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النشر الإلكتروني

and complete communion established-The present a time of divine silence though not of divine inaction-The veil concealing the ark-Why it was there-Its significance of fleshnature in its Christ form-Rending of the veil as to death and resurrection-Composition of the veil-Different materials blended-The significance of this complexity-The fine-twined linen-Sinlessness-The divine sonship of Jesus-" Josephism "-The scarlet significant of sin-How this applied to Jesus a sinless man-The babe of Bethlehem-Adamic fiesh and blood-A sinless man subject to the consequences of sin-The difficulties raised-Chiefly of Romish origin-The blue and the purple-Healing and royalty-All the foreshadowings realised in the righteous son of David-The four pillars on which the veil was suspended-Do they denote the "four evangelists"?-The gold hooks and silver sockets-Outside the veil in the holy place-No wisdom-No light except from the even-branched candlestick-- The significance in probation-The oil and the beauty of the oil-The trimming of the lamps morning and evening-The daily reading of the Scriptures-No "light of nature" adequate to the revelation of God-" Natural religion" a myth-Will worship-The incense altar in front of the veil - Altar of sacrifice outside-The incense altar inside a speaking symbol of the essentiality of prayer to acceptable worship-No strange incense or strange fire-God's own truth the basis of approach--The blood-sprinkling on the altar of incense once a year, an intimation that contact with the sacrifice of Christ is essential to acceptable prayer-No relation to the stranger in any way-The table of shew bread-Twelve cakes, twelve tribesIsraelitish character of the whole polity of true religion-Salvation pertaining to the JewsModern forgetfulness of this-The divine plan one from the beginning.

CHAPTER XV.-OUTSIDE THE TABERNACLE-AMONG ITS BOARDS AND COVERINGS. The incense on the shew bread -The eating of the bread by the priests-The gold-lined walls of the tabernacle a powerful condemnation of the modern attitude towards faith-The reasonable character of faith as an exacted condition of divine acceptability-The vision of the golden city-The curtains at the door of the tabernacle-The material of the curtains the same as that of the veil-The meaning of this-The same Christ in another relation-The five pillars, five men permanently distinguished in the work of preaching Jesus as the door-The sockets of brass-The boards composing the tabernacle-The mechanical compactness of the whole structure-A probable spiritual significance - The boards considered as types of individual men-The four corner pairs braced together-Prominent divine servants in couples at turning points in the nation's history-A structural parable with doctrinal and prophetic significances-The coverings laid over the tabernacle-first, a composite goldhooked fabric in ten parts, of similar material to the veil-second, a larger covering of goat material tacked together with brass hooks-third, a covering of red ram's skins, and fourth, of badger or seal skin-The literal purpose of the coverings-The spiritual significance, both as to the material and the method of make-up-first, the Christ body-second, ecclesiasticism-third, the civil power-fourth, nature.


The Tabernacle fenced off by a curtain wall of linen hung on wood pillars in brass sockets-The material-its significance in righteousness-The world outside the divine economy-" They that are in the flesh cannot please God"-Men must come inside the walls of righteousness -The four pillars of the gate, the gospel narrators-The 56 pillars of the court, notable servants of God-Significance of the brazen sockets, the setting in the earth, the shittim wood of the pillars and the silver mountings-The uncircumcised not eligible for entranceNature, object and appointment of circumcision-Obedience and not gratification the ground of acceptance-the common thought opposed to truth-Invented religions of no final value -Natural religion a myth-The lesson of the tabernacle-God's appointment the basis of acceptable approach-Circumcision plus sacrifice in the worshippers-The brazen altar of burnt-offering inside the court-The necessity and meaning of sacrifice- first in type, then in Christ-Why animal sacrifice was inadequate-The truth proclaimed by all sacrifice, that man is separated from God and can only return in God's way-The popular fallacy about being "good" as the way to be saved-The relative positions of God and man forgotten -The Gospel and the Mosaic Institution at one in declaring man's position to be hopeless apart from God's own methods and appointments-The laver-After sacrifice, washingConfutation of modern views-"The blood" only an ingredient in the process of salvation-Probation-After reconciliation, reformation-After death (and resurrection), the judgment -Correspondence of the Christ-doctrine and the Mosaic parable.


The setting-up of the tabernacle necessitated intermediaries-Israel's uncleanness - Mercy to be shown but not at the sacrifice of holiness-God wou'd be approached only through a man of his own choice, assisted by men of his own appointment-Aaron and his sons-Qualifications The antitype in Christ-Christ as both sacrifice and priest-The brethren of Christ and the sons of Aaron-The priests to be dressed in a particular way, " for glory and for beauty" The beautiful meanings condensed into this expression-The ways of man naturally base and hideous-the works of the flesh and the works of the Spirit-The great contrast between the natural and the spiritual-The true meaning of the word "spiritual " -The antitypical glory and beauty of the Aaronic garments -The materials-God in every aspect of them-Man acceptable only when clothed in vestments of divine origin and significance The condemnation of all human invention in religion-The ephod-The order of investiture-The coat-The girdle of the coat-The robe with bells and pomegranates, the bottom fringe-The ephod and its attachments (shoulder buckles and breastplate)-the most complicated, beautiful, and significant of all the priestly garments-The urim and the thummim-The mitre-The plate of pure gold on the forehead, inscribed "Holiness to the Lord"-The clothed high priests "bearing the iniquity of the holy things" a strange expression become intelligible-The antitype in Christ.


The tabernacle made in twelve months after the exodus-Setting it up - Investiture of Aarón Washing with water-The antitype in Christ-A difficulty dissipated-Different sorts of the same nature-Jesus human nature mentally washed by the Spirit-Putting on the coat-The antitype--The ephod with its adjuncts of glory and beauty -The anointing with the holy oil -typical of the anointing with the Spirit-The sprinkling of the oil and sacrificial blood upon every article in the tabernacle-The antitypical application-An objection as to the uncleanness of the children of Israel-The difficulty experienced by various thinkers as to Christ-His sacrifice "for himself" first-The statement that it was so and the "necessity that it should be so-The blending and poising of apparently opposing principles-The end of all difficulty in the reception of the testified facts-For himself that he might be for us-The contrast between Christ as he now is and as he was-A "body prepared" for the abolition of death-a reverence for Christ "not according to knowledge "-The condemnation of sin in the flesh-An inspired expression defining a truth not in collision with any otherGod's objects in the case the key-The relations of the Creator and the created-Forgiveness after the amende honourable-The significance of bloodshedding-The declaration of the righteousness of God-inspired definition of the object of the death of Christ Jesus not to be regarded as an individual merely, but as the representative of his people-"Crucified with Christ "Forgiveness through the forbearance of God-The curse of the law brought on Christ by the mode of his death-The whole principle-Redemption achieved in Christ for us to have on conditions-Destruction of the typical analogies of the Law of Moses by the erroneous views of the death of Christ.

CHAPTER XIX. THE FINAL DEDICATION. Inauguration of the daily service of the tabernacle-The offering of the ram of burnt-offering and the ram of consecration--A counterpart in Christ concealed by some views-Roman Catholic and Protestant views-Other views-Christ cannot be kept out of his own sacrifice -The bullock carried out of the camp and the ram not so carried out--Right ear, right hand, right foot touched with the blood of consecration-Waving of the parts in the hands of Aaron- The accompaniments of unleavened bread, oiled cake, and wafer-The significanceActive, joyful, holy life-Realised in Christ's present state-The deeper meaning of the consecration services-"So hath the Lord commanded" but with foreshadowings afterwards intimated-Purpcsed metamorphosis of the race by voluntary sacrifice-Only a partial experience now-The future-Activity-" Doing his pleasure" a cheering prospect-Eating of part of the ram-Seven days in succession -The surplus destroyed-"Too late"-The eighth day of the service typical of post-millennial experiences-Israel on their faces before the manifested glory of the Lord-The sacrificial foundation of eternal glory always in remembrance.

CHAPTER XX.-THE ROUTINE SERVICE OF THE TABERNACLE. The tabernacle ready-its services meaningless mummery to the naturalist-its real character as a means of creating the conception of holiness-its immediate object and its secondary

significance - Misapplications in the ecclesiasticisms of the age-Church consecrations-ritualisms-Semi-Mosaic religionism not without its use-Routine services of the tabernacle daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly-The daily incense, lamp-trimming and laml-sacrifice (morning and evening)-The counterpart in daily life-The light, Bible reading-The incense, daily prayer-The daily sacrifice, Christ in the head, heart and hand of true worshippersThe daily meat and wine offering-Strength and gladness in the service of God-Mosaic condemnation of Laodiceanism and the loose thoughts of moralists-1he Sabbath day in the tabernacle-Double services: why ?-The new moon celebrations-Benefits conferred by the moon-Appreciation of the works of God-The motions of nature in their relation to the contriving energy of God-God's delight in the recognition of His wisdom-The new moon in the age to come-A succession of joyful activities in the new heavens and new earth.


Several annual services in the tabernacle - The year in the life of man-The passover-not only Israel's deliverance from Egypt but the highest spiritual attainments typified-A significant association-Moses and Christ the two poles of God's great work-The world's scepticism as to Moses an insult to Christ who endorsed him, and to God who appointed the passover-The recognition of the exodus required at our hands-Our generation condemned and its clerical leaders in unbelief-The feasts of the first-fruits, founded on an institute of nature-God's beneficence in the harvest, yet the Egyptian deliverance to be interwoven in its thanksgiving services-The special services in the taberi acle-The wave-sheaf followed by the offering of a lamb-In seven weeks, on the completion of the harvest, two loaves of the new flour, accompanied by the sacrifice of seven lambs-The significances-Gratitude for the Godgiven bread of the field to be mixed with the acknowledgment of sinnership in blood-shedding -A prophecy of the sinless man through whom alone God will be approached in worshipSinners not acceptable without the name of Christ on them-Human resentment of this appointment-The first-fruits in the antitype of Christ and his people-The two phases: the single sheaf and the two loaves seven weeks after-Ascension and Pentecost-A chronological inexactness with probable design-The feast of ingathering-The most elaborate of the tabernacle services The seventh month-first day, a holy convocation: tenth day, day of atonement; in five days after, the construction and occupation of arboreal boothsThe natural charms of such a feast-The numerous but gradually-diminishing sacrifices in the tabernacle- The Kingdom typified-The grand as embly on the eighth day, the close of the Kingdom.


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Various occasions of voluntary service-The altar of earth-or stone undressed-The correspondence in Christ-Josephite fathership excluded-Divine origin of Jesus-" Voluntary will' as an element in the sacrifices-A far-reaching principle, at the root of the problem of evil The attitude of the atheist and the metaphysician - Facts and philosophic triflers-Human power of choice-God's aims in creation-His pleasure in man but in what relation?— Obedience free and uncompelled-The door opened for evil in the conditions of the highest good-Evil came in through this door-Man guesses: the Bible reveals-The final triumphThe process slow because the result stupendous-Means and ends-Man allowed to fall that he may in the end know God in His true supremacy and kindness-The myriads who perish - No difficulty in view of man's mortality-The bright morning of God's perfected workResponsibility and judgment as arising out of free will-The relation of light-The fatalism of the Turk-The gloom of the Calvinistic-Hurtful reactions in modern libertinism.

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Form of approach to God prescribed - Not anything acceptable-Cain and Abel-The killing of a living creature-The pouring out of its blood-The divine explanation-A "male without blemish "-The sex feature prominent-The female subordinate-Why ?-Historical facts and natural adaptations "The new woman" fighting against nature-Man having the first place in redemption- Salvation by a man, not by a woman-The woman subordinately instrumental-Relative positions of man and woman-Beautiful when determined by law-Naturalism contrary to nature-Human folly on the subject-The so-called "divine feminine" in the Godhead-All creation one stuff in diffierent forms-The lesson of a zoological collectionIts application to the difference between man and woman-The same stuff differently organised-The organic power rooted in divine will-God manifestly in the mysteries of

nature, but not to be found till He brought Himself near in revelation - God one and as lovely as we could wish Him to be- A great King, not a Queen, but with more than a queen's loveliness-The eternal masculine-The burnt sacrifice, a male, a figure of Christ-The antitypical offeners-"Faith in his blood "-Rest-The sacrificial sheep or goat-Preparation of the Lamb of God-Difficulty to human understanding because men try to square it with human thoughts-Doves and pigeons in sacrifice-The same lesson as applied to Christ"Crop and feathers" cast aside--body cloven, but not parted-Spiritual analogies.

CHAPTER XXIV.-MEAT-OFFERINGS AND PEACE-OFFERINGS. Love-offerings-Gifts to God - Highest pleasure to God and Man-Meat-offerings acceptable through the priest and on the altar only-Easy to understand when divine teaching allowed to prevail-Christ the way-Meat-offerings to be drowned in oil-The place of joy in the service of God-For sinners to mourn, for the righteous to rejoice-No place for the gloomy religion of the cloister and the cell-Meat-offerings to be garnished with frankincense - The place of praise-Man likes it but God claims it and permits it to man only when he has had his superlative portion-All meat-offerings to be seasoned with salt-The antitype-Sound, wholesome savoury principle-Hearty loving intelligence essential to acceptability-No leaven A self-propagating thing tending to deterioration-Analogy to the operations of "malice and wickedness "-No liberality to God acceptable if offered with a wicked mindsuch an act possible-Honey also forbidden - The sweetness of self-gratification--Enjoyments permitted and enjoyments forbidden-Self-glory the anti-typical honey-The use made of the meat-offering-Part burnt and part eaten The significance-God and man conjoined in the object of gift-Oblation of the first cut corn, waved, not burnt-l'he probable meaningA meat-offering from the first cut corn might be burnt The reason-The meat-offering as the expression of friendship-The peace-offering, pointing to reconciliation--Must be a living creature for sacrifice-Might be a female -The reason-Mother of the Saviour-Woman saved by the "child-bearing "-Offerings to be brought by the offerer, and not by deputy-The fat as well as the blood-Why-The priests to have the chief part - Misapplication by the clergy -The antitypical house of Aaron.

CHAPTER XXV.-BURNT-OFFERINGS, SIN-OFFERINGS AND TRESPASS-OFFERINGS. Compulsory and voluntary offerings - An adaptation to spiritual need-The diversity of offerings a perplexity at first-The difference between the different classes of offering-Gradations of atonement--Different degrees of sin-Presumptuous sin unatoneable-The burnt-offeringWhy so-called-The type involved consumption of sin-nature-The crucifixion-Flesh and blood to cease from the earth-Those who deny Christ's inclusion in his own sacrifice-The removal of the ashes in the morning-The change of the mortal in the day of Christ-The sin-offering-Sins of ignorance-Why should they require atonement?-An escape from a false position-The ignorant sin recognisable when it comes to krowledge "-An offering required, forgiveness offered-The reasonableness of the whole procedure-No accountability where there is no knowledge, but sin, sin, all the same-The offering for sins of ignoranceWherein they differed from other offerings-An intenser repudiation of sins of ignoranceWhy?-Unconscious sin more hateful than known and acknowledged sin-How often may we grieve Him in our ignorance when self-pleased-The Laodiceans-Necessity for judging ourselves by the word-Cause of fear, ground of comfort-"The spirit itself helpeth our infirmities "The antitypical eating of the sacrifices-The danger of false theories of the sacrifice of Christ-Why the flesh of the sin-offering "most holy"-The antitype in Christ-The trespass offering-The distinction from the sin-offering-All trespass is sin, but all sin not trespass-" All manner of sin forgiven unto men, except blaspheming of the Holy Spirit"-The combined effect of all the sacrifices.


Special impurities and special purifications-Childbirth-A period of seclusion for the motherThen sacrifice-Spiritual intimations-Propagation a provisional thing-Marriage absent from the perfect state-Males to be circumcised the eighth day-The other remaining 33 days unclean- Probable antitype-Uncleanness for a female just double the number of daysGood remarks by brother Harvey, of London, on the difference between the man-child and the woman-child of this ordinance-The male-child type of Christ with his 33 years of natural life; the woman-child, of his bride, who had personal sins to be atoned for-The number of days, 66, with an added six to represent the false or pretended Papal Bride-The moral and prophetic teaching of the type.


Disease and its treatment, evidently with a typical significance-Diseases of disorganisationleprosy and issue-Healthy mortals and unhealthy mortals-Human frailty and human wickedness-Curable and incurable leprosy-The spiritual meaning-Forgiveness of sin but only when not persisted in-The ceremony of the reception of the cured leper-The sacrificial lamb and the two birds-The allegory of the two birds, one killed and the other liberated-Orthodox misinterpretation inseparable from a false view of human nature-The key to this parable in the apostolic doctrine of the death of Christ-Christ the two clean birds in death and resurrection - The cedar wood, hyssop, and other adjuncts-The work of Christ through the apostles-The law as to issue-Its recognition as defiling-The spiritual import The periodical infirmity of woman as the subject of sacrificial purification-The typical intimations-An ordinance that does for woman what circumcision does for manBoth the helpless subjects of vanity, with hope.


Special reprobation of death as a cause of defilement by contact-The cleansing The water of separation-The ashes of a slain heifer-Why such stringent measures?-A deep subjectThe origin of death in relation to man-Death in the animal world-Attested revelationAdjustment of revealed truth to natural fact-Human mortality the result of sin-The awful thing meant by sin-Life-what is it?—An insoluble problem-Revelation-God the fountain of life-Death the negation of his own work and the penalty of treason-Death destroyed by death in Christ-Some admirers of Christ horror-struck without a reason-The Papal view and its mischievous results-A wrong idea of God's objects-Subject difficult but beautiful and essential-John's emphasis on the subject of Christ having come in the flesh-An immaculate Christ as unfit for the object of sacrifice as a seeming Christ-Approach unacceptable without a true discernment of the principles on which God is willing to receive erring man to friendship-The red heifer the colour-the condition-the killing-the priestly presentation-the sprinkling of the blood seven times the burning the left ashes-the cleanness of the man gathering them-All types realised in the work of Christ-Christ's forbidding Mary to touch him after his resurrection-Object of the various sacrificial ordinances -A solemn and imperative lesson-The holiness of God-An unbelieving and disobedient world.


Beasts dying of themselves unfit food-The reason not hygienic but spiritual-The flesh of particular creatures unclean-The principle of refusal-List of unfit animals-The classification based on spiritual significances-The principle allegorically involved-Peter and the vision of the knit sheet-The destruction of the meats done away--Still natural distinctions remain-Things good, things evil-Licence and fastidiousness alike to be avoided-The cudchewing and hoof-parting animals-The sort of men that answer to the type-Spiritual food and spiritual life-Ruminating animals-The truth a thing for constant use―The typical eating of clean animals only-The avoidance of ungodly men-Dividing the hoof-surefootedness-Some all theory, and no action-The pig among the Jews-Pork and anti-pork controversy among the Gentiles-Singular state of things in view of the sow being a creature that symbolises executive efficiency but indifference to the will of God-The moral combination most odious to God-The hygienic aspect of the question the least important-The law against unclean animals done away, but the thing signified remaining for ever-The classification of fowls and fishes on a different principle but meaning the same.


A man at liberty to dedicate himself to God-The Nazarite not to drink wine-The reasonInterference with the natural equilibrium of the mind The typical significanceSpiritual inebriation-Acceptable Nazariteship founded on calm reason, leading to strong love-The true Nazarites not shouting or theatrical religionists-Forbidden to cut the hairThe meaning-To come at no dead body-Domestic inconveniences-Jesus, the great Nazarite, made light of natural ties-The relationships of those who are sanctified by the truth-The Nazarite defiled by the sudden death of another near by-Important things suggested-The remedy for lost days-Confession, forgiveness, and reformation-The Nazarite's separation a parable of probation-The prominence of favour in the process of salvation-The saints saved as forgiven men-The typical counterpart of the sacrifices to be offered by the Nazarite at the end of the days of his separation.

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