صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

there is no such a God in existence as any man has preached, and, consequently, that all religion, without an exception, is idolatry. This is the result of my five years' study in this Gaol-the result of your prosecutions for the publication of the " Age of Reason," and "Principles of Nature."

In my next volume, I will address Saint Wilberforce, on the ground, that all religion is vice, and call upon him, and his late fellow vice suppressors, to assist me, in suppressing the vice of religion. I will show an honest man, for I do not think Wilberforce is one, the most irresistible reasons for saying, that religion is vice.

Your late society for, or under the pretence of, suppressing vice, connected with the sister association, for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge, have been two infamous institutions, and productive of much mischief to this community. The one sought to prescribe what alone was proper to be read by the people of this country, and the other came forth with its indictments, and with all its secret influences in the way of persecution, to ruin all who should read or publish what its sister association did not prescribe. I will put down both. Your sting, I have broken; and the sting of your venomous sister, I will draw, in a few short months. Its aristocratical and priestly subscriptions are now wholly a waste of money; for not a publication can it send forth, that can weigh a feather in the scale, against a single number of the Republican. Where the Republican goes, Christian publications are but smoke; where it does not go, they can avail nothing in the warfare.

You shall see, that I will do a giant's task against Christianity, against vice, in the ensuing year. Having gained all the knowledge that is necessary to overthrow every Christian opponent, I am about to search other scriptures, to search the classics, as you call them, for matter of warfare against vice. Though some of your Oxford and Cambridge Gents say, that a knowledge of the classics is essential to a knowledge of the history of Christianity, I do not expect to find it so: still, I will disarn them of this last excuse for not meeting me in fair discussion.

In this past year, I feel, that I have been neither idle nor useless. I have established three points beyond dipute1st. That no such person as Jesus Christ existed.

2d. That the Jews or Israelites were not a nation in Syria or Palestine, before the Babylonian Captivity.

And 3d. That there is no such a God in existence as any man has preached. This makes all religion to be vice.

The two volumes of "The Republican" for this year are filled with proofs and reasons in support of these three heads. The last head is the essence of the thing, and, with it, I will put a stop to the preaching of Christianity or Theism in this country.

I shall now have done writing to Reformers, radical or moderate, and to Republicans: I shall now begin to write to those who are not Reformers, and shew them, that they must be so. With the cessation of idle clamour about reform, opposition to it has ceased: we will now have the reform without the clamour.

If there be a spark of pugnacity remaining among you, now show yourselves; for me you will find more pugnacious than ever.

I thank you for what you have done; though, from public justice, you merit punishment. Me, you have placed on the pinnacle of glory and fame, and here I look down upon you with sentiments of pride, and with feelings of invincible strength.




No. 1. Letter to the Recorder of London, by Richard Hassell and
others in Newgate-Letter to the Editor from X.-Two letters
from the Reverend Robert Taylor-Memoir of Mr. Taylor ex-
tracted from a pamphlet entitled Pontius Pilate's Appeal, &c.-
Egyptian Gods, and Insincerity of the Christians, &c., extracts
from Hume's Natural History of Religion-Letter to the Editor
from J. G.- Petition from Sheffield for free discussion-Letter to
the Editor of the Morning Herald, by Richard Carlile-Letter and
subscription from Wisbech-Letter from a thinking Christian-
Various subscriptions-A Hymn extracted from the Gospel ac-
cording to Philalethes ---Trial of John Clarke-Notice to Corres-
pondents-Smith's Penknives.

No. 2. Letter to the Twelve Jurymen about to try Thomas Ri-
ley Perry-Trial of John Clarke concluded-Liberation of Mrs.

No. 3. Trial of William Haley-Petition to the House of Com-
mons, and Correspondence with Sir Francis Burdett-Notice of
Mr. Perry's Trial-Letter to the Recorder from Mrs. Perry.

No. 4. Trial of William Cochrane-Ditto of Thomas Riley Per-
ry-Letter to the Recorder of London by William Haley-Letter
and subscription from John Smithson, Leeds-Letter to Ditto-
Letter to Lord Chief Justice Abbott.

No. 5. Prosecutions for Blasphemy--Third Dialogue between
the Gods- Letter from and to Mr. James Green of Halifax with a
subscription-Letter 1 to Dr. Cotton by Richard Hassell-Letter
from the author of the Theological Dialogues - Letter to the Vicar
of Cerne, by Richard Hassell-The Battle, a Poem, by J. B.-
Letter from Sheffield, by W. V. Holmes-Various subscriptions.

No. 6. Letter to Mr. Garland-Subscription for Mrs. Wright
from Shelderslow-Letter from and to Mr. Charles Walker of Ash-
ton-under-line, with a subscription-Letter to Messrs. Hassell
and Campion, from Mr. Waller-Letter from Portsea with Sub-
scription-Letter from I. G.-Various Subscriptions.

No. 7. Letter 1 to Mr. Sturt-Letter from Candid on Atmos-
pherical Phenomena-Prize Parody of Cowper's John Gilpin-
Letter from the Translator of Dupuis-Correspondence between

a Doctor of Medicine and a Unitarian Preacher both of Dundee,

commenced-Note on the crucifixion of Prometheus-Letter from

Joseph Swann.

No. 8. Letter 2 to Doctor Cotton, by Richard Hassell-Letter

to the Bishop of Bristol by Richard Carlile-Letter from and to
Mr. Hodgson Smith of Bradford Yorkshire, with a subscription-
Letter to Lord Chief Justice Abbott-Further notice of Red
Jacket the Indian Chief-On Persecution, by J. Lee-Correspon-
dence between the Doctor and the Priest continued-Correspon-
dence from Wisbech on the subject of a religious tract-A dis-
patch from Lieutenant Perry to General Carlile-Various sub-
scriptions-Notice of the appearance of "The Newgate Maga-


No. 9. Further Correspondence with Mr. Fitton of Royton,

Lancashire-Correspondence between the Doctor and the Priest

No. 10. Letter 2 to Mr. Sturt-Letter to Mr. Hodgson Smith,

by Mrs. Wright-Correspondence from W. D. M. of Salford-
Observations on the instructions given by Jesus Christ, by R. A.
Letter 3 to Doctor Cotton, by Richard Hassell- Letter by Francis
John-Various subscriptions.

No. 11. Prosecutions for Moral Blasphemy in Scotland, with
copies of two indictments against Mr. James Affleck.

No. 12. Critique on a Sermon-Continuation of Mr. Affleck's


No. 13. Letter 4 to Doctor Cotton, by Richard Hassell-Agra-

rian Equality, letter from Allen Devenport, with notes by Richard
Carlile-Conclusion of Mr. Affleck's indictment, with a report of
the proceedings in Court, and Lawyer's Bill of Fare.

No. 14. Richard Carlile to Abel Bywater-Correspondence
from Mr. R. T. Webb of Hammersmith-Letter from and to Mr.
Dickson of Dewsbury, with a subscription-Letter from Mr.
James Affleck-Another Edinburgh letter on the subject of Mr.
A.'s prosecution-Notice to Correspondents.

No. 15. Letter 21 to Judge Bailey-Letters from James Hall-
Letter from Mr. James Watson on Astrology.

No. 16. Letter 22 to Judge Bailey---Letter from Mr. James

Penny, with Notes by Richard Carlile---Continuation of the Ana-

lysis of Dupuis---Letter from and to Mr. Ellerker with a subscrip-

tion from Stockton.

No. 17. Letter to Mr. Wollaston---Two Essays by R. T. Webb

Correspondence between the Doctor and the Priest continued---

Extract from a latter froin a friend at Hull---Subscription from


No. 18. Letter from Mr. John Fellows of New York, being a

Memoir of Elihu Palmer---Principles of the New York Deistical

Society---Three Chapters of an unfinished work, by Elihu Palmer

---Continuation of the correspondence between the Doctor and
Priest---Extract from a letter from a Yorkshire Surgeon---Queries

for the consideration of those who feel inclined to use their reflect-

ing faculties---Subscriptions, &c.

No. 19. Letter 23 to Judge Bailey---Correspondence with F.---
Letter to a young Unitarian Priest of Bristol, by F. A. J., with
note by R. Carlile on the origin of man and other animals---The
President of the Edinburgh Zetetic Society to Richard Carlile---
Same to Abel Bywater---Edinburgh Petition for free discussion---
Letter to the Reverend John Parsons of Sherborne.

No. 20. Letter 24 to Judge Bailey---Letter from and to Mr.
John Walker of Nottingham---Account of the fire in Fleet Street
---Further correspondence with F.

No. 21. Letter 24 to Judge Bailey concluded---Poetical squib
from the Morning Chronicle with an answer---Correspondence
between the Doctor and Priest, concluded---Account of second
fire at 84, Fleet Street, the Christian fire---Extract of a letter writ-
ten to a friend in Edinburgh on the subject of the fire.

No. 22. Letter 25 to Judge Bailey---The Samanean Doctrine

---Religious Principles of Fot---Cabalism, not Christianity---Ac-

count of Crishna from the Asiatic Researches---Parallel between

Crishna and Christ.

No. 23. Letter to Henry Lees, and the followers of Johanna

Southcote generally-Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ-

Letter from and to Mr. William Blackshaw of Stockport, with


No. 24. Letter to the Reverend John Parsons of Sherborne---

Letter to the Reverend George Harris, of Bolton, Lancashire---

Letter to William Cobbett---Copy of a letter sent to the King,

Carlton Palace---Letter to Mrs. Carlile from Paris---Letter to Mr.

R. Carlile, by James Watson---To Correspondents.

No. 25. Copy of a Memorial sent to the Right Honourable

Robert Peel, Secretary of State for the Home Department---

Letter to Mr. R. Carlile from James Watson, conciuded---Cor-
respondence with Mr. Robert Gourlay---Notices, Erratum, Sub-

No. 26. Local Fray---Letter to the Editor of the Dorset Coun-

ty Chronicle---Lettet to the Visiting Magistrates of Dorchester

Goal---Copy of a letter sent to the King, Windsor Castle---Ano-

ther do. do.--To the Saints not yet gone to Heaven, and to all

others who may desire to array themselves as my Enemies---Letter

to Mr R. Carlile by Mr. Robert Affleck.

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