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النشر الإلكتروني

insufficient to do it justice,—it must be read throughout to be thoroughly appreciated, and those who are privileged to do so will certainly derive as much edification as pleasure from its pages. The writer has already been very favourably known as the author of two charming works, "The Beautiful Face" and "The Little Blue Lady," but the present tale while characterised by the same picturesque style and brightened by the playful humour which was conspicuous in them, stands altogether upon a higher level. The whole story is an illustration admirably worked out of the truth contained in the motto, that GOD has created us for Himself and our hearts must be disquieted until they find rest in Him. The principal character, very finely drawn, is that of a young man who gives up great worldly advantages to devote himself to his Master's work; and in connection with him we have a most interesting sketch of a Church Mission and of the self-denying labours of the Religious who carry it on. Side by side with these graver subjects the work contains much that is very amusing—a clever description of an aesthetic youth, an eccentric old lady, and various minor characters which are really lifelike. The plot of the story is good, although we should be disposed to regret that it turns in part on the discovery of a lost heiress, were it not that this somewhat hackneyed incident brings out the noble qualities of the hero in a striking manner. Our readers will find that we have given them good advice, if they act upon it, and procure the book for their own delectation as speedily as may be, but in the mean time we give them one brief specimen of its tone of thought.

"Dudley could tell many histories of his own discovery, and he knew how longingly the workmen and the dock-labourers, the coalheavers and the sailors turned to one who had knowledge to give them, and leisure to sympathise with them. That gift of leisure, how little is it valued! frittered away, dreamed away, when it might be the joy of so many. Would that those who have this great gift of leisure would make the most of it, and instead of longing to be burdened with business as some are to their own great self-importance and intense discomfort, would use it for others, for those who have so little time to call their own; just as those who have riches enough and to spare should give of their substance to those who have need. It is often the turning point of a life when men or women find one above themselves in station and intelligence who has leisure to hear them, and sympathy to give them, and perhaps a little time to spare in order to smooth their troubled existence. We poor human creatures are very fond of saying, 'get out of my way,' to other poor human creatures, and might be often better occupied in giving them a helping hand, and going shares with them, than in pushing them aside because we are so busy. The world goes round so fast, there is little time for Christian kindness."-Pp. 248, 249.



[The Editor is not responsible for the opinions of the Correspondents.]


To the Editor of the Churchman's Companion.




SIR, AS none of your readers more able to write on the subject than myself have answered the query of M. S., (August number,) permit me to give it my opinion that the "first Sacrament" mentioned by S. Augustine, was that of Penance. We learn from ancient writers that the primitive Christians were very careful to instruct the catechumens in the fundamentals of religion, (so S. Philip instructed the eunuch, Acts viii.) "to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified,1 that they should repent and turn to GOD, and do works meet for repentance." It was their custom to appoint in every church a peculiar officer, called a catechist, whose special work was to instruct the catechumens in all things necessary to salvation, in some places for two whole years together, besides the more solemn catechising of them during the forty days of Lent, preparatory to their baptism at Easter," while prayer and fasting were strictly enjoined to them. So also our beloved Church, following the primitive rule, directs that "when any such persons as are of riper years are to be baptized, timely notice shall be given to the bishop, or

1 Acts xxvi. 18.

2 Verse 20.

5 Euseb. Hist. Eccl. 1. 5, c. 10, p. 275, A. 1. 6, c. 3, 12, 20.

4 Concil. Elib. Can. 42, tom. 1, Col. 975, B.

5 Cyril, Catech. Mystag. 1.

6 Just. Mart. Apol. 1, c. 79, p. 116. Tertull. de Bapt. c. 20, p. 232.

whom he shall appoint for that purpose, a week before at the least, . . . . that due care may be taken for their examination, whether they be sufficiently instructed in the principles of the Christian religion; and that they may be exhorted to prepare themselves with prayers and fasting for the receiving of this holy Sacrament;" and requires of such as are to be baptized," Repentance whereby they forsake sin," &c., and exhorts us to "doubt not, but earnestly believe, that God will favourably receive such persons, who truly repent, and come unto Him by faith; that He will grant them remission of their sins, and bestow upon them the HOLY GHOST ; that He will give them the blessing of eternal life, and make them partakers of His everlasting kingdom." See also Acts ii. 38.-Yours, &c., R. S.

"WORDS TO TAKE WITH US." SIR,-In reply to HILDA's inquiry, the price of "Words to take with us" is 2s. 6d. If HILDA would care to pay postage for a worn and shabby copy, I have one to dispose of; if she will send her address to me to your care.-Yours, &c., RITUAL.


SIR,-In reply to HILDA'S query, the price of "Ritual Reason Why" is four shillings, and the publisher J. T. Hayes, 17, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden.— Yours, &c., T. B.


SIR,-Will you kindly permit me to supplement the letter of "A Stray,"

7 Rubric, Bapt. Office for those of riper years.

8 See Catechism.

9 See Exhort. Bapt. Office.

in a recent number of the Churchman's Companion, by saying that the Archbishop of Canterbury has, after carefully considering our scheme, given his cordial sanction to the proposed "Church of England Central Home for Waifs and Strays," and has also become our President. Our object is threefold: (1.) To establish a Central Home in London, where destitute children shall be received and cared for in the Name and for the sake of the Great Head of the Catholic Church. (2.) To obtain homes in families, where the orphan and the fatherless may be sheltered and trained for GOD's service, under the supervision of the parochial clergy. (3.) To grant assistance to Homes already established for the same or kindred purposes, in connection with the Church of England. We want money, liberally and freely offered. We want personal help-a friend in every parish to represent us. There will be no canvassing for "vote and interest." The best passport to the fireside and the food and the clothing of the Home will be cold, hunger, and nakedness. Those who have none upon earth to care for them in CHRIST'S Name will be most welcome. Will not some wealthy Churchman help to start us with cheques for substantial amounts, and will not every Churchman and Church woman who reads these lines help us in some way?-Yours, &c., JAMES HENRY SHAYLER, (Hon. Sec. for the Diocese of Oxford,) Newland Cottage, Witney.

P.S. I shall be glad to receive particulars of such Homes as may already be established in different dioceses, with a view to obtaining grants for them when our funds will allow.



SIR,-It has occurred to me that a brief notice of a visit by myself and a brother "Medico" to the Island of Rathlin may be interesting to the readers of the Churchman's Companion.

Leaving Belfast by rail we proceeded

as far as Ballymoney, at this point we changed carriages, leaving the oldfashion broad gauge for the narrow gauge railway to Ballycastle, opposite which town Rathlin lies, the distance being about seven miles, although from the southern end of the island to Fairhead is only some three. This last named place is the most northern part of Ireland, stands 700 feet above the level of the sea, from which it rises as steep as the side of a house. From Fairhead, County Antrim, to Oldhead of Kinsale in the south the length of Ireland is measured.

The Island of Rathlin is nine miles long and about two broad in the widest part. The proprietor, Mr. Gage, resides on the island, and the only trees observed were a few stunted ones around his house-a good modern building-in Church Bay. The population is about 300 souls. The Irish language is spoken by the inhabitants, although not on the mainland. There are neither police nor coast-guards to be found in Rathlin. The church is a very small building capable of holding sixty, with a good stone tower, surrounded by a graveyard. The interior is clean, and contains several mural tablets to commemorate some of the Gage family, but has no chancel. The Roman Catholic chapel is more modern, situated close to the church. The only other public buildings are a national school and a public-house. The last rector of this parish resided there for four years, and after he left, for some six months no clergyman could be found to undertake the charge, and in winter he is completely isolated, for many weeks there can be no communication with the main land. The stipend is £120 per annum and house.

For confirmation, &c., the candidates have to be taken over to Ballycastle. A monastery was founded in this island by S. Columba, A.D. 546, no vestige of it now remains. Archdall records nothing remarkable of this place except the ravages of the Danish pirates who in 790 destroyed everything sacred

and profane, and which proved to be the first descent of these invaders on the Irish coast.

A very fine light-house, fog-signal, &c., exists in Rathlin, whilst in addition to the ruins mentioned, the remains of two walls of the Castle in which Robert Bruce-or according to others a brother of that king-was confined for some years, can be seen on the northern coast of the island. The cliff on which the castle had existed is fully 300 feet above the level of the sea. The horses and sheep are small. This island contains no native quadruped except rats and the straw mouse. The inhabitants are a simple laborious people, and possess a great degree of affection for their own country, always speaking of Ireland as of a foreign land. A common expression used as a curse is "May Ireland be your latter end."

Several curiosities have from time to time been found on the island, such as a stone coffin and urn. A brazen sword, spear-heads, and a large fibula were deposited in the museum of Trinity College, Dublin.-Yours, &c., H. S. P.



SIR, I trust you will allow me to lay the following suggestions before your readers.

"It has been for some years under consideration, as to whether the time has not come for the formation of a Community after the pattern of the original Foundation of S. François de Sales, one which should include those whose physical powers might be unable to sustain the pressure of continued work, but who, having a distinct call from GOD to the Religious Life, desire to dedicate themselves to Him in it.

"Doubtless the highest view of the Religious Life would lead a Community to accept all whose Vocation seemed clear, whether possessed of the bodily strength enabling them to carry on the work of that Community, or whether, lacking this, they could only offer their

will and their weakness in sacrifice to GOD. But as in the seventeenth century, so now again in the nineteenth, many are practically excluded from carrying out their Vocation by reason of some delicacy of health; though it is true that, in the larger existing Communities, the variety of their work enables them to admit some few who are not fitted for the harder spheres of labour.

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"In the course of the wonderful revival of the Religious Life in the Church, the different Orders and Societies which have arisen, have chiefly had their origin in some need to be supplied, some work to be undertaken for GOD's glory, involving a very high amount of activity and energy. The utilitarian spirit of the age extends itself even to Religion, and a Sister is expected (both by her community and the world at large) to be able to do a good day's work;' in fact, frequently such a day's work as does not often fall to the lot of gentlynurtured women. Hard work has, in our time, taken the place of the corporal austerities which, in the days of S. François de Sales, precluded many devout souls from the Religious Life. To quote, and somewhat abridge, a minute biographer, 'Le cœur si compatissant de S. François de Sales souffrait de la douleur de grand nombre de personnes chrétiennes qui, soupirant après la vie religieuse, la séparation du monde et de ses périls, ne pouvaient réaliser leur pieux désir, parceque dans les unes la faiblesse du tempérament, dans les autres l'âge trop avancé ne pouvaient s'accommoder du régime austère des communautés alors existantes.... Pour combler ce vide, le saint évêque désirait une congrégation de femmes pieuses, soit filles, soit veuves, où, à la place des sens, l'esprit et le cœur subiraient une mortification accessible à tous; où les défauts se réformeraient et les vertus s'acquerraient plus par l'attrait de l'amour que par le rigueur de la pénitence; où l'on s'adonnerait plus au recueillement intérieur qu'à la multi


tudes des prières, à la désappropriation qu'à la pauvreté, à la charité qu'à la solitude, à l'obéissance qu'aux observances pénibles; où enfin la sainteté, d'autant plus solide qu'elle serait plus intérieure, ne se révélerait guère au dehors que par la douceur, la condescendance, l'affabilité, la simplicité, toutes vertus sans éclat aux yeux des hommes, mais belles, aux regards de Dieu et de ses anges. Puisque le Sauveur est mort pour tous, disait ce pasteur charitable, l'âme de celles qui sont affligées de quelque infirmité ou difformité ne lui est pas moins chère que l'âme des personnes robustes ou jeunes encore: pourquoi donc leur fermer les portes de la religion et les empêcher de suivre l'attrait de Dieu, s'il leur inspire la perfection religieuse? L'état religieux est le banquet nuptial de l'Epoux céleste, qui veut qu'on y introduise les infirmes, les boiteux, et les aveugles.'

"The want of such an order has been felt by many souls, and several wellknown Priests and Superiors concur in the desirability of attempting to supply it; and it is, therefore, proposed to commence on a small scale.

"The visiting the sick, and the preparation of the dying for the last Sacraments would be a suitable work, one in accordance with the original institute, and one which an ordinary District Visitor has rarely time to carry out fully. If, after a time, any work in the house should be desirable, the care of aged widows, saving them from the cold comforts, or discomforts, of the workhouse, and giving them the opportunity of spiritual privileges, would seem very appropriate, and it is a work greatly needed in our Church; there are Schools and Asylums without number for the young and for orphans of all classes, but how rare in comparison is the refuge for old age, when, after a long life of hard work and occupation with the cares of a family, there is no home but the workhouse in prospect, where the soul, perhaps at leisure for the first time, may turn to GOD, and the devout and con

stant communicant may still be fed with the Bread of Life.

"These latter suggestions, however, are only offered by way of showing that it is not proposed to afford an opportunity for leading a devout and idle life; but simply to make the rule as near as possible to the original rule of S. François de Sales, adapting it to modern requirements, and to the necessities of delicate health; and to apportion work in such a manner as shall not press too heavily, nor with too severe a strain, on those unable to sustain it. On the other hand, only those would be eligible who were able to observe the Rule so adapted, and to follow the exercises of the Community in their daily life; while striving to grow in the practice of the virtues inculcated in the internal rule of the saintly Founder of the Order of the Visitation, and endeavouring to carry out the intentions of the original Institute at its first foundation in 1610." -Yours, &c., V.

Further particulars will be given by V., care of Mrs. Franks, 104, London Road, Brighton.


SIR,-Those of your readers who were as much interested as I was in the paper on the above subject, which lately appeared in your pages, might like to hear of a little parish meeting at which I have just been present, when Mr. Woodward, of the Zanzibar Mission, gave an account of his own special work there, which I will repeat as concisely as I can.

First of all he explained, by means of a map, the position of the head quarters of the Mission, which, as perhaps you know, were removed after the death of Bishop Mackenzie, from the spot where he had been working, to the island of Zanzibar, on account of the great difficulty of getting stores up into the interior. Besides which, as the special work of this Mission is among the released slaves, this island where they are re

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