Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth : but I say unto you, that ye resist not evil : but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at the law, and... The Republican - الصفحة 624المحررون: - 1824عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب
| James Gardiner - 1720 - عدد الصفحات: 448 the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke alfo. And whofoever Jhall compel thee to go a, mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee, turn not thott away. E TALI AT I ON of evil being one of the... | |
| Thomas Thirlwall - 1803 - عدد الصفحات: 324
...other also. And if any man will " sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat " let him have thy cloke also. And whosoever " shall compel thee to go a mile,...go with him " twain. Give to him that asketh thee, and " from him that would borrow of thee turn not " thou away. c " Ye have heard that it hath been... | |
| Beilby Porteus (bp. of London.) - 1804 - عدد الصفحات: 388 advert is the following : " Ye have heard it has been said, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I say unto you, that ye resist not him the other also; and if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, * Mattb. v. 31,32. VOL. I. L let let him have' thy cloak also ;... | |
| John Robinson (Schoolmaster) - 1804 - عدد الصفحات: 190
...other also. And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh thee, and, from him that would borrow of thee, turn not thou away. Ye have heard that it hath been said,... | |
| Legh Richmond - 1807 - عدد الصفحات: 678 with thee and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak thereto. And if any man compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh, and from him that would borrow, turn not away" Christ here intendeth not to disannul the temporal regiment,... | |
| William Law - 1807 - عدد الصفحات: 424
...right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man sue thee at law, and take away thy coat, fct him have thy cloak also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go with him a mile, go with him twain. Our blessed Saviour's first proposal was this, If any man will... | |
| George Beaumont - 1808 - عدد الصفحات: 218
...commanded to hear, under the pain, of being cut off, Mat. 5. from verse 38, to the | and a Tooth for a Tooth : But I say unto you, 'that ye resist not...mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh thee ; and from him that would borrow of thee, turn not thou away. Ye have heard that it hath been said,... | |
| Ezekiel Blomfield - 1809 - عدد الصفحات: 690
...unto you, that ye resist not evil ; but whosoever [shall smite tliee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at the...compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give ta him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of tliee turn not thou away. To understand... | |
| John Watkins - 1809 - عدد الصفحات: 454
...than these, cometh of evil. Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth : But I say unto you, That ye resist not him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also. Give to him that asketh thee, and... | |
| Anthony Freston - 1809 - عدد الصفحات: 272
...death itself: " Resist not " evil, but whosoever shall smite thee on the " right cheek, turn to him the other also." " And if any man will sue thee at...also." " And whosoever shall compel " thee to go a mile, go with him twain." When he was asked, whether it was lawful to give tribute, he clearly separates... | |
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