard that he was departed from Lachish.

9 And he heard say concerning Tirha2 Ch.21.10, kah king of Ethiopia, He is come forth to make war with thee: and when he heard it, he sent messengers to Hezekiah, saying,

Ps. 2. 6, 7. Da. 4. 37. Jos. 1031... 34.

P.71.10,11. with me a blessing, or, seek my favour by a present.

t Zec. 3. 10. Pr. 12. 10. 2 Ki. 17.6. Ge. 12. 4.

ch. 14. 17.

the gods of Hamath and here are the gods of Sephar-e have they delivered Samaria baod

hy among all the gods of that have delivered their land land, that the LORD should

em out of my hand? ey held their peace, and anhot a word: for the king's com ying, Answer him not. Game Fiakim the son of Hilwas over the household, and 1 scribe, and Joah the son of 1 recorder, to Hezekiah with Sent, and told him the words


me to pass, when king Heze, that he rent his clothes, mself with sackcloth, and We house of the LORD

ent Eliakim, who was over bold, and Shebna the scribe,

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28. 10.

Am. 1. 5. ch. 10.9.

Je. 49. 23. Da. 3. 15. ver. 1. Joel 2. 17


2K1 18 10. ch.37.19,19. 45.16,17.

d Ex. 25. 22.

Ps. 80. 1.

99. 1.

e eh.43 10,11. f Ps. 86, 10, Da. 2. 18. Job 36, 7. Pr. 26. 4. lands. given. k ch.40.19.20. 41.7. 44.9,&c.

Ps. 115. 4, &c.

7 2 KL. 19. 1,

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10 Thus shall ye speak to Hezekiah king of Judah, saying, Let not thy God in whom thou trustest deceive thee, say. ing, Jerusalem shall not be given into the hand of the king of Assyria.

11 Behold, thou hast heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all lands, by destroying them utterly; and shalt thou be delivered?

vered them which my fathers have de. stroyed, as Gozan, and Haian, and Rezeph, and the children of Eden which were in Telassar?

12 Have the gods of the nations deli

13 Where is the king of Hamath, and the king of Arphad, and the king of the city of Sepharvaim, Hena, and Ivah?

14 And Hezekiah received the letter from the hand of the messengers, and read it: the LORD, and spread it before the LORD. and Hezekiah went up unto the house of 15 And Hezekiah prayed unto the LORD,


16 O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, that dwellest between the cherubims, thou art the God, even thouf alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; thou hast made heaven and earth

17 Incline thine car, O LORD, and hear, open thine eyes, O LORD, and see; and hear all the words of Sennacherib, which bath sent to reproach the living God.

18 Of a truth, LORD, the kings of Assyria have laid waste all the nations, and their countries,

19 And have cast their gods into the fire: for they were no gods, but the work of men's hands, wood and stone; therefore they have destroyed them.

20 Now, therefore, O LORD our God, save us from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the LORD, even thou only.

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