صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



Johnstons & Van Norden, Printers.

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THE following Work was undertaken at your Lordship's recommendation, and, amongst other motives, for the purpose of making the most ac ceptable return that I could, for a great and important benefit conferred upon me.

It may be unnecessary, yet not perhaps quite impertinent to state to your Lordship, and to the reader, the several inducements that have led me once more to the press. The favour of my first and ever-honoured Patron had put me in possession of so liberal a provision in the Church, as abundantly to satisfy my wants, and much to exceed my pretensions. Your Lordship's munificence in conjunction with that of some other excellent Prelates, who regarded my services with the partiality with which your Lordship was pleased to consider them, hath since placed me in ecclesiastical situations, more than adequate to every object of reasonable ambition. In the mean time, a weak, and, of late, a painful state of health, deprived me of the power, of discharging the duties of my station in a manner at all suitable, either to my sense of those duties,

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