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النشر الإلكتروني

of them soon denied. The Epistle to the Hebrews has the record of men who on the great questions of life voted, and so voted that they are held up for the encouragement of timid souls who would fain be faithful, to whom is given the triumph of righteousness. Among the men of the New Testament we find the voting. The Sanhedrim is against Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea. We find the people voting on the grave question which Pilate submitted to them, " Whom shall I release unto you?" They voted for Barabbas, and gave Jesus to the Cross.

Yes, it is voting, all the way, and all the time. In the deep matters of life we are freemen, created free. The old question comes before every generation and every man anew, What shall I do with Jesus? What think ye of Christ? Our belief is our vote. Our confession is our vote for Him. Our baptism is our vote for Him into whose name, into whose grace, we are baptized. The questions of a Christian life are decided every hour. can at least make our own ballot right. We may not prevail upon our neighbor. We may not control the opinions of others. We may not persuade them to do what we esteem their duty, but one thing every man can do, he can do his own duty and the whole of it. He can do it openly.




S. MATTHEW xvii. 27


THESE are the spring days, when the thoughts of many are turning toward the sea. Some are thinking of the winding coast along which they will run in their palace yachts. Some are preparing for voyages across the ocean, when in long days they may breathe in the vigor of the salt waves and winds, till they are landed among the mountains and lakes, the cities and cathedrals of a distant world. Some are turning curiously toward the North Cape and its unbroken day; others, fewer but bolder, are looking into the farthest North, if they may find the Pole, in which all believe but which no man has seen. The merchant is turning to the sea, that he may bring home the goods of other climes, upon which he may pay tribute and make his gain. The government is sending its envoys to the governments of distant nations; the missionary embarks upon the deep, that he may fulfill the command which inspires him, "Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Thus personal

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