| Hell eb. 27.20. Job 25.6. Ps.139.8. Re 1.18. the 6 mercy. ch.20.28. Ps85 10. Da.4.27 Mi 7.18.20. Ch.63 P-79 44 21. Je 17.10. Jn 2.24,25.| Lu.11.41. Jn.l.2. Ac. 15.9. 1 Pe.1.22. by the 7. Ae.1.24. He 4.13 Re 223. 13. 14.16,27. Ge.20.11. Ne.5.9,15. Job 1.1.9. rser, ver 10 ch 97,5. Am.5.10. Jno 3.18.21.-2Co.7.1. Ep.5.21. ·T6.42 meither. 2Ch.18.7. Job 21.14. wry. ver. 15. ch.17.22. 2Co.1.12, by. ch.12.25. A No 22 Jn 141. 2Co.27-7.10. seat, ch.1.5.-9.9. 1 Ki36. 12. Ps.119.97,100. Ac. Ped.18. the mouth, ch 12.23. Is.30.10.-44.20. G3-47.9. Px.90.7.9. but, ch.16.22.165 Ro 5.2,3,11.-12.12. 2 Co.1.5,12.-6.10. 1.-4.13. 115.8-28.6. Ps.37.16, 1 Ti.6.6. great. B210,11,18.3-5.10.12. an-2015. Ps. CXXXIII. Phi.2.1. 1 Jn.4.16. fal, ch.10.12.-26.21.-25.-29.12 28a. 6. J3.04.16. Ae. ver.1. cb 25.15. Ge.13.8, 811 15.25.24, &e. Ee. 10.4. Mat 5.9. Ac.6.1.5. 3. Ps. 16.11-139.24. Je.21.8. Mat.7.14. the Phi 3.20. Col.3.1,2. that. ch.2.18.4-23.14. 47127.-14.11. Job 40.11.13. P.52.1,5. | Fr Das 20. 1 Pe... but. De.10.17,18. 4-15. Ja.l.27. eb.6.16. 19.-24.9. Je 4.14. Mat.15.19. 3. P. 19.14.—37 30,31-45.1. Mat.12.34.37. ra Heb, words of pleasantness. that u ch.1.19.- 11.19,29. 2021. De.7.26. UE4, S. 1S.8.3.5. 2K13.27. 18.58.. Hab 25.11. Zec.3.3,4. but. ch.28.16. — 8.8. De.16.19. 1.33.15,16. ch.16.23, 1 Ki.3.23.28. Ec.5.2,6. theth, ch.10.19.-13.16.-29.11,20. Ec. Mat 12.34. Tit.1.10,11. J.3.6. 8. 2 Pe 2.19. 01-34.16.-73.27.-138.6. Mat 25.46. 7 picare. Ps.69.31. Ro.8.31. Phi.418, Col.1.10 3. He 13:21. 1 Jn 3.22. he. Ge.27 41. 32.6,7,28. 33.4. Je.15.11. Ae.9.1,2,19,20, 8 in. ch.15.16. Ps.37.16. 1 T1.6.6..9. great. ch.21.6, 7. Je.17.11. Mi.6.10. 9 ver 1. ch.19.21.-20.24.-21.30. Ps.37.23. Is.46.10. Je.10.23. 10 A divine sentence. Heb. Divination. ver.12,13. Ge 44.5,15. De 17.18.20. 2 Sa.23.3,4. Ps.45,6,7, 72... 4-99 4. 18.32.1,2. Je.23.5,6. transgresseth. Ho 10.4. Am.6.7.-6.12. 11 just. ch.11.1.-20.10,23. Le.19.35,36. De.25.13, 16. Eze 45 10. Ho,12.7. Am.8.5. Mi.6.11. weights. Heb. stones. 12 an. ch.28.9. De.25.16. Lu.12.48. for. ch.20.18. --25.5.-29.14. Ps.99.4. Re. 19.11 13 ch.14.35. 22.11. Ps. 101.5.7. 14 wrath. ch.19.12. 20.2. Da.3.13, &c. Lu.12.4,5. messengers. ch.17.11. 2ki 6.31..33. Mar.6.07. but. Ee. 10.4. Ac 12.20. 2Co 5:20. 15 the light. eb.19 12. Job 29.23,24. Ps.4.6.-21.6. Ac.2.28. Ais, Job 29.23, Ps.30.5. 72.6. Ho.6.3. Zec. 10.1. 16 ch.3.15. 18. 4.7 8.10,11,19 Job 28.13, &c. Ps. 119.127. Ee.7.12. Mat.16.26. Lu 12.21. 17 highway ch.4.24.27. Is.35.8. Ac 10.35 -24.16. Tit 2.10.14. Ae. ch.10.9.-19.16. Mat 24.13, He.10.39. Jude 21,24. Re.3.10. 18 ch.11.2. 17.19. 18.12. 29.23. Es.3.5. 6.6.-7. 10. Is.2.11,12. - 37.10. 13,38. Da.4.30. 37. 5.22, 24. Ob. 3,4. Mat 26.33. 35,74. Ro.11.20. 1 Ti 3.6. 19 to be. Ps.34.18. 138.6. Is.57.15. Mat. 5.3. La 1. 51..53-18.13,14. than. Ex.15.9. 18.9.3. 10.6,13. 15. 63.12. 13.15. 20 handleth, or, understandeth. ch.35. 17.2. 19.8 24.3.5. Ge.41 38.40. Ds.1.19.21. Mat.10. 16. whose, ch.22.19,20. 1 Ch.5.20. Ps.2.12. 34.9. 125. 1-146.5. 18.26.3,4. 30.18. Je.17.7,8. Da.3.2. 6.23. Ep.1.12,13. 21 wise, ver.23 ch.10.8. 23.15. 1 K13.12. Ro.16.19, Ja 3.17. the sweetness, ver.24. ch lò.7.-27.9. Ps.45.2. Ec.12.10. Is.50.4. La 4.22. Jn 7.46. 22 a well-spring. ch.10.11. 13 14.-14.27, 19.4. Ju". 5.24 6.63,6, the instruction. ch.15.2,29. Mat 13.14. -23.16, 26, Lu.6.39,40. 23 heart, eh 15.2% 22.17,18. Ps 37.30,31-45.1. Mat. Bobnarth, ver 8. P.34.15, 1766.18,19.12.34,55, Col.3,16, teacheth. Heb. maketh wise. 24 Pleasant. ch.12.18 15.23,26 23.16. 25.11,12. -27.9. De 32.2. Ca.4 11. Jn 20.19.21. an ch.24.13, 14. Ps. 19.10. 119.103. Je.13.16. health, eb.3.8. 4.22. 25 ch.12.26.-14.12. 1s 28.15..19. Ju'.7.47.49. 9.40. Ac.26.9. 2 Co.13.5. 26 He. Heb. The soul of him. laboureth for, ch.9. 12.-14.23. Ec.6.7. 1 Th.4.1),12. 2 Th.3.8.12. eraveth it of him. Heb, boweth unto him. 27 An ungodly man. Heb. A man of Belial. 188. 25 17. 2 Sa.20.1. digeeth. ch.2.4. Ps.7.14,15. 18.5.18. Hab.2.13. in, P■.52.2, 4. 57.4. Ja 3.6. 2froward, eh.6.14,19.-15.18. 22. - 29. 22. 333.1 Ti 6.3.5. Ja 3.14.16. seth. Heb. sendeth forth. a whisperer, ch.17.9. Ge.3.1, &c. 1 Sa. 24.9. Ro.1.29. 2 Co.12.20. 29 ch.1.10..14.- 2 12..15 3 31. 1 Sa. 19.11,17. -227.. 9.-23.19.21. Ne.6.13. 2 Pe 3.17. 30 shutteth, eb.6.12..14.10.10. Is.6.10. Mat.13.15, Jn 3.20. moving. ver.27. Mi.7.3. Mat.14.7,8. 27. erations, or, disposings, ver.9. ch.19.21. 20. ver 3 ch.21.2.-30.12. 1 Sa. 15.13,14. Ps. 42.2 La.18.7.11. Ro.7.7.9. but. ch.3.21. 16.7. 18.26.7. Je.17.10. Da.5.27. Lu.16.15. 31 hoary, eh.20.29. Le.19.32. Job 32.6,7. f. Ge.47. 7.10. Ch.29.10, &e. Ec.4.13. Lu.1.6.-2. 29, &e., 37, 38, Phile 9. 32 that is. ch 14.29, 15.18. 19. 11. Ps.103.8. Ep 5.1. Ja.1.19. and hr. ver. 19. ch.25. Ro.1221. Re 3.21. 33 Nu.26.55, &c. Jos 7.14. 15,10. 18.14.41,42. Ne. 11.J. Jon.1.7. Ac.1.26. CHAP. XVII. 1 a dry, ch.15.17. Ps.37.16. an house. ch.7.14. sa crifices, or, good cheer. with, ch.21.9,19. 2 wise. ch.11.29. 14.35. Ge 24.4, &c. Ec.4.13. that. ch. 10.5. 19.26. 29.15. 3 ch.27.21. Ps.26.2-66.10, Is.48.10. Je.17.10. Zee.13.9. Mal3.2,3. 1 Pe.1.7. Re.2.23. a lion but his favour is as dewa upon the grass. 13 A foolish son is the calamity of his father; and the contentions of a wife are a continual dropping. 14 House B. C. 1000. | the LORD hath made even both of 13 Love not sleep, lest thou cal poverty; open thine eyes, end thou be satisfied with bread. a Ho. 14. 5. Ro. 12. 11. c ch. 27. 15. & and riches are the inherit-d 2Co. 12. 14. ance of fathers; and a prudent wife is from the LORD. 15 Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idlef soul shall suffer hunger. 16 He that keepeth the commandment keepeth his own soul; but he that despiseth his ways shall die. 17 He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and 7 that which he hath given will he pay him again. 18 Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare & for his crying. 19 A man of great wrath shall suffer punishment: for if thou deliver him, yet thou must do it again. 20 Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in the latter end. 21 There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless," the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand. 22 The desire of a mau is his kindness: and a poor man is better than a liar. 23 The fear of the LORD tendeth to life; and he that hath it shall abide satisfied; he shall not be visited with evil. 24 A slothful man hideth his hand in his bosom, and will not so much as bring it to his mouth again. e ch. 18. 22. f 2 Th. 3. 10. cb. 8. 19. u. 10.23. i Ec. 11. 1. 2Co. 9. 6..9. 3 lying, or, falsehood. or,his deed, A ch.23.13,14. & or, to hisde struction, or to cause him to die. ch. 24. 6. Lu. 14. 31. add. or.enticeth m De. 32. 29. Ps.90.12,14. n or, candle. ch. 16. 1, 9. 21.30. Job 23. 13. Ps 33.10,11. Is.14.26,27. 46. 10. Ac. 5. 39. 1 Ti. 4. S. « balances of deceit. Je. 10. 23. 25 Smite a scorner,& the simple will Abeware; and reprove one that hath under-p standing, & he will understand knowledge. A be cun26 He that wasteth his father, and chaseth away his mother, is a son that causeth shame, and bringeth reproach. 27 Cease, my sou, to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge. 28 An ungodly witness scorneth judgment; and the mouth of the wicked devoureth iniquity. 29 Judgments are prepared for scorners, and stripes for the back of fools. CHAP. XX. ning Job 15. 16. Ho. 4. 8. Is. 28.7. Ho. 4.11. -isa purging medicine against evil. 14 It is naught, it is naught, sal buyer: but when he is gone bu then be boasteth. 15 There is gold, and a moitit rubies: but the lips of knowledg precious jewel. 16 Take his garment that is sa a stranger; and take a pledge of] a strange woman. 17 Bread of S deceit is sweet to but afterwards his mouth shall b with gravel. 18 Every purpose is established sel; and with good advice make 19 He that goeth about as a t revealeth secrets; therefore with him that n flattereth with b 20 Whoso curseth his father mother, his lamp shall be p obscure darkness. 21 An inheritance may be gettin at the beginning; but the end shall not be blessed. 22 Say not thou, I will recompt but wait on the LORD, and he thee. 23 Divers weights are an unto the LORD; and a fabr not good. 24 Man's goings are of the Lot can a man then understand E 25 It is a snare to the mai eth that which is holy, and s make inquiry. 26 A wise king scattereth the and bringeth the wheel over the 27 The spirit of man is the # the LORD, searching all the in of the belly. 28 Mercy and truth preserve and his throne is upholden by 29 The glory of young m strength; and the beauty of the grey head. 30 The blueness of a wound WINE' is a mocker, strong drink ist He. 12. 10. away evil: so do stripes the in raging; and whosoever is deceived there-u by is not wise. 2. The fear of a king is as the roaring of a lion whose provoketh him to anger sinneth against his own soul. 3 It is an honour" for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling. 4 The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing. 5 Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water: but a man of understanding will draw it out. every one 6 Most men will proclaim his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find? 7 The just man walketh in his integrity; his children are blessed after him. 8 A king that sitteth in the throne of judg ment scattereth awayall evil with his eyes. 9 Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin? 10 Divers weights, and B divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the LORD. 11 Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right. 12 The hearing ear and the seeing eye, of the belly. ch. 16, 32. por, winter. ch 19. 15. THE e Haughtiness of eyes. Tor, light. or,bounty, b2 Ch. 6. 36. astone and a stone. c Da. 25. 13. and an ephah. d Ps. 94. 9. CHAP. XXI. HE king's heart is in the h LORD, as the rivers of water; whithersoever he will. it Every way of a man is right! eyes: but the LORD ponder thi 3 To do justice and judgme acceptable to the LORD thaas 4 An high look, and a and the T plowing of the wic 5 The thoughts of the diled to plenteousness; but of every hasty, only to want. 6 The getting of treasures! tongue is a vanity tossed to them that seek death. 7 The robbery of the wicket! stroy then; because they judgment. 8 The way of man is froward at but as for the pure, his work t 9 It is better to dwell dia the house-top, than with a woman in da wide bouse. 101 he soul of ye wicked desir neighbour findeth no favouri 11 When the scorner N FU simple is made wise: and whe 211-3193-419-436 La.12.4,5. his. 2 Sa.23. | Am 9.4.7.M1.6.10,11. abomination.De.7.25,26. Re.21.8. 26 Hol45. 11 ch.21.8.-22.15. Ps.51.5.-8.3. Mat.7.16. Lu.1.15, 66.-2.46,47 5.43,44. d. ch.10.1.-15.30-17.21,25. 2 Sa.XIII. E14. the contentions. ch.21.9,19.-3. 23. Job 14.19. 12 Ex. 4.11. Ps.94.9.- 119.18 Mat.13.13.. 16. Ac.26.18, Ep.1.17,19. the inheritance, eh.13.22. De 21.16. Jos.11.23. 12:4 and a ch.16.-18.22.-31.10, &c. Ge. Ro.12.11. 2Th.3.10. open. Jon.1.6. Ro.13. 4441.17. 11. 1 Co.15.3. Ep 5.14. 13 Love, ch.6.9. 11.-10.4. - 12.11. - 13.4.-- 19.15.— et ver 4. ch.6.9,10- Re 13.11,1 Ep.5.14. and. ch.10.4,5.-20.13. the ch.3.1-9.19. Ps. 103.19. Ec.8.5.kala 192-11.2. Ja 14.15,21..23.-15. 1019. Je 23,4-322-5.3. Re.22.14. eb 16,17,-913.-25. Eze 33.5. Mat.16. e dopiseth. ch.13.13.-15.32. bar ch.14.21.-28.3,27. 2 Sa. 12.6. Ec.11.1. 1124.35-28.27. De 15.7.14. We-24 2C0.9.6.8 Phi.4.17. He.6.10. he bars given, or, his deed. 14. It is naught. Ee.1.10. Ho.12.7,8. 1 Th.4.6. 15 but. ch.3.15. -8.11.--10,20,21.-15.7,23. – 16,16,21, 24.-25.12.Job 28.12..19.Ec.12.9. 11. Ro.10.14,15.Ep.4.29. 16 Take his. ch.11.15.-22.26,17.-27.13. Ex.22.26, 27. a strange, ch.2.16.-5.3.-7.5,10.-23.27. 17 deceit. Heb. lying, or falsehood. ch.4.17. sweet. ch.9.17,18. Ge 3.6,7. Job 20.12.20. Ec.11.9. He. 11.25. his. La 3.15,16. 19 purpose, ch.15.22.-24.6. and, ch.25.8. Ju.1.1,2. 9.29. – 20.7,18,21,26..28. 2 Sa 2.26,27. 2 Ch.25.17.3. Lu.14.31. 19 that goeth ch.11.13. 19.8.-26.20..22. Le.19.16. tech 13.24.-22.15.-23.13,14.-29.15,17. meddle, ch.24.21. Aattereth, or, enticeth. ch.16.29. for his crying, or, to his destruction, e his to die. 24,5-25.28.-29.22. 2 Sa.20.30,31.17,-26.21, &c. 28.16.5,6. cb.-2.1..9.-8.34,35. do it be. Nu.23.10. 2.3. P3737-90.12,14. Lu.16.19..23. 1.2. Ge 37.19,20. Es.9.25. Ps.21.11.-A Ec.7.29. 18.7.6,7. Da 11.24.25. Mat 26. neverthelem, eb.16.1,9.-21.1,30. Ge. 320 Job 23.13. Is.14.24,26,27-46.10. Dn.4. 4. Ep.1.11. He.6.17,18. 1 Pe 2.8. Ch.6.8. Mar.12.41..44.12. and. ver.i. Job 6.15.-17.5. Ps. 27-14.2627. Ps.19.9.-33.18,19.-34. -12 17-146.18 20. Mal 3.16,17.-4.2. Ac. side. P.90.14-91.16. Is.58.10,11. Mat. 1121714.8-6.6.9. He. 13.5,6. he shall. BesTi.4.18. Ro.16.18. 20 curseth. ch.30.11,17. Ex.20.12. 21.17. Le.20.9. De.27.16. Mat.15.4. Mar.7.10..13. Ais. ch.13.9.-24.20. Job 18.5,6,18. Mat.22.13.-25.8. Jude 13. lamp. or, candle. ver.27. 21 gotten, ch. 23.4.-28.20,22. 1 Ti.6.9. but, ch.13. 22. 28.8. Job 27.16,17. Hab.2.6. Zec.5.4. Mal.2.2. 22 1. ch.17.13.-24.29. De 32.35. Ro.12.17..19. 1 Th 5.15. 1 Pe.3.9. wait. 2 Sa.16.12. Ps. Is. 40.31. La 3.25,26. 1 Pe 2.23. 4.19. 23 weights. See on ver. 10. Eze.45.10. a false balance. Heb, balances of deceit. Ho.12.7. Am 8.5, 24 Man's. Ps 37.23. Je.10.23. Das 23. Ac.17.28. hose. ch.14.8.-16.9. Ps.25.4,12. Is.10.6,7. 25 a mare, eb.18.7. Le.5.15. 22.10. 16. 27.30. Mal. 3.8..10. after. Le 27.9,10,31. Nu.30.2, &c. Ec.5.4..6. Mat.5.33. 26 wise, ver.8. 2 Sa.4.9..12. Ps. 101.5..8. 2 Sa.12.31. Is.28.27,28. bringeth. 27 spirit. Ge.2.7. Job 32.8. Ro.2.15. 1 Co.2.11. 2 Co. 4.2..6. 1 Jn.3.19..21. candle. er, lamp. ver.20. ch.49,16.-12.27.-15.19.-24.30..34.-26. searching, ver.30. He.4.12,13. ch.10.4.-19.15,24.-26.13.16. cold. or, gure. ch.6.10,11.-19.15.-24.34. Mat.25. Pe. 1.3..11. P54.5, 1 Co.2.11. ch 25.14.-27.2. Mat.6.2. Lu.18.8,11,28. 1. goodness, ar, bounty. but. Ps. 1. M172. Lu. 18.8. Jn 1.47. 4-191. Ps. 15.2.-26.1,11. Is.33.15. Lu, T211,12 3 Jn.3,4. his children, ch. A-112.2. Je .3239. Ac 2.39. 16.12-99.14. 1 Sa.23.3,4. 2 Sa.23.4. Ps. 9.4-101 6.A. 18.32.1. 201636 Job 14.4.-15.14.-25.4. Ps.51. Co4A Ja32. 1 Jn.1.8..10. wrights, and divers measures. Heb. A stone, an ephah and an ephah. Da.25.13. eb.111.16 11. Le.19.6. De.25.13..15. | 29 glory. Je9.23,24. 1Jn°.2.14. the beauty. See on ch.16.31. Le.19.32. 30 cleanseth away evil. Heb, is a purging medicine against evil, stripes. ch.19.25 CHAP. XXI. 1 The king'. ch.16.1,9.-20.24. Exr.7.27,28. Ne.1. 11.2.4. Ps. 145.25.-106.46. Da 4.35. Ac.7.10. as. Ps. 74.15.-93.4.-114.3,5. Is. Re.16.4,12. 2 right. ch.16.2,25.- Ps.36.2. Lu.18. 11,12. Ga.6.3. Ja.1.22. the Lord. ch.24.12. 1 Sa. 16.7. Je.17.10. Lu.16.15. Jn 2.24,25. Re.2.23. 3 ch.15.8. 1 Sa.15.22. Ps.50.8. Is.1.11..17. Je.7.21..23. Ho.6.6. Mi.6.6..8. Mar.12.33. 4 An high look. Heb. Haughtiness of eyes. ch.6. 17.-8.13.-30.13. Ps. 10.4. 18.11,17.-3.16. Lu. 18.14. 1 Pe 5.5. and the, ver.27. ch.15.8. Ro.14.23. plowing of the wicked, or, light of the wicked. 5 thoughts. ch.10.4. 13.4. 27.23.27. Ep.4.28. 1 Th. 4.11,12. of every, ch.14.29. 20.21.-28.24. 6 getting ch.10.2.-13.11.-20.14,21.-22.8.-30.8. Je. 17.11. 1 T6.9,10. Tit.1.11. 2 Pe.2.3. Eze. 18.31. seek. ch.8.36. 7 robbery. ch.1.18,19.-10.6.- 22.22.23. Ps.7.16.--9. 16. Is.1.23,24. Je.7.9..11,15. Kze.22.13,14. M.3.9 12. destroy them. Heb. saw them, or, dwell with them. Zec.5.3,4. because, ver.21. Ere.18.18. Ep.5.6. 8 way. Ge.6.5,6,12. Job 15.14..16. Ps.14.2,3. Ee.7.29, -93 (Co 43. Ep.22,1. Tit3. but. ch.15.26.- 30. 12. Da 12.10. Mat.5.8.-12.33. Ac.15.9. Tit.1.15.--2.14. -3.5. 1 Pe.1.22,23. 1Jn 2.29. 3.3. 9 better. ver. 19. ch.12.4. 19.13. 25.24.-27.15,16. brawling woman in a wide house. Hieb, woman of contentions in a house of society. ch.15.17. 17.1. 10 soul. ch.3.29.-12.12. Ps.36.4.-5.2,3 Mar 7.21, 22.1 Co. 10.6. Ja.4.1.5. 1 Jn.2.16. Andeth no favour. Heb. is not favoured. ver. 13. 18.25.8..11. Ps.112.5,9. 18.32.6... Mi.3.2.3. Ja.2.13.-5.4..6. 11 the scorner. ch.19.25. Nu.16.34. De 13.11. - 21.21. Ps.64.7.9. Ac 5.5,11..14.1 Co. 10.6..11. He.2.1..3.10.28, 29.Re.11.13. when the wise. ch.1.5.-9.9. 15.14.-18.1,15. 28..30.-27.-25.34..40. Mar 7.22. Lu 6.35. 38. Ac. 20.35. 2008 9.6..11. 1 Ti 6,18,19. He.6.10.-13.16. 1 Pe.49. 12 wisely. Job 5.3.-8.15.-18.14..21.-21. 13-23. Ps.37.35,36. 52.5.-107.43. Ho.14.9. Hab.2.9. 12. overthroweth. ch.11.3..5.13.6.-14.32. Ge.19.29. Am.4 11. 1 Co.10.5. 2 Pe.2.4..9.-3.6,7. 13 stoppeth. Ps.58.4. Zec.7.11. Ac.7.57. at. ch.28.27. De.15.7.11. Ne.5.1..5,13. Is.1.15..17.-58.6..9. Je.34.16, 17. Zec.7.9..13. Mat.6.14.-7.2.-19.30..35.-25.41..46. Ja.2 13..16. cry himself. See on ch.1.28. Ps.18.41. Lu.13.25, 14 gift. ch.17.8,23.-18.16.-19.6. Ge.32.20.-43.11. 1 Sa. 25.35. in secret. Mat.6.3,4. 15 joy. Job 29.12..17. Ps.40.3.-112.1.-119.16,92. Ec. 3.12. 18.64.5. Jn.4.34. Ro.7.22. destruction. ver.12. ch. 5.20-10.29. Mat.7.23.-13.41,42. Lu.13.27,28. 16 wandereth, ch.13.20. Ps.125.5. Zep.1.6. Jn.3.19, 20. He.6.4..6.-10.26,27,38. 2 Pe.221,22. 1'Ju.2.19. main. ch.2.18,19.-7.26,27.-9.18. Ep.2.1. Jude 12. Te 17 loveth, ver.20. ch.5.10,11.-23.21. Lu.15.13..16-16. 24,25. 1 Ti.5.6. 2 Ti3.4. pleasure. Heb, sport. 18 wicked. ch.11.8. Is.43.3,4-53.4,5.-55.8,9. 1 Pe. 3.18. 19 better. See on ver.9. Ps.55.6,7.-120.5,6. Je.9.2. wilderness. Heb. land of the desert. 20 treasure, ch.10.22-15.6. Ps.112.3. Ee.5.19.-7.11. 10.19. Mat.6.19,20. Lu.6.45. oil. Ps.23.5. Je.41.8. Mat. 25.3,4. but. Mat.25.3,4,8. Lu.15.14.-16.1,19..25. 21 that. ch.15.9. Is.51.1. Ho.6.3. Mat.5.6. Ro.14.19. Phi.3.12. 1 Th.5.15. 1 Ti.6.11. 2 Ti.2.22. He.12.14. And eth, ch.22.4. Ro.2.7..10. 1 Co.15.58. 2 Ti.4.7,8. 1 Pe.1.7. 22 2 Sa.20.16..22. Ec.7.19.-9.13..18. 23 ch.10.19.-12.13.-13.3.-17.27,28.-18.21. Ja. 24 haughty. ch.6.17.-16.18.-18.12.-19.29. Es.3.5,6. Ec.7.8,9. Mat.2.16. proud wrath. Heb. the wrath of pride. 25 ch.6.6..11.-12.24,27.-13.4.-15.19.-19.24.-,16. Mat.25.26. 26 coveteth. Ac.20.33.35. 1 Th.2.5..9. the righteous. Ps 37.26.-112.9. Lu.6.30.36. Ac.20.35. 2 Co.8.7.9.-9. 9..14. 27 sacrifice. ch.15.8.-28.9. 1 Sa.13.12,13.-15.21..23. Ps.50.8..13. Is.1.11..16.-66.3. Je.6.20.-7.11,12. Am.5.21, with a wicked mind. Heb, in wickedness! Mat. 23. 14. 28 false witness. Heb. witness of lies. ch.6.19.-19.5, 9.-25.18. Ex.23.1. De.19.16.19. the man, ch.12.19. Ac. 12.15. 2 Co.1.17..20.-4.13. Tit.3.8. 29 hardeneth, ch.28.14. 29.1. Je.3.2,3.-5.3.-8.12.-44. 16, 17. he directeth, or, he considereth. oh.11.5. Ps. 119.59. Eze. 18.28. Hag.1.5,7.-2.15,18,19. Lu. 15.17,18. 1 Th.3.11. 30 ch.19.21. Is.7.5..7.-8.9,10.-14 27.-46.10,11. Je.9. 23. Jon.1.13. Ac.4.27,28.-5.39. 1 Pe.2.8. 31 horse. Ps.20.7.-33.17,18.-147.10. Ec.9.11. Is.31.1. but. Ps 3.3,8.-68.20. safety. or, victory. Ps.144.10, marg. CHAP. XXII. 1 name. 1 Ki.1.47. Ec.7.1. Lu.10.20. Phi.4.3. He.11. 39. loving favour rather than, or, favour is better than, &c. Ac 7.10. 2 rich, ch.29.13. 1 Sa.2.7. Ps.49.1,2. Lu.16.19,20. 1 Co. 12.21. Ja.2.2.5. the Lord. ch.14.31. Job 31.15.-34.19. 3 prudent. ch.14.16.-27.12. Ex.9.20.21. Is.26.20,21. Mat.24.15.18. 1Th 5.2.6. He.6.18.-11.7. the simple. ch.7.7,22,23. 9.16,.18.-29.1. 4 By, &c. Heb. The reward of humility, &c. ch.3.16. - 21.21. Ps.349,10.-112.1..3. Is.33.6.-57.15. Mat.6.33. 1 Ti.4.S. Ja.4.6,10. 5 Thorns. ch.13.15.-15.19. Jos.23.13. Job 18.8. Ps.11. 6.-18,26,27. he. ch.13.3.-16.17. 19.16. Ps.91.1. 1Jn°.5. 13. Jude 20,21. 6 Train up. or, Catechize. a child. Ge.18.19. De.4. 9.-6.7. Ps.78.3..6. Ep 6.4. 2 Ti.3.15. the way. Heb. his way. when. 1 Sa 1.28.-2.26.-12.2,3. 7 rich, ver.16,22. ch.14.31.-18.23. Am.2.6.-4.1.-5. 11,12.-8.4,6. Ja.2.6-5.1,4. the borrower. 2 Ki.4.1. Ne. 5.4.5. Is. 24.2. Mat. 18.25. lender. Heb. man that lendeth. 10 ch.21.24.-26.0,21. Ge.21.9,10. Ne.4.1.2-0 Ps. 101.5. Mat.18.17. 1 Co.55,6,13. 11 that, ch.16.13. Ps. 101.6. Mat.58 for the his lips. or, and Auth grace in his lips. Ps4 22. the king. Ge.4139, &c. Err 7.6, &c. Nel 10.3. Da.2.46..49.-3.30. 6.D... 12 cper, 2 Ch.16.9. 1s.59.19..21. Mat.16 16.18 39.-12 23,24. Rell 3.11.-12.14.17. Ar. Job 5 8.9..12.-13.8..12. 2 Th.2.8. 2 Ti3.89. d ters. 13 The slothful. That is, the slothful man pretext, however improbable, to indulge ease and indolence. ch.15.19.-25.13.164 14 month. ch.2.16..19.-5.3,&c.-64223.27. Ju.16.20,21. Ne.13.25. Kc 7.28. a temp is, it is like a deep pit, or pitfall, in whe are often taken alive. abhorred. De 3219 N 15 Foolishness. Job 14.4. Ps 51.5. Jm 2.6 p ch.13.24.-19.18.-3.13,14-9.15,17. He 16 that oppresseth, ver.2,3 ch.14.3-25 19, &c. Ps.12.5. M12.23. Zec 7.9.14 Ja he that giveth. Lu.6.33, 35.-14.12.14-16 17 Bow. ch.2.2.5.-5.1.2. and hear call 4.4..8.-8.33,34. Is 55.3. Mat.17.5. appy chi 90.12. Ec.75.-8.9,16. 2 18 it is. ch. 2.10.-3.17.-24.13,14. P.19. 111,162. Je.15.16, within thee. Heb in y 32.18,19. Jn.7.38. fitted, ch.8.6.-16.11.17. 21.-25.11. Ps.119.13,171. Mal.2.7. He.13 21. 19 thy. ch.3.5. Ps.628. 19.12.2-2.4 Jelly even to thee, or, trust thou also. 20 ch.8.6. Ps.12.6. Ho.S.12. 2 T13.11 21 1. Lu.1.3,4. Jn° 20 31. 1Jn 515 t 15. them that send unto thee, or, those tha 22 Rob, ch.23.10,11. Eze.229. 23.6. Job 29.12..16.-31.16,21. Zec 7.10 M gate. That is, in the court of justion, w have already seen, was held at the gum the East. 23 the Lord. ch.23.11. 1 Sa 24.12,15-5 35.1,10.43.1.-68.5.-140.12. Jc.50.34-412 Mal.3.5. spoil. Is.33.1. Hab.2.8 24 ch.2124-292 Cof 14. 17. 25 ch.13.20. Ps.106.35. 1 Co.15.33. 26 ch.6.1.5.-11.15.-17.18.-7.13. 27 ch.20.16. Ex.22.26,27, 2 Ki.4.1. 28 remove.ch.23.10. De.19.14-27.17.Jobs mark, or, bound. 29 a man. ch.10.4.-12.24. 1 KL.11.2 25.21,23. Ro.12.11.2 Ti.4.2 he shall stand shall have the honour of serving kings: # denotes. mean men. Heb, obscure ma CHAP. XXIII. 1 Ge.43.32.34. Jude 12, 2 Mat.12.99. 1Co.9.27. Phi119 3 ver.6. Ps.141.4. Dal.S. Lu21.34 Ep 4 4 Labour. ch.28.20. Jn 627, 1 TAKIE 3.5.-26.12. 18.3.21. Ro.11.23.-12.16. 5 thou. Ps.119.36,37. Je.22.17. 13ɛ 234 eyes upon. Heb. cause thine eyes to f He expresses it in such a way,' says A SON, as if a rich man sat brooding ove it was fledged, and gotten itself wiɛgy # that which. Ge.42.36. Ec.1.2 128 134) riches. ch.27 24. Job 1.14..17. Ps.39 6. Feb. 19. 1 Ti.6.17. Ja.5.1.2. 6 an. ch.22.9. De.15.9.-28.66. Mat desire. ver.3. Ps.141.4. Da.1.8.10. 7 as. ch.19.22. Mat.9.3,4. Lu738. Ker 13.26..28. Ps.12.2.-55.21. Da.11 9 Speak, ch.9.7,8.-26 4,5. 1.35 M 46.-8.25... A. Lu. 16.14. Ju NL-N 20 Ac.17.18,32. 1 Co.1.21.24.-4.10.13 10 Remove. ch.2228. De.13.14, -67817 181 mark, or, bound. fatherless. Jub Ja.1.27. 8 that. Job 4.8. Ho.8.7.-10.13. Ga.6.7,8. the rod of-3121.3. Ps. 94.6. Je.7.5.-23. Local his anger shall fail, or, with the rod of his anger he shall be consumed. ch.14.3. Ps.125.3. 18.9.4-103.-14. 29.-30.31. 9 He that hath a bountiful eye. Heb. Good of eye. ch.11.25.-19.17.-21.13. De.15.7.11.-28.56. Job 31.16.20. P.41.1..3.-112.9. Ec.11.1,2. Is.32.8.-58.7..12. Mat.20.15. | 11 ch.22.23. Ex.22.22.-24. De 27.19. PL 34.-51.36. 12 ver.19. ch.226.-5.1,2-2.17. Kan 52. Ja.1.21..25. 13 ch.13.24.-19.18.-29.15,17. To keepeth his mouth and his peth his soul from troubles, and haughty scorner is his dealeth in « proud wrath. desire of the slothful killeth his hands refuse to labour. reteth greedily all the day long: righteous giveth and spareth not. sacrifice of the wicked is abohow much more, when he A with a wicked mind? #false witness shall perish: but that beareth speaketh constantly. cked man hardeneth his face: but upright, he directeth his way. in no wisdom, nor understand-or,victory. Counsel, against the LORD. horse is prepared against the day or, favour bat safety is of the LORD. CHAP. XXII. D name is rather to be chosen riches, and loving favoure o silver and gold. rich and poor meet together: the maker of them all. adent man foreseeth the evil, bimself: but the simple pass Funished. umility, and the fear of the riches, honour, and life. and snares are in the way of d: he that doth keep his soul from them. up a child in the way he and when he is old, he will from it. |