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النشر الإلكتروني

poses. Our deliberations will have respect to the inward regulations, and to the outward machinery that are essential to the Church's usefulness, and to the Church's stability; and I trust that the wise and holy considerations that have been brought under our notice this day, and pressed upon us with so much energy and affectionate eloquence, will not be lost upon any one of us. (Hear, hear.) We meet in a prayerful spirit; and I trust that a prayerful spirit will be maintained throughout; and that in all our deliberations we shall still look upwards. This is no arena of strife. This is no field of conflict. Here there is to be no self-pleasing or self-seeking. We meet as brethren animated with one heart and with one mind, striving together in the maintenance of those great principles that we have given forth to the world. If any shade of diversity of opinion exists amongst us, I trust there will be no division of affection, and no division of principle. Our union is our strength. Our union is our glory. (Hear, hear.) If I were allowed to give an advice, and I am not warranted to give an advice from any other consideration than from my grey hairs, and from the place which I hold-(hear, hear,)—I would say to every individual in this great Assembly, approach every question which comes before you with that solemnity which its importance does bespeak. Approach every question as Christian men and as Christian ministers. Realise the presence of God. Think of your responsibility to your Church, and think of your responsibility to the Great Head of the Church! Oh! I beg of you to do as I would wish to do myself, bear in mind that time is to be coupled with eternity, and that all our sayings and all our doings are to be connected with that eternal reckoning which is to be given at last in the presence of our God. If I were allowed to go beyond the limits of this Assembly, and address the Christian people who have congregated here to-day to witness our meeting and our proceedings, I would say, Brethren in the Lord, pray for us. Pray for us. We have need of your prayers. Pray for us privately-pray for us in your domestic circles. Pray for the builders of the sacred edifice, that their hands may be strengthened, that their minds may be enlightened, and that they may go forward to their sacred duties in the strength of the Lord. And oh, may it be said by you, and by all of us, and said by an unthinking and undiscerning world, The Lord has been in the midst of us of a truth. I commend you all to God, and to the word of his grace. May he lead you-may he guide you-may he strengthen, and help, and uphold you in the way you should go. (Hear, hear.)

Dr M'FARLAN said he rose to move the thanks of the Assembly to Dr Chalmers, for the eminent services he had rendered to the Free Church as their Moderator; in an especial manner for the eloquent and excellent sermon which they had just heard, and with a particular request that he would allow it to be published. (Great applause.) He would not say all he could and wished to say of the eminent public and private services of their late Moderator, on behalf of the Free Church of Scotland, because, were he to do so in his presence, he would offend that modesty for which he was as much distinguished as he was for his high and distinguished talent. He would, however, venture to express one sentiment regarding the discourse, and which he was confident would be participated in by all present-that it was worthy of Dr Chalmers-(great applause)—and he hoped that, as it was calculated to promote the interests, and conduce to the benefit of the Free Church of Scotland, the Rev. Doctor would consent to its publication. (Applause.) The motion was then carried by acclamation.

The MODERATOR then communicated the thanks of the Assembly to Dr Chalmers.

Dr CHALMERS, in reply, said he was not prepared for any thing beyond the ordinary vote of thanks on leaving the chair, far less was he prepared for the request with which that vote of thanks was concluded. When he wrote the sermon he had no intention of its ever being in print-it was unworthy of it-and it was only in obedience to the command laid on him by the Assembly, and which to him was a law, that he consented to its publication. (Great applause.)

The CLERK then read the names of the Committee on Overtures on Bills, and for the regulation of the order of business to be brought before the Assembly, after which the Assembly adjourned at a quarter-past two till eight o'clock.


This diet was set apart for devotional exercises, which were conducted by the Moderator, the Rev. Mr Flyter of Alness, and Dr Henderson of Melville Church, with much fervour, and natural and touching simplicity.!

WEDNESDAY, October 18.

The Assembly met at twelve o'clock, and was constituted by prayer and praise. After the reading of the minute of last sederunt,

Dr CHALMERS said, that in obedience to the resolution of last Assembly, he had transmitted to the Home Office the Address to the Queen which had then been resolved upon. He had shortly thereafter received a communication from Sir James Graham, acknowledging receipt of the Address, which letter he would now hand to the Moderator in order that it might be read.

The Clerk then read the following letter, which at the conclusion was received with much disapprobation.

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“ WHITEHALL, June 8, 1843. "SIR,-I have had the honour of receiving, and laying before her Majesty, the Address which bears your signature, and which was transmitted by you to me. "I am unwilling needlessly to refer to the late secession of a portion of the ministers from the Established Church of Scotland: but the assurance of your continued loyalty has been graciously received by her Majesty; and the Queen relies with satisfaction on the declaration which you make on behalf of the ministers and elders of a church of Christ, that you will be stedfast in your obedience to the civil power, and that you regard that duty as demanded by the highest authority, and as due to the peace and prosperity of the nation.-I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant, "J. R. G. GRAHAM.

"To the Rev. Dr Chalmers, Moderator, Edinburgh."

Dr MAKELLAR said, he would not at present give any opinion as to the terms of the letter which had been just read; but as it was a communication to the Free Church of Scotland, it would be ungracious in the Free Assembly of the Church to refuse to insert on their records a document coming from Her Majesty's Secretary of State. (Hear, hear.) It was the usual practice to insert such communications; and he hoped that by showing on the present occasion every feeling of deference and respect to the quarter from which the present one professed to come, they would exhibit their anxious desire to act on the principles set before them by their Divine Lord and Master. (Agreed, agreed.)


Mr A. DUNLOP rose and said-As Chairman of the Board of Missions and Education, I have to submit to you the usual report as to the contributions to the Five Schemes of the Church. On this occasion, however, being a half-yearly meeting, I can only lay before you a partial view of our proceedings since the period of last Assembly. But I rejoice to say that that view is of a most encouraging character. (Applause.) On the occasion of the last Assembly, I ventured, with some confidence, but at the same time not without some anxiety, to express a hope that the disruption would, to no extent, diminish our means of propagating the gospel at home and abroad; and I rejoice to state, that in so far as we can judge by the result of the last few months, these expectations will not only be realized, but exceeded. (Loud applause.) If during the remainder of this year, the contributions of our people are continued to the other schemes, in the same proportion that they have been given to the two schemes that have already been before our Church, we have an assurance that the Church, which is now disestablished, will have contributed more to these objects than was done by the whole united Church previous to the disruption. (Applause.) At the same time I must state that only two of these col

lections have as yet been made-viz., that for the Conversion of the Jews, in the month of June, and that for Education in the month of August last. The whole returns of collections for the Education Scheme have not been received, but all, or at least the greater part of the collections, have been made for the Jewish Scheme. During the whole of the year 1842, the collections at the church doors in aid of the Jews' conversion amounted to L.2624; and the contributions already made, and reported in our proportion of the Church which is now disestablished, amount to L.2926-showing that, in the four months which are passed, L.300 more have been contributed by our people, than were given by the whole Church before. (Applause.) Of course there are contributions from associations, and from individuals, to the scheme, which will come in gradually over the whole year, and from which we may expect a considerable addition: but striking off legacies and contributions from abroad, there were last year, received from the whole Church, L.3863: and we have already, in the brief period which I have specified, received from all sources of contribution, L.3569. It therefore requires only the sum of L.300 to be made up by associations and individuals, to amount to the sum that was received last year from the whole Church. (Loud applause.) Of course, we cannot expect that when the contributions are spread over the whole year, the same proportion will be realised as already from the church-door collections; but at the same time we have sufficient evidence to show, that so far from falling off, the contributions will exceed those from the whole Church previous to the disruption. These collections for the Conversion of the Jews have been made from 467 parishes. For our Education Scheme, 434 parishes have reported their collections, amounting to L.2253, while in the preceding year, the sum received from the whole united Church, amounted to L.2680. The totalsum received from all sources for our Educational Schemes amounts to L.2982; and last year there was collected for these L.3200—being only a deficiency of L.300 to make up the total amount received from the whole Church during a year. (Hear, hear.) And the whole sum received for all our Missionary Schemes already amounts to L.8220-a sum much exceeding what has been received for these objects during the same time at any former period. (Hear, hear.) Now, when we consider the immense drain which is made on our parishes for their own local objectswhen we consider the necessity of building so many churches, and the other heavy claims to which they are subjected, we have cause not only for the greatest thankfulness, but there are also grounds for the greatest encouragement; we have here a token for good that our people are embued with that zealous spirit, and that sincere desire to promote the glory of God, which we may trust, in humble confidence on Divine grace, will enter into all the schemes of the Church; and so far from diminishing the support to local objects, it will stimulate it, and convince us of the truth of what I have stated for seven years past, that these contributions, instead of diminishing the support to local objects, actually increase it. I mentioned that the number of parishes contributing to the scheme for the conversion of the Jews was 467; and it is well worthy of remark that this is a much larger proportion than ever contributed to these objects when the Church was established. But notwithstanding this, there are a considerable number who have not yet had an opportunity of contributing. I allude not only to congregations, but to preaching stations; and I would again press upon our ministers and preachers the propriety and duty of not refusing to give every class an opportunity of contributing according to their means. It is a most grievous mistake to suppose that what is contributed in this way will diminish the support to local objects; but even though it did, I am sure that no minister will discharge his duty to his conscience, if he should allow the church-door collections to step between him, and the duty-the bounden duty-of giving to all the people an opportunity of contributing to the schemes of the Church according to their means. (Hear, hear.) I have only another subject to allude to in connection with this matter, and it is one which personally concerns myself, as well as has reference to the advancement of the cause in which we are engaged. Since the original appointment of the Joint Committee, which is now called the Board of Missions, it has chiefly been concerned in the external and secular duty of providing channels of contribution, and stimulating our ministers to support the schemes of the Church by

making the necessary collections. We have had great difficuties to encounter, but these are to a great extent surmounted; and we have now got machinery in order, which will make the future working comparatively easy. The Board of Missions bas also to a considerable extent conducted the correspondence with other Churches ; and for the purpose of effecting this efficiently, I feel persuaded, and the Committee have concurred with me, that it is in better accordance with the character of the office, that it should be held not by an elder, but by one of the fathers of the Church; and I therefore respectfully ask leave of the Assembly to resign the situation which I have held as Chairman of this Board, and to propose that the office shall in future be held by one of the fathers of the Church. I cannot doubt that the Assembly will accede to this, because they must see its advantage to the object to be attained; but I must also claim an indulgence for myself, not because I will cease to take the interest which I have ever done in this, and all other matters connected with the prosperity of the Church, for I think the Assembly will bear me witness that I bave not, so far as my humble means went, grudged my time or energy; but the contest in which we were so long engaged has now been brought to an issue—not the issue. which I and others at one time looked forward to, but an issue, I will venture to say, more glorious far than we could have anticipated, inasmuch as though a victory might have been gained over the civil government, it would not have been half so solid and glorious as the victory we have now achieved, for it has enabled us to show to the world the power and strength of gospel truth and gospel principle, in making men sacrifice their worldly means to the reality and vitality of the Christian religion. (Loud applause.) I therefore hope I may now be allowed to retire from the office of Chairman of the Board, and devote more time to my professional pursuits than I have lately been enabled to do. I rejoice to think that the course which I am about to propose is so far in accordance with the recommendation which we received from the Moderator of the last Assembly-that each person should devote his energies to that particular charge which has been intrusted to him. To my own particular department, therefore, as the legal adviser of the Free Church, I shall continue to devote myself as before. And now I shall submit to the House the individual whom I propose to them as the Chairman of the Board of Missions; and I rejoice to think that I have it in my power to name one of the most eminent individuals amongst us for that situation; he at one time filled the Chair of the Assembly, and from his piety, his amenity of disposition, his high principle, and his possession of every qualification which exemplifies and adorns the Christian character, it will be readily conceded that no one is better fitted to discharge the duties of Chairman of the Board of Missions-I mean Dr Makellar. (Loud applause.) He will be enabled to make arrangements by which he will withdraw from his present parish and congregation, in which he has so long ministered, and by removing to Edinburgh he will have it in his power to devote his time and talents to the office to which I propose he should be named. I cannot doubt that with one accord you will allow me to resign the office of Chairman of the Board of Missions, and appoint Dr Makellar to that office. (Loud applause.)

The Marquis of BREADALBANE rose, and was received with the most cordial plaudits. He said,-Moderator, we have just heard the able report drawn up and submitted to us by the excellent elder who has presided for such a length of time as Chairman of the Board of Missions. During that period, the unwearied exertions, the great devotion, and the zealous efforts which he has made in behalf of this important cause, are known to all the members of the Church. He has now offered his resignation to this Assembly, not because he shrinks from farther exertion, but because he considers it would be more advantageous and useful to the Board of Missions that a father of the Church should preside in that chair which he has so long and so ably filled; and I think the Assembly will agree with me, that we cannot allow this opportunity to pass without expressing to him our cordial thanks and gratitude for his devoted and successful exertions while he filled that situation. (Hear, hear, and applause.) I therefore move that the thanks of the Assembly be given to Mr. Dunlop. (Loud applause.)

Dr MAKELLAR, after paying a compliment to Mr Dunlop, for the manner in which

he had discharged the duties of his office, expressed his willingness to undertake the duties proposed.

The MODERATOR, then addressing Mr Dunlop, said,—The task which devolves upon me is alike difficult and pleasing-pleasing, when I am called upon to address an individual whom I personally respect so highly, and difficult, when I know this individual has deserved so highly of the whole Church. The report, Sir, which you have this day brought before us, is peculiarly pleasing to our minds, for it bears out the hope which we all anticipated, that the cause of missions would not suffer on account of the disruption which has taken place. It shows that when once the charity of the Christian is awakened and cherished, and fanned by the Spirit of God, it is hard to say how far it will go. We rejoice, therefore, at the communication you have brought before us this day; at the same time, we regret deeply that we are to be deprived of your valuable services. In these services we know that you must have sacrificed much for the cause of the Church. You have been zealous, and wise, and active in the discharge of the duties to which you have been called, and through your instrumentality much good has been done in promoting those great objects for which the Church has laboured. You have, therefore, Sir, the sincerest thanks, and the best wishes of the Assembly for your past efforts; and, go where you will, their good wishes and their prayers will follow you into every situation of life in which you may be placed. We pray that the Lord may bless and keep you, vouchsafe to you the light of his countenance, and give you peace and rest. This is my prayer, and it is the prayer, I am sure, of every individual who composes this vast Assembly, that for all your efforts, and all your personal sacrifices, you may be abundantly blessed by Him who is able to bless and protect you. [The Moderator having thus communicated the thanks of the Assembly, Mr Dunlop resumed his seat amidst great applause.]


Dr GORDON, on rising, was received with great cheering. He then read the following report:

"It will not be expected that your Committee, in presenting their first report at the distance of scarcely five months from their appointment, should have any length. ened statement to make of the measures which they have adopted for carrying on the great enterprise with which you have intrusted them. Fondly hoping, as they did, that the missionaries sent out to India by the Church of Scotland, previously to the disruption, might see it to be their duty to unite themselves to the protesting and seceding portion of that Church, your Committee could take no steps in regard to foreign operations till they received official intelligence of the determination of their brethren on this point. In the mean time, while the actual disruption of the Church was not yet known in India, the monthly reports of the state and progress of the Mission at the different stations were transmitted, as usual, to the Convener of the former Committee of the General Assembly. With regard to home operations, which consist mainly in raising the necessary funds for carrying on the mission, your Committee did not think it expedient to make any direct appeal to the church at large, till the approach of the day fixed by the Assembly for the first general collection in aid of the scheme. The determination of the Assembly to make a vigorous effort for carrying on the missionary work in which the Church of Scotland bad embarked, was so promptly and energetically given forth at their meeting in May, that the Christian public must have been well aware of the necessity which was soon to arise of extraordinary exertions on its behalf; and a sufficiently plain intimation was given to the friends of the cause, that their contributions in the mean time would be most acceptable. But your Committee were of opinion that their appeal to the congregations of the Free Church would be more effectual if made a short time before the general collection, especially as previous days had been fixed by the Assembly for collections in aid of other two of the schemes of the Church. Accordingly, it was only a few weeks ago, when the day fixed for the collection drew near, that they prepared and circulated an address, to be read from the pulpit on the preceding Sabbath. That address has since appeared in the Missionary Record.

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